To add a list of office locations to your company's Procore account and then associate those offices with a project.
*Office Name. Add the title of the office. This is a required field (Note: An office name cannot contain a single ('), double quote ("), or the word 'or').
Division Visible on PDF: The text entered into this field, if populated, will overwrite the company name that is visible on PDFs exported from projects associated with this office. See Assign an Office Location to a Project. If your company categorizes its offices into divisions or branches, you can enter the name for the office here. For example, business divisions can used to signify specific regions (i.e., Northwest, Northeast, Southwest), construction types (i.e., Infrastructure, Residential, Commercial) or even specific subdivisions of a company. Note: The Division Name cannot contain the word 'or').
Phone. Type the main contact phone number associated with this office.
Fax: Type the main fax number associated with this office.
Address. Enter the number and street name for the office.
City. Enter the city name.
Country. Select the country from the drop-down menu.
State. Select the state from the drop-down menu.
Postcode. Enter the postcode.
Upload Office Logo. Click Choose File or drag-and-drop a file from your computer that will serve as the office logo. Office logos must not exceed 200 x 70 pixels. File size limit: 3.0 MB. The logo that you upload here will appear on most emails, forms, pages and reports associated with the office. See Upload an Office Logo.