There are six additional workforce labour types that can be added to the Daily Construction Report in the Site Diary: Women, Veteran, Minority, First-Year Apprentice, Local (City), and Local (County).
In order to track hours for these additional workforce labour types, these fields must be configured in the Site Diary section of the Company Admin tool and applied to one or more projects. See Apply Configurable Fieldsets to Projects, or follow the steps below.
- Navigate to the Company level Admin tool.
- Under 'Tool Settings', click the tool you want to view fieldsets for.
- Click the Fieldsets tab.
Note: Tools without other settings in the Company level Admin tool will open to this page automatically.
- Locate the configurable fieldset you want to apply to projects.
- Click the fieldset's link in the 'Assigned Projects' column.

Note: This link indicates the number of projects the fieldset is currently applied to, out of the number of projects in the account.
- Mark the checkboxes next to the projects you want to add the fieldsets to.
Mark the checkbox next to 'Select All' to select all projects.
Note: To search for a project name or project number, enter it into the 'Search' box.

- Click Update.
- In the 'Apply changes?' window, click Confirm.