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Inspections and Observations

Inspections and Observations



Inspections are used to check off a pre-defined criterion against a pre-defined set of values, providing the option to "red flag" a failed item for further attention.  Observations are used to assign actions.



The following Company Inspection Templates have been created for use at project level. Company Inspection Templates can only be modified by a Procore Administrator however Project Inspection Templates can be created if/when a company template does not align with specific project requirements. The Fletcher Development Manager will be responsible for managing the Inspections on a project.


Fletcher Industrial / Land Development Company Inspection Templates

Linked to Action Plan

LD - 224c Documentation Checklist

Resource Consent Completion (s224c) Application

LD - CCC Documentation Checklist (Retaining Wall)

Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) Application (Retaining Wall)

LD - COA Documentation Checklist

Engineering Approval Completion Certificate (EACC) Application

LD - EACC Documentation Checklist

Engineering Approval Completion Certificate (EACC) Application

LD - Landscaping Documentation Checklist (EACC)

Engineering Approval Completion Certificate (EACC) Application

LD - Roading Documentation Checklist (EACC)

Engineering Approval Completion Certificate (EACC) Application

LD - Stormwater Documentation Checklist (EACC)

Engineering Approval Completion Certificate (EACC) Application

LD - EHS Quarterly Audit

No Link – Inspection to be completed Quarterly



  1. Create an Inspection from a company template

  2. Add important information for reporting purposes

  3. Perform the Inspection 

  4. Raise any related Observations

  5. Add comments, photos and attachments

  6. Complete and sign the Inspection


Things to Consider

  • Inspections can be created on both Web and Mobile platforms but are best performed on the Procore Mobile App. This use in the field allows fast nomination of Pass / Fail items and rapid creation of exception-based *Observations which can then be managed separately without holding up the rest of the check criteria. 

  • Inspections requiring elements of confirmation can be signed off by multiple parties prior to closing. 

  • The Inspections tool is not suitable for inspections that may require multiple new items to be added during the Inspection (this scenario should be managed using a Form with bulk blank line items).

  • *Note: An Observation is used to record an event or occurrence, nominate its root cause and assign any required actions.  Best used to proactively identify lead indicators and manage preventative actions whenever there is potential for an Incident to occur.




Detailed Steps

Support Link

From the Project Management menu, select Inspections, then choose the required company template from the drop-down list. Add all required General Information and Inspection Details then click Create.

Create Inspection

Perform the Inspection on site using the predefined responses. For each item the Performer can:

  • Add a comment (type or talk to text)

  • Add a photo (take a photo and mark it up)

  • Create an Observation (for any failed items)

  • Add an attachment (web only)

Perform Inspection

Where an item Fails, the Performer can create an Observation – This will create a separate, trackable record to manage the non-compliance without holding up the rest of the Inspection. 

Once the Observation is raised, continue on with and complete the Inspection. 

Create Observation 

Add Signatories to the Inspection based on who is required in the last section

Add Signers 

Add Signatures by having all required persons sign the screen on your device. Note: Once signed, the Inspection criteria and responses will be locked for editing. This can be reversed however signatures must be deleted first.

Sign Inspection

Once signed, close the Inspection. 



Handy Tips


  • Observations can be used to share different forms of feedback, even if the subject doesn’t necessarily represent a non-compliance. Different forms of feedback can be:

    • Complaints

    • General Feedback

    • Suggestions

    • Lessons Learnt

    • Opportunities for Improvement

This functionality should be used internally at Fletcher Industrial Development to support continual improvement objectives.