- Update ERP Logic For Sync Status (4/12/2015). Fixed an issue with the behaviour of the ERP spinning status indicator that shows synchronization status. Prior to this fix, when a user clicked Refresh on one of the ERP subtabs and the sync request completed before the web page refreshed, the spinner would continue to spin instead of showing the Complete status. This behaviour has been fixed.
- Added Sage ID Columns for ERP Commitments and Variations (4/12/2015). Added Sage ID columns to the Successfully Exported views of ERP Commitments and Variations subtabs.
Introduced Job Filter On ERP Commitments and Variation Tab (11/5/15). Introduced a job filter on ERP Commitments and Variation tab.
Added Ability to Click Column Header On Standard Categories to Assign to Standard Cost Codes as Default (11/2/15). On the ERP Standard Cost Codes and Categories subtab, it is now possible to click the column header to toggle whether or not that category is assigned to all standard cost codes, rather than having to assign it to all cost codes individually.
- Added Vendor Type Column to ERP Vendors Ready To Import View (10/22/15). The ERP Vendors Ready to Import view now contains a Vendor Type column.
- Added Persistent Search Across Filters on ERP Vendors Sub Tab (10/22/15). Search criteria will now persist across filters on the ERP Vendors sub tab.
- Added Link All Button to ERP Vendors Ready to Import - Suggested Matches Page (10/22/15). Added a Link All button to the ERP Vendors Ready to Import - Suggested Matches page. This allows users to automatically link all matching vendors in Procore and their ERP system automatically; however, if there are duplicate matching vendors in Sage or in Procore, those will not be linked and the user will have to manually link them.
Changed Text in Hot Codes Configuration to Accommodate Sub Jobs (10/14/15)
Minor text changes to the "hot codes" configuration on the ERP Configuration page to accommodate the release of Sub Jobs. The configuration now explains that it will also bring in new job costs found on sub jobs as hot codes if the configuration is enabled. -
Updated Sync Program Descriptions (10/14/15)
On the ERP Config - Sync Program page, the sync program descriptions have been updated to more accurately reflect exactly what item types sync when that job runs. -
Added Vendor Type Column and Vendor Type Filter (10/14/15)
Added a vendor type column and vendor type filter to the ERP Vendors Synced view. -
Added Accountant Report to ERP Configuration Page (5/10/15)
Added an Accountant Report to the ERP Configuration page (as a sidebar tab) that displays which contacts in Procore are listed as accountants. On the ERP permissions table, there now a column named "Is Accountant" which will be checked green if the contact is an accountant and will be checked red if the contact is not an accountant. See View the Accountant Report. -
Removed 30 Character Validation Limit for Commitment, CV and HCV SOV Line Items for STO Integrated Projects (10/2/15)
Removed the 30 character validation limit for Commitment, CV and HCV SOV line items for STO integrated projects. Rather than validation for Sage's 30-character maximum on the Procore side, Procore will now allow the entry of longer line item descriptions and truncate them at 30 characters when pushing to Sage instead. -
Added New Vendor Type Configuration (10/2/15)
Added a new vendor type configuration to the ERP module that causes vendors with certain vendor types to show up or not show up in the vendor list that is ready to be imported into Procore. See Configure Vendor Type Import Settings. -
Added Ability to Re-import Budgets From Sage (10/1/15)
Added the ability to allow users to re-import their budgets from Sage after initially pulling them in, so long as the Procore budget is unlocked. On the Successfully Imported Budgets filter, there is now a Re-import button. See Re-import a Budget From Sage.
Grouped Line Items on Sage 300 CRE Job Costs Report by Sub Jobs and Divisions (9/25/15)
Line items on the Sage 300 CRE Job Costs report are now grouped by sub jobs and divisions. -
Added ERP Sync Status Flags to Commitment and CV Show and List Pages (9/25/15)
Added ERP sync status flags to Commitment and CV Show and List pages. ERP flags will show up on the Commitment Summary and Detail views, Commitment show pages, Variations subtab or the Commitment show pages and Commitments subtab of the Variations subtab. -
Added Sub Jobs to Budget Change History (9/17/15)
Added sub jobs to Budget change history. -
Introduced Sub Jobs Granular Permission For Accounting Approvers (9/16/15)
Introduced the Sub Jobs granular permissions for Accounting Approvers. -
Changed Title of Browser Tab on ERP Integrations Tab (9/14/15)
When on the ERP Standard Cost Codes & Categories subtab, the browser now reads "ERP Integrations - " instead of "Default Financial Groupings." -
Added Ability To Select Extras To Import As Sub Jobs (9/10/15)
Added ability to add "Extras" from Sage as "Sub Jobs" in Procore. See Add a Sage Extra to Procore as a Sub Job. -
Added "Hot Codes" Configuration on ERP Configuration Page (9/4/15)
Added a "hot codes" configuration on the ERP Configuration page. Enabling this configuration will automatically add new budget line items to Procore when a new cost code/category combination is detected in Sage. If the budget is unlocked, Procore will automatically import the Estimate amount found in Sage to the Original Budget column. If the budget is locked, Procore will still add the line item for the new cost code/category combination, but will set the Original Budget column to $0. See Configure General ERP Settings.
Vendor Merge (8/28/15)
Added the ability to merge two ERP synced vendors in the Procore directory. On an ERP integrated company, the Vendor Merge utility will prompt the user to choose a Sage ID if one or more of the vendors selected for merging are synced with Sage. Merged vendors which are not selected as the master vendor will be unlinked and archived in the ERP Vendors subtab. For example, if Vendor A and Vendor B are both linked with Sage when they are merged and Vendor A is chosen as the master vendor, Vendor B will then be unlinked from Sage and archived in the ERP Vendors subtab. -
Included Job Update in ERP Daily Summary Email (8/28/15)
Added a Jobs Ready to Update section to the ERP Integrations Daily Summary email. -
Improved Performance On Cost Code Category Assignments Page (8/20/15)
Improved performance on the Cost Code Category Assignments page.
Added Tooltip to Disabled Sidebar Buttons in Contract Management (8/20/15)
Added a "?" tooltip indicator to the disabled Send to ERP button, as well as any other action buttons that are capable of being disabled on the Head Contracts and Commitments tabs. -
Paginated ERP Standard Cost Codes/Categories Subtab (8/20/15)
Paginated the ERP Standard Cost Codes/Categories subtab, which improves performance. -
Combined Standard Cost Codes and Standard Categories Subtabs on ERP Integrations Tab (8/14/15)
Combined the Standard Cost Codes and Standard Categories subtab on ERP Integrations tab. This page now enables the user to associate Standard Cost Codes with Standard Categories for use as default category assignments. When a Standard Cost Code is pulled onto a project, the default associations at the company level will be automatically applied to the code at the project level. Cost Code category associations are still fully editable on the project level. See Assign Default Categories To Cost Codes. -
Added Tooltips to Contract IDs on Export (8/13/15)
Added tooltips to Vendor, Commitment, CV and project exports from Procore to Sage. -
Added Indication When Vendor is Synced with ERP on Directory List Page (8/7/15)
On the Company and project Directory list pages, there is now an indication as to whether a vendor is sycned with ERP.
Added Indication to Show If Company is Linked to ERP (7/23/15)
When adding a vendor to the project directory that already exists in the company directory of a Sage-integrated company, there is now an indication as to whether the vendor is linked to an ERP vendor. -
Added Retry Functionality (7/21/15)
Added retry functionality to ERP Job, Commitment and CV pushes in the event that a tiemout error is returned. -
Added Tooltips to Contract IDs on Export (7/10/15)
There is now a tooltip for Sage ID during vendor, Commitment, CV and project exports from Procore to Sage. -
Procore Default Categories and STO Integration (7/10/15)
Sage-integrated companies which were integrated after company creation (and therefore have 2 company cost code lists) will now have two lists of line item types on the company admin contract configuration page. Projects which are using the Sage cost code list will have their possible Cost Code Category Assignments scoped to the Sage category list. -
Added Ability to Link Multiple CV Line Items to a Single Commitment (7/10/15)
Users are no longer prevented from sending a CV that contains more than one modification ot a single Commitment line item to Sage (this also means that users are no longer prevented from wrapping multiple PCOs into a CV package which address the same Commitment line item). -
Added Validation for Blank hh2 Credential Fields (7/9/15)
Added validation for blank fields when trying to establish an hh2 connection. -
Added Export Status Column to ERP Daily Integrations Summary Email (7/9/15)
On the ERP Integrations Daily Summary email, there is now an Export Status column in the Commitments and Variations section.
Use the Procore CV Number for Sage ID (29/6/2015)
Added a configuration to the ERP Configuration page to use the Procore CV number to pre-fill the Sage ID field of the CV by default. The number can still be modified after it's been auto populated. See Configure General ERP Settings. -
Export Sage 300 CRE Job Costs Report as a CSV (29/6/2015)
You can now export the Sage 300 CRE Job Costs report as CSV. This functionality is only available at the individual Project level, not the Company level. See View Job Costs Report. -
Added Sage Indication To Company Picker On Commitments Create/Edit Pages (26/6/2015)
Added an indicator to the Contract Company picker on Subcontract and Purchase Order create/edit pages which indicates vendor sync status. Vendors synced with Sage will have "(Sage)" appended to their names, while unsynced vendors will appear normally. -
Filter Jobs by Status in Sage (09/6/2015)
When adding jobs from Sage into Procore, you can now use the "Filter Jobs by" option to filter a long list of jobs based upon their status in Sage. (e.g. All, Closed, In Progress, Unstarted) See Add a Sage Job to Procore. -
Add New Costs Codes in Procore to a Synced Project (5/6/2015)
You can now add new cost codes to a project that is currently synced with Sage 300 CRE (STO). See Add New Cost Codes to a Synced Project.
Import a Budget From Sage Into Procore (5/22/15)
Users can now import an original budget from Sage into a Procore project. Currently, this action can only be performed once per project. If the budget in Procore already has line items on it and the user attempts to import the Sage budget, they will have the option of keeping existing line items or having them be overwritten by the Sage budget. See Import a Budget from Sage.
Enabled Non-Admin Users Cannot Add a Sage Job to Procore (5/21/15)
Non-Admin users who have been given the ability to create new projects in a Procore account by an Company level 'Admin' user can now add a Sage job to Procore. See Add a Sage Job to Procore.
Displayed Job Number In Job Cost Report (5/18/15)
The project's number (if present) will now be displayed alongside "Project Name" in the header of the Company level ERP Job Costs report. -
Added 30 Character Minimum To CV On Sage-Integrated Projects (5/12/15)
Users can no longer enter more than 30 characters into title fields of Purchase Orders, Subcontracts or any Commitment Variation tier on Sage-integrated projects.
No Longer Update Job Title In Procore When Refreshing a Job (5/8/15)
We no longer update the Project Name of synced jobs to maintain parity with the Sage Job Name when scheduled or manual syncs run. The attempt to maintain parity was causing issues for some clients who had longer project names than what was allowed by Sage.
Fixed Sorting Order of Synced Commitments and CV Line Items (4/22/15)
Fixed an issue where synced commitments and CV line items were not listed in the correct order. -
Changed Permissions for Sage 300 CRE Job Cost Report Visibility on Projects (4/13/15)
Previously, users had to be project directory 'Admins' in order to see the project Sage 300 CRE Job Costs report. This was too restrictive. Users can now view this report if they have 'Read-only' or above access to the reports tab AND either:- 'Read-only' or above access to the Budget tab
- 'Admin' access to the Head Contract tab
Added Validation Checker for Cost Code Categories (3/27/15)
When sending a job to the ERP Integrations tab, there is now validation check to ensure that its cost code categories are valid. Only jobs with valid cost cost categories can be sent. -
Automatic Refresh (Mar-15)
Added an automatic export status refresh action to the ERP Integrations tab. Users no longer have to manually refresh the page in order to see status updates of exported items under the ERP Integrations tab. -
Added a Sage ID column for Commitments and Variations subtabs (3/17/15)
Added a Sage ID column to the "Successfully Exported" filter of the ERP Integrations tab's Commitments and Variations subtabs. -
Financial Line Item Not Saving (3/23/15)
Fixed an issue where you could not add SOV line items if the project was using Sage cost codes, but was not yet synced with Sage. -
Added Ability to Delete Budget Line Items (3/17/15)
Removed the restriction on deleting Budget line items for Sage-integrated projects. -
Added Sage ID Column To Successfully Exported Filter On Commitments & Variations (3/16/15)
Added a Sage ID column to the Successfully Exported filter of the ERP Commitments and Variations subtabs. -
Edited HH2 Connection
The Configure ERP Integrations Settings page now allows the user to update the credentials their account uses for Procore to connect to HH2. A status indicator on the config page also shows whether or not their Procore account is successfully authenticating with HH2. -
Fixed Project Vendor Contacts Scope
Previously, the Direct Costs column of a budget (in a Sage integrated project) was hidden because the amounts were included in the Committed Costs value. The combined costs have now been separated into two separate columns (Committed Costs and Direct Costs). The Committed Costs value only shows the costs that are associated with commitment contracts in Procore whereas the newly added Direct Cost column only shows non-contract related costs. It's important to note that the value for the Direct Costs column is pulled directly from your Sage database and cannot be edited in Procore. To learn more, see Reading a Budget.
Added Sage ID Error Handling For All Sync Items (2/26/15)
Added proper Sage ID error handling for all sync items. If an export of a job, commitment, variation or vendor succeeds in HH2 but fails in Sage due to a Sage ID validation error, the you will now be able to edit the Sage ID and retry the sync. -
Fixed STO Line Item Validator (2/13/15)
Procore no longer checks whether a cost code is synced with Sage when adding it to a contract SOV, unless the job itself has already been synced with Sage. -
Hid The Configure Link On ERP Tab If Company Is Not Integrated With Sage
The Configure link on the ERP tab is now hidden if the company is not Sage-enabled. -
Added Export Status Update Without Page Reload In ERP
Added an export status pusher to the ERP tab. Users no longer have to refresh the page in order to see export status updates of items in the ERP tab. -
Added Information To The "Ready to Export" Filter For ERP Variations
Added the following information to the "Ready to Export" filter on the ERP Variations subtab:- Procore Project #
- Procore Parent Contract #
- Procore Variation #
Fixed Empty Job Costs Table
On the ERP Job Costs subtab, if the company doesn't have any synced jobs, we now display "No Jobs" on the table instead of displaying an empty table -
Disabled '+' Button When No Cost Code Is Selected
Ensured that the line item adder "+" button on the CV SOV edit page of STO projects is not enabled when an invalid contract line item or cost code is selected. These conditionals are necessary because adding a line item without a cost code to a CV on a STO project results in the addition of a $0 line item to the original contract, also without a cost code. Because we update commitment line items in Sage each time we push a CV and each commitment line item must have a valid cost code attached to push to Sage, the $0 line item with no cost code on the original contract would cause all CV pushes to fail.