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  1. Added Ability to Export Inspection Register as PDF (11/12/15)
    ​Added ability to export inspection register to PDF. Respects filters and the search bar.

  2. Added Inspectors To My Open Items (11/5/15)
    Added inspectors to My Open Items. Now users will be able to see the inspections that are assigned to them on the project Home tab. 

  3. Changed "Responsible Party" to "Point of Contact" (11/5/15)
    Changed the "Responsible Party" field to say "Point of Contact" on Inspections. 


  1. Added File Attachments to Active History (9/17/15)
    Adding and deleting attachments from an Inspection header are now recorded in the Inspection's Change History tab.
  2. Added Default Value to Status Picker (9/4/15)
    When a user creates a new inspection on a project, the status defaults to 'Open'. There is no longer a blank status option.


  1. Added Photos and Drawings to the Attachment Manager (8/27/15)
    Photos and drawings were added to the attachment manager in the Inspections tool. 
  2. Added Placeholder Text to Spec Section Picker (8/26/15)
    Added the placeholder text "Select a Spec Section" to the Inspections tool's spec-section picker.
  3. Added Types to Inspection Templates (8/26/15)
    Users are now able to add Types to Inspection templates. Inspections are now filterable by Type.
  4. Added Different Icons to Inspections Activity Stream (8/25/15)
    Added different icons for when an attachment is added vs. when a photo is added from a mobile device on the Inspection tool's activity stream. 
  5. Added Inspections Tab to Company Creation and Available Tabs (8/14/15)
    The Inspections tab has been added to the list of tabs for selection when creating a new company in Procore.
  6. Removed Inspection Update Button (8/14/15)
    Removed the Update button on the Inspections configuration page. 
  7. Added Confirmation Dialogue When Removing a Section From an Inspection Template (8/13/15)
    When removing a section that lists at least one item on the Company level Inspections Template, a pop up confirmation dialogue will appear with the question "Removing this section will remove all items inside of it, are you sure you wish to proceed?"
  8. Improved Drop-Down Lists and Pickers (8/5/15)
    Improved the user experience to all drop-down lists and pickers when creating and editing a list. 


  1. Implemented Page Notifications On Inspections Page (28/7/2015)
    If a user tries to create an inspection template without a name or with a name that already exists, they will see an error message specific to their mistake. 


  1. Project level Inspection PDFs (1/5/2015)
    Project level inspections can now be exported as a PDF. Read more.


  1. Added Ability to Create Inspections Template with the Same Name as One in the Recycle Bin (Mar-15)
    Added the ability to create an inspections template with the same name as one in the recycle bin. Once a template with the same name has been created, users cannot restore the inspection in the recycle bin.
  2. Sped Up Inspections Tool (Mar-15)
    The project template sections/items have been copied on the server side for inspections. This will speed up the tool significantly.


  1. UI Improvements To QA/QC Inspections (Feb-15)
    The following changes have been made to Inspections:
    • When a user edits while in draft, when they hover over the read only status, they will see the tooltip, 'Inspection is in draft status because inspection hasn't begun yet.'
    • When there are no inspection templates, the add button will be disabled.
    • The heading "Instructions Checklists" is now "Inspection Settings" in Inspections project configuration.

    • On Instruction #3, the word "checklists"" has been replaced with ""inspections" for Inspections project configuration.

    • When a user creates an inspection and the template list has no values, the user will not see an empty dropdown.

    • Users will no longer see a date picker on the Inspections show page.

    • Added numeric value to h1 after template name.

    • When a project does not yet have any inspection templates, the '+Add Inspection' button is disabled.

    • When a user hovers over the disabled button, they will see the tooltip "Inspections cannot be created until project templates are setup by an administrator."

  2. Moved Submit Button Above Sections And Items On Inspections Create/Edit Page (Feb-15)
    Moved Submit Button Above Sections And Items On Inspections Create/Edit Page
  3. Added Line Break To Inspection Header (Feb-15)
    On Inspections for the project level, the "Inspection Date" header now has a line break so the date looks centered.
  4. "Add Inspection" Button Changed To "+ Create Inspection" (Feb-15)
    The "Add Inspection" button has been changed to a "+ Create Inspection" button.
  5. Inspections Now Autofocuses On Search Field  (15-Feb)
    Autofocus for company level/project level inspections tab will be on search field (i.e. when you load the Inspections tool, the cursor is automatically put in the search field in the sidebar so a user can start typing there right away).