Correspondence - Workflow Diagrams Last updated Save as PDF Create a New Correspondence TypeCreate a new Correspondence TypeCreate a new Corresponden...STARTSTARTEndEndCreate a Correspondence itemCreate a Correspondence...Edit a Correspondence itemEdit a Correspondence ite...Create a Fieldset for a Correspondence Type1Create a Fieldset for a C...Create a Custom Field to use in Correspondence Fieldsets1Create a Custom Field to...Create and Link an RFI, Change Event, or a Different Correspondence ItemCreate and Link an RFI, C...Export a List of Correspondence ItemsExport a List of Correspo...Edit a Custom Field in the Correspondence Tool1Edit a Custom Field in th...Apply a Fieldset with Custom Fields to Projects in the Correspondence Tool1Apply a Fieldset with Cus...Remove Configurable Fieldsets from Projects in the Correspondence Tool1Remove Configurable Field...Respond to a Correspondence itemRespond to a Corresponde...Edit a Correspondence TypeEdit a Correspondence Typ...LEGENDLEGEND1Task performed at the Company Level1Task performed at th...Optional StepOptional Step