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Scan a QR Code in the Locations Tool (iOS)

Also available on android-gray-icon.jpg


To scan a location QR code to view all items associated with that location.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Read Only' or higher permissions on one or more of the following tools: Inspections, Observations, Defect List or RFIs.


  1. Navigate to the project's Locations tool on an iOS device.
  2. Tap the QR Code icon-qr-mobile.png icon.
  3. Point the camera at a Procore-generated location QR code to scan it (see example QR code below).


    The Procore app will scan the code and redirect you to the results automatically.
  4. View the items associated with the location.
    Note: You can only view the items that you have permissions to view in Procore.
  5. The following actions are available:

See Also