To create a correspondence item using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.
You can use the Correspondence tool to create a correspondence item that is based on a specific correspondence type, such as a General Correspondence or Notice of Delay. This article will use Notice of Delay (NOD) as the correspondence type for the correspondence item creation tutorial, however you can replace the 'Notice of Delay' name throughout this tutorial with any other correspondence type you create to learn how to create a correspondence item for that correspondence type. Additionally, you can set a correspondence to private to limit the amount of collaborators who have access to a correspondence.
Due Date: Enter or select a date from the calendar for the response to be due.
Received From: Add people who are not directly responsible, but should be aware of this correspondence item. Add users with 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the distribution list. Depending on the user's permission level, they can respond to the correspondence.
Assignees: Assign responsibility for responding to the correspondence item to one or more project team members from the users in the Directory. Add users with 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the distribution list. Depending on the user's permission level, they can respond to the correspondence item.
Location: Select the location pertaining to the correspondence item from the drop-down list.
Note: If Procore is configured to allow users to create locations (see Allow or Disallow Users to Create Locations Within a Tool), you can click the Create a New Location button at the bottom of the list.
Distribution List: Add users with 'Read Only level permission or higher to the distribution list. Depending on the user's permission level, they can respond to the correspondence.
Trade: Search for and select one or more trades to associate with the correspondence item.
Sub Job: Select a sub job to associate with the correspondence item.
Program Tasks: Search for and select one or more program tasks from the project's program to associate with the correspondence item.
Tap Save as Draft, if you want to save your work in a Draft version that can be issued out to the users listed on the correspondence item at a later date.
Tap Create, if you want to issue the correspondence to the users listed on the correspondence item who will be notified via email.