Edit a Saved View in the Document Management Tool
To edit a saved view in the project's Document Management tool.
A collection's filters affect which filters can be chosen for any saved view within it. For example, when building an 'Electrical' saved view within the 'In Review' collection, the collection already filters out all documents except those with the IR-In Review status, so the saved view only needs to add the filter E-Electrical from the discipline drop-down menu. A user cannot add the DR-Draft status because the 'In Review' collection excludes those. In other words, collections and saved views have a parent-child relationship. Saved views (children) adopt the filters of their collection (parent).
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- To edit your own saved view, 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions to the Document Management tool
- To edit a project saved view, 'Admin' level permissions to the Document Management tool.
- Additional Information:
- Saved views that were created for ‘Everyone in the Project’ can't be changed to personal views.
- Navigate to the project's Document Management tool.
- Make sure you're in the Documents tab.
- In the Saved Views panel, click the view that you want to update.
Note: If the Saved View panels is hidden, click the Show Saved Viewsicon at the top of the table.
- The following actions are available:
Update Saved View Filters
Follow the steps below if you want to make changes to the documents that show in a saved view you created. You can also modify the filters of a saved view an Admin created, but to save your new filters, you must create a new saved view.
- Click the name of the saved view.
- From the More Filters
menu, add or remove filters to change which documents show in the view.
- After a change is made, an 'Update' button appears next to the name of the saved view and the 'Create' button becomes active in case you want to create a whole new saved view instead.
- If you do not see the 'Update' button, the saved view was not created by you and you cannot edit it.
- See Search for and Filter Documents to learn more about filtering, including where the Latest Revision/All Revision filter is located.
- Click Update next to the name of the saved view. The changes are automatically applied to the saved view.
Update Saved View Columns
You can save column preferences so they are part of a saved view. Make column changes and then click the 'Update' button that appears next to the saved view's name. You can save settings such as which columns are visible, their order, and whether any are pinned to the left or right. Follow detailed instructions, see Configure Your View in the Document Management Tool.
Edit the Name or Description of a Saved View
Follow the steps below if you want to make changes to the name or description of a saved view. You can also change a saved view to be visible to everyone on the project if you have 'Admin' permissions to the Document Management tool.
- In the 'Saved Views' section, click the vertical ellipsis
icon next to the saved view you want to edit details for.
Note: You must be the creator of the saved view or an Admin on the project to see this icon and edit a saved view's details. - Click Edit name and description.
This opens the 'Update Saved View' window. - Update the Name and Description fields as necessary.
Note: If you have 'Admin' permissions to the Document Management tool, you can also choose to change your personal saved view to one that everyone on the project can see by selecting 'Everyone in the Project' in the 'View Access' field. However, project views can't be changed back to personal views. - Click Update.