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Search and Filter the Defect List (Android)

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To search for and filter defect list items in the Defect List tool using the Procore app on an Android mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the project's Defect List tool.
  • Additional Information:
    • Any search or filter parameters that you applied will remain until you reset them.
    • The search tool respects any selected filter parameters and will only search for items within the filtered results.
  • This asset or item can be viewed or edited in offline mode if it was previously viewed and cached on your mobile device. Tasks performed in offline mode sync with Procore once a network connection is reestablished. 


  1. Navigate to the project's Defect List tool using the Procore app on an Android device.

Search the Defect List

  1. Tap the Search icon-search-android.png icon.
  2. Enter a keyword or phrase in the search bar. The search will return results matching the following fields:
    • Defect list item name
    • Location
    • Comments
    • Description
    • Reference
  3. Tap an item to view its details.

Filter the Defect List

  1. Tap the Filter icon-filter-android.png icon.
  2. Tap to select the filters you want to apply.
    • Sort By: Choose how you would like to sort the list of defect list items. 
      • Number: Tap to view defect list items sorted by their number in descending order.
      • Due Date: Tap to view defect list items by their due date with the defect list items due soonest/overdue first.
      • Title: Tap this option to sort the items alphabetically A-Z.
    • Status: Tap one of the options to filter defect list items by status. 
      • Open: Tap this option to only show open defect list items or defect list items that have not been resolved yet.
      • Closed: Tap this option to only show closed defect list items or defect list  items that have been resolved.
    • Ownership: Tap one of the options to show the defect list items based on the item's owner.
      • All Items: Tap this option to show all defect list items that are assigned to anyone.
      • My Items: Tap this option to only show the defect list items assigned to you. 
    • Assignee Response: Tap to filter by response.
      • Not Notified: Tap to view defect list items that have been marked as 'Not Notified.'
      • Work Required: Tap to view defect list items that have been marked as 'Work Required.'
      • Work Not Accepted: Tap to view defect list items that have been marked as 'Work Not Accepted.'
      • Ready for Review: Tap to view defect list items that have been marked as 'Ready for Review.'
      • Resolved: Tap to view defect list items that have been marked as 'Resolved.'
    • Ball In Court: Tap to filter by the Ball in Court.
    • Created By: Tap to filter by the user the items were created by. 
    • Defect Item Manager: Tap to filter by the Defect Item Manager.
    • Assignees: Tap to filter by assignee.
    • Assignee Company: Tap to filter by the assignee's company.
    • Final Approver: Tap to filter by the Final Approver. 
    • Distribution: Tap to filter by distribution members. 
    • Location: Tap to filter by a specific location.
    • Type: Tap to filter by type.
    • Trade: Tap to filter by trade.
    • Priority: Tap to filter by priority level. 
    • Due Date: Tap to filter by due date.
  3. Tap Done.
    Note: This reveals a list of defect list items that match the applied filters. 
  4. Tap an item to view its details.
    Note: To clear the applied filters, tap Reset in the filter menu.