To email a photo from the Photos tool from your iOS mobile device.
Things to Consider
Required User Permissions: 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Photos tool.
Navigate to your project's Photos tool from your iOS mobile device.
Optional: Tap the ellipsis andselect the Timeline , Albums, or Maps (Beta) view to change how you view the project's photos.
Tap the photo you want to email.
Tap Share .
Tap your preferred email application.
Tap into the following fields to enter the appropriate information:
To: Tap the 'To' field to select the user(s) or groups who will receive the email.
Cc: (Optional) Tap the 'Cc' field to include other users you want to copy on the email. You (the person sending out the email) will automatically be Cc’ed on the email.
Bcc: (Optional) Tap the 'Bcc' field to blind carbon copy other users on the email.
Subject: Tap the 'Subject' field to add a subject associated with the photo.
Optional Comments: Tap into the body of the email to add any additional comments that will appear with the email.