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Submit an Progress Claim for a Portfolio Financials Project

This article is for Vendors submitting a progress claim through the Contract Room in Procore's Portfolio Financials application. 


To submit an progress claim in the Contract Room of a Portfolio Financials project.


After you have been awarded a contract within Procore's Portfolio Financials application, you will be able to progress claim your client for your services through the Contract Room of Portfolio Financials. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Vendor' access to the relevant Contract Room. 
  • Additional Information:
    • You cannot send progress claims during the tendering process.


  1. After logging in to Portfolio Financials, click the name of the project you want to submit a progress claim for. This brings you to the Contract Room for the project.
    Tip! The projects you are able to submit progress claims for are located under the 'Awarded Projects' section of the main dashboard.

  2. Click the Progress Claims tab.
  3. To add a progress claim, click + Add Progress Claim.

  4. Enter general information for the progress claim in the 'Invoice Overview' section.
    Note: A Progress Claim Number is required, while the Pay Period, Title and Description fields are optional.
  5. In the 'Progress Claim Details' section, progress claim against each line item by percentage of the total dollar value of the line item or by gross dollar amount for this pay period.
  6. Optional: Click Add Document to upload any relevant files.
  7. Click Submit.
