Search Back to top Filter ResultsLocationProducts (41)FAQ (25)ClassificationArticle typeCategoryGuideTopicHow-toReferenceTool Landing PageTutorial ListFAQ ListPermissions ListWorkflow ListTool OverviewRelease Notes ListTutorialFAQRelease NoteVideosTranslation statusDo not translateQueuedIn progressCompleteReady to TranslateYesNoStagePublishedDeprecatedObsoleteInclude attachmentsContent TypeDocumentImageOther Searching inAll resultsAbout 66 resultsTender Room - Videos (Portfolio Financials) page includes training videos that show how to perform various tasks in or related to the Tender Room tool in Portfolio Financials.Complete Trade Setup Details for a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials to complete the Trade Setup page of the Tender Room in Portfolio Financials.Send a Message to Tenderers in Portfolio Financials to send a message to tenderers from a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials.Invite Tenderers to a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials to invite tenderers to a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials.How do tender approvals work in Portfolio Financials? look at how tender approvals work in Portfolio Financials.What emails are sent during the tendering process in Portfolio Financials? list of occasions that notification emails are sent during the tendering process in Portfolio Financials.How can I manually add a tender in Portfolio Financials? to manually add a tender to the tender comparison sheet in Portfolio Financials.What is the 'Adjustments' section on a tender form in the Tender Room? overview of the options in the Adjustments section of a tender form in Portfolio Financials.Best Practices for Tender Room Collaborators in Portfolio Financials information and best practices for Tender Room collaborators in Portfolio Financials.Restore a Deleted RFI in Portfolio Financials to restore an RFI that was deleted in a Tender Room in Portfolio Financials.Add a Member to the Tender Room Team in Portfolio Financials to add a member to a Tender Room Team in Portfolio Financials.Show more results