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Review a Subcontractor Progress Claim as an Admin (Legacy)

 Legacy Content

This page details the legacy subcontractor progress claim experience. A modernised experience is also available. 


To approve or reject the line items on a subcontractor progress claim using the project's Commitments tool. 


If you are responsible for managing your project's subcontractor progress claims for accuracy, you can approve or reject individual line items on the progress claim. In order to perform a review as an progress claim administrator, your Procore user account must be assigned the required user permissions described below. After these permissions are assigned, you can then navigate to the progress claim using either the project's Commitments tool or the project's Invoicing tool. This tutorial shows you how to review your project's progress claims using the Commitments tool. 

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the project's Commitments tool.
  2. Click the Contracts tab. 
  3. Locate the purchase order or subcontract with the progress claim in the contracts table. Click its Number link to open it.
  4. In the purchase order or subcontract, click the Progress Claims tab.
  5. In the 'Invoices (Commitment progress claims)' table, locate the progress claim to review. Then click View.
  6. Click the Detail tab.
  7. Click the Edit button.
  8. In the Line Items table, approve or reject each line item on the progress claim as follows:
    • To approve a line item:
      • Click the GREEN checkmark so it appears in a circle icon-inspections-pass.png
    • To reject a line item:
      • Click the RED 'x' so it appears in a circle icon-inspections-fail.png.  
      • Enter a reason in the Leave a Reason Why box.
        • Comments entered in the 'Leave a Reason Why' box are NOT included in the automated email sent to the progress claim contact. However, you can export a PDF that includes a 'Reasons for Difference' table that shows the comments as entered.
      • Press ENTER to submit your explanation for rejecting the line item. 
        • If you have turned the 'Show amounts subcontractors claim' option ON in the Configure Settings page of the project's Invoicing tool, the 'Proposed Amount' column appears.
        • The 'Proposed Amount' column can reflect what a progress claim contact submitted, a user with 'Admin' level permissions can adjust the 'Work Completed This Period' and 'Materials Presently Stored' columns separately to set the appropriate amounts.
  9. Click Save
  10. In the Finish Review popup window, update the status as needed and add any information in the Overall Comments box.

  11.  Click Update to complete the review.
    • If you rejected any of the line items, Procore automatically sets the status to Revise and Resubmit. The system also sends an email notification so the downstream collaborator can Revise & Resubmit a Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact
    • If you approved all of the line items, Procore automatically sets the status to Under Review