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Correspondence Tool

Correspondence Tool



The Correspondence tool enables you to send custom correspondences to collaborators such as Fletcher Industrial Development Team Members, Contractors, Suppliers and other Project Stakeholders. The tool provides configurable templates for formal and informal correspondence types that can be sent from one party to another.



  1. Understand the Correspondence Types used at Fletcher Industrial Development (refer Fletcher Procore Communications Matrix for further details)

  2. Creation of Correspondence

  3. Responding to Correspondence

  4. Converting and Linking Correspondence

  5. Closing Out Correspondence


Things to Consider

  • Correspondence Types are controlled at the Company level of Procore through the Procore Admin tool

  • Procore has a range of purpose-built tools (e.g. RFI Tool) and the Correspondence tool should generally not be used to replace these tools. 




Detailed Steps

Support Links

Creation of Correspondence

When the need for a Correspondence has been identified, create a new Correspondence from the available Correspondence Types on your project. 


A Correspondence can be created in the following ways:

  1. From the Correspondence Tool

  2. From Outlook, using the Procore Outlook Add-in

  3. From another Correspondence or RFI (see further below)

Create a Correspondence Item


Create from Outlook

Responding to Correspondence

Once a Correspondence is active on your projects, responses can be issues in various methods. These include:

  1. Responding directly in the Correspondence tool

  2. Responding via Email (by replying to the Procore Correspondence email notification)

Respond to a Correspondence Item

Converting and Linking Correspondence

An active Correspondence item can be linked or converted as follows:

  1. A Correspondence Item can be converted into another Correspondence item 

  2. A response within a Correspondence Item can be converted into another Correspondence item

  3. A Correspondence Item can be converted into an RFI

  4. A response within a Correspondence Item can be converted an RFI

  5. An RFI can be converted into a Correspondence

Use these features to ensure required actions and collaborations in your project. 

Create and Link an RFI or a Different Correspondence Item to an Existing Correspondence Item


Create and Link a New Correspondence Item from a Correspondence Response

Closing Out Correspondence

An active Correspondence item can be closed out using the following two methods:

  1. Edit the Correspondence Status

  2. Archive the Correspondence


Select the most suitable option based upon your requirements. 

Please be mindful that any custom status previously selected will be changed to Closed at this point.

Change the Status of a Correspondence Item


Archive a Correspondence Item


Handy Tips