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Document Management

regional availability
The Document Management tool is available in select countries. It is not yet available for Procore accounts in the United States. For more information, please reach out to your Procore point of contact.

Procore's Document Management tool allows users to organise, access, collaborate, approve and manage permissions for documents throughout the construction lifecycle. The tool includes:

  • A consistent and easy-to-use experience for accessing project files through a centralised file repository.
  • Streamlined metadata capture using machine learning, saving time and improving organisation.
  • A single workflow experience for the review and approval of documents, speeding up processes like design reviews.
  • Granular and flexible document permission groups based on the metadata of each document (like its status, type or discipline).
  • Management of information in accordance with international standards such as ISO 19650.



Getting Started Guide

2024-07-31_PDM on web and mobile device with no introducting title.png

This guide helps you set up Procore's Document Management tool for the first time. It includes:

  • An introduction to the Document Management tool and processes.
  • Overviews of each topic along with best practices, examples, and action items.
  • Videos and step-by-step instructions within the guide.

We recommend starting with Procore's defaults on a test project while you get familiar with the tool.

There are no items that match your search query.

Upload and Submit Documents
Review Documents
Share Documents

To browse and search all Procore training videos, visit our video library.


Document Management Overview
Set Up Document Management Fields
Configure Document Management Settings
Manage Document Management Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Document Approval Workflow Process
Add Markups to a Document
Share Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item


View Documents (Mobile)

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Document Management Permission Groups


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

View the Approval Workflow Process


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Document Management

Learn which user permissions are required to take the described actions in this tool.


Some actions that impact this tool are done in other Procore tools. See the User Permissions Matrix for the full list of actions taken in all other tools.

   The action is available on Procore's Web, iOS, and/or Android application. Click to view the article.

icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users can take the action with this permission level.

icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users can take the action with this permission level AND the appropriate granular permissions or Document Management permission group settings. 

  • The 'Read Only' permission level does not exist for the Document Management tool.  
  • The Document Management tool uses permission groups and other settings in addition to regular tool permission levels and granular permissions. For more information, see How do permissions work in the Document Management tool?
  • Users can only view and take actions on documents that they have access to through a permission group. 
Action None Read Only Standard Admin Notes

Add Markups


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png By default, users can only add markups while they are the 'Current Step Assignee' for a workflow.

Note: The 'Create Markup' permission can be enabled for additional roles ('Workflow Assignees' and 'Workflow Manager'), or disabled for all users. See View and Manage Workflow Permissions.

Complete Information for Documents


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must be part of a Document Management tool permission group with the 'Upload New Files' permission enabled. 

Configure Settings: Document Management



Configure Your View

 Web     iOS     Android

    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png


Create a Permission Group



Create a Saved View


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users with 'Standard' level permission can create their own saved views that are only visible to them.

Users with 'Admin' level permission can create their own views AND project views that are visible to everyone in the project.

Delete a Permission Group



Delete a Saved View


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users with 'Standard' level permission can only delete their own saved views.

Users with 'Admin' level permission can delete their own views AND project views that are visible to everyone in the project.

Download Documents

 Web     iOS     Android

    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users can only download documents that they have access to through a permission group.

Duplicate a Permission Group



Edit a Permission Group



Edit a Saved View


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users with 'Standard' level permission can only edit their own saved views.

Users with 'Admin' level permission can edit their own views AND project views that are visible to everyone in the project.

Edit Information for Documents


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must be part of a permission group with the 'Edit Attributes' document permission enabled. 

Edit Revisions


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must be part of a permission group with the 'Edit Attributes' document permission enabled. 

Edit the Naming Standard



Edit Upload Requirements



Export Information


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users can only export information for documents that they have access to through a permission group.

Import Field Options


      icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must also have 'Admin' level permission to the Company level Admin tool.

Manage Configurable Fieldsets and Default Fields


      icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must also have 'Admin' level permission to the Company level Admin tool.

Note: Users with 'Admin' level permissions to Document Management tool can show or hide default field options within the tool's Configure Settings page.

Manage Users in a Permission Group



Review a Document in a Workflow


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must also be added as an assignee for a workflow.

Search for and Filter Documents

  Web     iOS     Android

    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users can only find documents that they have access to through a permission group. 

Set a Document Management Permission Group for a New User




Users must have 'Admin' level permissions to the Project level Directory tool.

Share Documents in a Correspondence Item


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must have 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the item's correspondence type.


'Read Only' level permissions on the item's correspondence type with the 'Create Item' granular permission enabled on the permissions template.

Start a Workflow for Documents 


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must also have one of the following permissions:
  • The 'Can Start Workflows' granular permission for Document Management Workflows enabled on the project permission template. 
  • 'Admin' level permissions to the Company level Workflows tool.
  • 'Admin' level permissions to the Project level Directory tool (Company Admin).

Submit Documents


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must be part of a Document Management tool permission group with the 'Submit New Files' permission enabled. 

Upload Documents


    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must be part of a Document Management tool permission group with the 'Upload New Files' permission enabled. 

View and Manage Document Permissions



View Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item

  Web     iOS     Android

    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users must have 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the correspondence type.

Note: Depending on the correspondence item's status and privacy settings, users may also need to be assigned specific roles or granular permissions in order to view the item. 

View Documents

  Web     iOS     Android

    icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png Users can only view documents that they have access to through a permission group. 

Note: Users with 'Admin' level permissions to the Document Management tool can view all files that have been added to the 'Uploads' tab. Users with 'Standard' permission can only view the files that they have uploaded.

View Change History for Documents



View Permission Groups



Below are the notable changes to the Document Management tool.

Recent Changes


In the Saved Views panel, when a user expands or collapses collections to create a desired organisational view, the Document Management tool remembers their preferences. The next time the user opens the tool, they’ll see the same expanded or collapsed sections as long as they’re using the same browser and haven’t cleared their cache. Learn more about collections in What is a Collection in the Document Management tool?

Workflow configurations now included in project templates when creating a new project

Procore streamlined the project setup process for using workflows within the Document Management tool. When creating a new project from a template, you can now copy over workflow template configurations. The template assignments for workflow steps are automatically included and admins can easily review or modify them. This saves customers time and reduces inconsistencies across projects by allowing teams to quickly leverage predefined approval workflows without manual reconfiguration. See About Workflows in the Document Management Tool

Saved views NOW organised within Collections on web and mobile  (31/07/2024) 

Procore’s Document Management tool has a new, smarter interface! You can still create saved views with your favourite filters, but now they're saved within categories called collections that act as parent filters. This nested structure provides more options for customizing successful document retrieval for various audiences. Admins can create additional collections and anyone can create saved views within a collection. 

On the web application, the new ‘In Review’ collection is conveniently located within the main Documents tab for viewing documents in the approval process. Visit the 'All Documents' saved view at the bottom of the Saved Views panel to see a list of all project documents. 

In the mobile app, the tool now opens directly to an organised list of your collections and saved views. You can search across all project documents or tap on a saved view to search or filter within it. This update is available on iOS and Android

If your Document Management tool does not automatically update with this new collections experience, reach out to your Procore point of contact for assistance with your migration. 

Expanded Filtering capabilities in Document management WEB AND mobile apps (31/07/2024) 

Procore is making document retrieval more efficient with these expanded filtering capabilities in the Document Management tool:

  • ‘Me’ filter: From the Filters icon-filter2.png menu on web or mobile, you can now search for documents assigned to you, authored by you, updated by you and more. On the web application, Procore's saved view called ‘Assigned to Me’ gives whoever is logged in quick access to all documents awaiting their review. You can find 'Assigned to Me' in the 'Saved Views' panel within the 'In Review' collection. 

  • Latest Revision / All Revisions button: This new button above the search results table makes it easy to switch from viewing only the latest revision of each document to all revisions of each document. Anyone creating or editing a saved view can use this button to apply their desired setting--latest or all revisions--to that view's filters. 

  • Full suite of filters for mobile: The iOS and Android Procore mobile apps now have the same workflow filters as the web version of the Document Management tool. Filter your document results by current workflow step assignee, workflow manager, assigned workflow name and more. 

  • ‘In Active Workflow’ filter: Web and mobile users can see whether a document is currently part of a workflow approval process or not using this new filter (field). 

If your Document Management tool does not automatically update with these new filter experiences, reach out to your Procore point of contact for assistance with your migration. 

Attach Document Management files to Correspondence Items in the mobile app (31/07/2024) 

In the Correspondence tool on Procore's iOS and Android mobile apps, you can now attach documents from the Document Management tool to correspondence items. This integration enhances field communication by improving efficiency and auditability. Users can reference attached documents while benefiting from the context and call to action that the correspondence item provides. To learn more about adding document management files to a correspondence item, see our iOS or Android instructions. 


Users may now bulk edit the Revision field in the Uploads tab to quickly populate the revision identifier of one or multiple revisions at the same time. See Edit Information for Documents in the Document Management Tool.


Users may now bulk edit the Name field in the Documents tab to quickly edit the name of one or multiple revisions without a naming standard at the same time. See Edit Information for Documents in the Document Management Tool.

new Workflow Assignee & Response Options for document reviews (25/07/2024)  

You can now reduce the size of your workflows while maintaining the complexity of your response logic. Users can assign multiple required or optional teams to a single response step in a workflow instead of only assigning individuals. On a single step, users can assign a required team manager, an optional team member and additional teams to respond. Company administrators can also send a workflow to an entire organisation and require only one person in the group to respond. The length of time required to complete a document review should decrease as multiple parties can begin their review process concurrently. See Create a Workflow Template.

NEW WORKFLOWS EMAIL DIGEST & NOTIFICATION TYPES For Document management users (25/07/2024) 

Procore has improved the delivery of workflow email notifications to reduce the chance of users receiving several workflow emails in a short period of time. Two notification types are now stored over the course of an hour and sent in a digest email: (1) Alerts to step assignees that it's their turn in a workflow and (2) notifications to recipients and distribution groups that a workflow has entered a certain step. Notifications of overdue items are stored until 7:00 am in the timezone of the workflow's project or company and sent as a digest email at that time. For more batching period details, see What email notifications are sent from workflows?

Additionally, Procore added the following new workflow email notifications types to keep workflow participants informed: 

  • Due Tomorrow. The workflow manager is notified when one or more steps are due in one day.
  • Overdue Step for Workflow Manager. The workflow manager is notified when one or more steps are overdue.
  • New Workflow Applied. When a new workflow is applied to an item, the new workflow manager is notified. 
  • Workflow Restarted. The workflow managers is notified when a workflow is restarted.

duplicate revision identifiers now allowed to accommodate minor updates (24/06/2024)

Companies can now allow users to give the same revision identifier to two or more uploads. For example, if a user makes a minor change and does not want to consider the upload a new revision, they can manually edit the Revision field to have the same number as a previous revision. New projects and new conditional rules will allow duplicate revision identifiers by default, but Admins can switch the setting for all or selected document types. See Edit Upload Requirements for the Document Management Tool. In contrast with the Revision field, the recently added Version field is not editable and can be used as a unique identifier instead.  

New 'version' field is A unique identifier for document uploads (17/06/2024)

When submitting a document revision, a unique Version number is now automatically assigned to the revision and cannot be edited. Users can choose to show or hide a column displaying version numbers via the table settings icon-ag-grid-table-filter-menu.png in the Document Management Tool's main page. See Configure Your View in the Document Management Tool. Version numbers also show in the Revisions list that opens when you click on a version or a revision field from the main list page, the document viewer's Revision drop-down menu and the document viewer's Informational panel.

New attachment metadata fields in Correspondence PDF exports (23/05/2024)

Correspondence PDF Export recipients can now see the following Document Management attachment attributes: attachment name, description, type, revision and status. This metadata makes contractual communications easier to audit. See View and Download Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item.

View document Description and REVISION Number in global search results on mobile (13/05/2024) 

On the Procore mobile app for iOS and Android, global project search results now show each document's description and revision number. This makes it easier to find the document you need outside of the Document Management tool. See Search for Items Within a Project (iOS) or Search for Items Within a Project (Android) to learn where global search is located in your Procore app. 

Bulk restart or REAPPLY workflow templates at any point in a document's lifecycle  (06/05/2024)

You can now apply a new workflow template to multiple documents at the same time! Documents with no workflow applied, with in-progress workflows or with completed workflows can be bulk or single-selected in order to apply a new workflow, additional workflow or restart the same workflow. All workflow additions and changes become part of the document's workflow history for easy recordkeeping. See Start a Workflow in the Document Management Tool.

WORKFLOW Presets preserved when EDITING templates (02/05/2024)

Existing project workflow configurations are now preserved when publishing a new version of a template in the Workflows tool.*  Users can make the following changes in the workflow template without needing to re-configure it at the project level:

  • Step Name 
  • Days to Complete
  • Item Status
  • Conditional fields and values
  • Response additions or changes
  • Assignee Role additions or removals*
  • Step deletions
  • Step sequence changes

*Creating a new custom template role for a new or existing step still requires project level configuration once the updates are published because at least one role member must be assigned to the step at the project level. See Configure a Custom Workflow Template on a Project

Filter Documents by 'Format' (15/03/2024)

You can now quickly filter documents by file formats (such as pdf, dwg, and jpg) with a new 'Format' filter. This filter is available from any of the three tabs (All Documents, In Review, and Uploads) in the Document Management tool. See Search for and Filter Documents in the Document Management Tool. Filtering by file format will soon be available on Procore's iOS (v2024.0318) and Android (v2024.0311) mobile apps as well! 

improvements for Document management attachments in Correspondence emails (04/03/2024)

Emails from the Procore Correspondence tool now provide additional data for Document Management attachments. Correspondence emails now have an attachments table listing each document name, revision identifier, and status at the time of transmittal. This ensures the recipient can easily identify which revisions were provided and the status of those revisions without logging into Procore. See View and Download Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item.

VIEW PREVIOUS Document REVISIONS on the procore mobile app (04/03/2024)

On the Procore mobile app for iOS and Android, field users can now view previous revisions! If a new revision of a document is uploaded during the course of construction, a field user can now compare it with a previous revision to see the differences and make needed changes on site. See View Documents in the Document Management Tool (iOS) or View Documents in the Document Management Tool (Android)

View Correspondence item attachments in list view on procore mobile app (07/02/2024)

In the Correspondence tool on the Procore mobile app for iOS and Android, users can now tap 'See All' to view a list of all the item's attachments. This makes it easier to find a specific file when a correspondence item has many attachments. See View Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (iOS) or View Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (Android).

New 'Review' Button for Documents in Uploads Modal (07/02/2024)

You can now quickly review and complete information for recently uploaded documents by clicking a new 'Review' button in the Uploads Modal. See Upload Documents and Complete Information for Documents. After clicking 'Review', the document will open in the viewer, where you can fill out metadata and submit documents. The Uploads window can be accessed from any tab until it is manually closed.

View number of visible document markups and number of applied filters (05/02/2024)

On the Procore mobile app for iOS, users can now view the number of visible markups compared to total markups on a document. Users can also see the number of filters that are applied to the Markup List. See 'Markup List' in View Documents in the Document Management Tool (iOS) and View Documents in the Document Management Tool (Android).

Bulk Respond to Multiple Documents in a Workflow (01/02/2024)

Workflow assignees now have the ability to submit their response for multiple documents at once. See Review a Document in a Workflow in the Document Management Tool

Filter Markups on Documents by 'Authored by' and 'Company' (23/01/2024)

When viewing markups on a document, you can now apply 'Company' and 'Authored By' filters to show markups from specific companies and individuals. See View Markups in the Document Management Tool.

Same Project Code Allowed Across Projects (18/01/2024)

You can now use the same Project Code abbreviation for multiple projects in the same company. See What is the 'Code' field on the project creation page?

View Missing fields required for a Document (02/01/2024)

To make it easier to identify which fields need to be filled out before a document can be submitted, you can now hover over the ‘Missing Attributes’ message in the ‘Ready to Submit’ column to see which required fields are still empty for a document. See Complete Information for Documents in the Document Management Tool. This is also helpful if fields have been moved or hidden in the Table Settings.

View Document Management files in a Correspondence Item on the Procore Android app (18/12/2023)

On the Procore mobile app for Android, users can now view Document Management files that have been attached to a correspondence item. See View Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (Android).

Download a Document with or without markup on Web (14/12/2023)

You can now choose to download an individual document with or without markups on Procore's web application. See Download Documents from the Document Management Tool.

Show or Hide Markups on Documents (13/12/2023)

You can now choose to show or hide all markups on documents while in the viewer on Procore's web application. See View Documents in the Document Management Tool

View Document Management files in a Correspondence Item on the Procore iOS app (29/11/2023)

On the Procore mobile app for iOS, users can now view Document Management files that have been attached to a correspondence item. See View Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item (iOS).

Sync saved Views on the Procore Mobile App (13/11/2023)

Users on the Procore iOS or Android app can now choose to sync all documents in a Saved View to their mobile device at once. This allows users to quickly access the documents they need, regardless of the strength or availability of Wi-Fi or mobile connection. See Sync and Download Documents from the Document Management Tool (iOS) or Sync and Download Documents from the Document Management Tool (Android).

Add Attachments in a Workflow Response (24/10/2023)

You can now add attachments to your response in a workflow. See Respond to a Custom Workflow and Review a Document in a Workflow in the Document Management Tool.

Quickly Access Drawings and Specs in one tap in the Procore Mobile app (24/10/2023)

Users on the Procore iOS or Android app can now access drawings and specifications in the Document Management tool in one tap by tapping Drawings or Specifications in the tool list. See Best Practices for Field Team Members Using the Document Management Tool.

While these documents can still be accessed by opening the Document Management tool, the 'Drawings' and 'Specifications' tool tiles on the Procore mobile app will now automatically open to the relevant saved view in the Document Management tool. 

Document Management Data Table for Correspondence Item Attachments (10/17/2023)

The Attachments area of the items in the Correspondence tool now includes the Document Management tool data table, which allows for a better experience attaching and viewing documents. Instead of only seeing the file names, users can now view all attached documents in the data table with the relevant information and ability to sort or adjust columns as needed. See View and Download Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item.

This release also adds improvements to attaching items in the Create or Edit mode, such as the option to remove selected documents in bulk, and the ability to view attached documents. See Share Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item.

Additional Attributes Added for Granting Permission to Documents (10/13/2023)

'Location', 'Originator' and 'Stage' are now available to select as attributes for granting permissions to documents. See Create a Permission Group for the Document Management Tool. This allows you to control access to documents further.

New 'Submit New Files' Permission (10/09/2023)

A new permission to control file submission is now available to apply to permission groups in the Document Management tool. This is useful when you want to allow certain users to upload files and complete information, but have someone else review and submit files. See Submit Documents in the Document Management ToolCreate a Permission Group for the Document Management Tool, and How do permissions work in the Document Management tool?

Bulk Edit Information on Submitted Documents (11/09/2023)

You can now bulk edit information for documents on the All Documents and In Review tabs. See Edit Information for Documents. Previously, you could only bulk edit documents on the Uploads tab. 

Download All Files in a Correspondence Item (31/08/2023)

Users can now download all Document Management files that are attached to a correspondence item. See View and Download Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item.

Complete Information for uploaded files in the Document Viewer (23/08/2023)

You can now fill out fields and submit documents directly from the viewer in the Document Management tool. See Complete Information for Documents in the Document Management Tool. This is helpful if you want to view the contents of uploaded documents while you complete the necessary information.

Parallel Workflow Responders for the Document Management Tool (31/07/2023)

The Workflows tool in Procore now supports parallel workflows, which can be set up for the Document Management tool. This means you can now have multiple reviewers in the same workflow step, allowing you to get documents approved faster. See Create a Custom Workflow Template and Review a Document in a Workflow in the Document Management Tool.

Share Documents using the Correspondence tool (31/07/2023)

You can now share files from the Document Management tool by attaching them to a correspondence item in the Correspondence tool. See Share Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item

The same permissions from the Document Management tool will apply. Recipients of the correspondence items can view and download the files from the email, PDF export, or Correspondence tool. See View and Download Document Management Files in a Correspondence Item.

Create Saved Views for Documents (22/06/2023)

You can now create saved views in the Document Management tool to quickly and easily access specific documents while maintaining a single source of truth for each file. See Create a Saved View in the Document Management Tool. Unlike traditional folders, saved views automatically show relevant documents based on applied filters and document permissions.

Saved Views are separated into Project Views (which are created by users with 'Admin' permissions and are available to everyone in the project) and My Views (views that you create that are only visible to you). See View Documents in the Document Management Tool.  All users with access to the Document Management tool can create their own saved views to easily reference the documents most important to them, and users with 'Admin' permissions to the tool can create saved views for everyone in the project to use. 

'None' Permission level added for the Document Management tool (05/06/2023)

The Document Management tool now has a 'None' permission level that can be assigned to users who don't need access to the tool. Permissions can be managed in the Company level Permissions tool and the Project level Directory. See How do permissions work in the Document Management tool?

Export to CSV (25/04/2023)

You can now export information from the Document Management tool to a CSV file. See Export Information from the Document Management Tool

Download Documents with Naming Standard Applied (03/30/2023)

Documents now download with the filenames that are shown in the Name field of the Document Management tool. Previously, documents downloaded with their original filenames. See Download Documents from the Document Management Tool. This helps to keep files organised, compliant and in the correct format for revisions to be detected during upload.

Bulk Delete Uploaded Documents (03/30/2023)

You can now bulk delete documents that have been uploaded to the Document Management tool. See Delete Uploaded Documents in the Document Management Tool. Currently, documents can only be deleted from the 'Uploads' tab.

Delete an Uploaded Document (07/03/2023)

You can now delete a document that has been uploaded to the Document Management tool. See Delete an Uploaded Document in the Document Management Tool. Currently, a document can only be deleted from the 'Uploads' tab.

Approval Workflows (31/01/2023)

You can now configure workflow templates in the Company level Workflows tool for Document Management. See About Workflows in the Document Management Tool. Once configured and assigned to a project, you can assign a Workflow Manager and assign documents in the Uploads tab to a workflow template.

Submitting a document with an assigned workflow template will start the workflow and automatically email each assignee when it’s their time to respond. Workflow assignees can add markup, comments and select from a list of configured responses. See Review a Document in a Workflow in the Document Management Tool. As documents move through the workflow steps, their statuses will update automatically based on the configured template.

Note: Markups can only be added by Workflow Assignees. You can edit the permissions that a Workflow Assignee has in the Document Management tool settings. See Configure Settings: Document Management.

Revision Handling (31/01/2023)

You can enter the initial revision number for documents in the Uploads tab. When a new revision is uploaded with a matching name, it will be consolidated into a single row with the revision number incrementally increased by one. You can then click on the revision number to view and edit previous revisions. You can also toggle between revisions in the Document Viewer. See Edit Revisions in the Document Management Tool and View Documents in the Document Management Tool.

Document Attribute Detection With Machine Learning (13/01/2023)

You will now see the Type, Description, and Number attributes detected and auto-populated within the Uploads tab by our machine learning service. The Type attribute detection only applies to drawings and specifications; if it does not recognise the Type as a drawing or specification it will not populate the attribute. See What can Procore automatically populate when uploading files to the Document Management tool?

Configurable Fieldsets and Default Fields (13/01/2023)

You can now create and manage configurable fieldsets and default fields for the Document Management tool. See Manage Configurable Fieldsets and Default Fields for the Document Management Tool. You can configure the values available for the following document attributes: Classification, Discipline, Status, Type, Volume / System. This includes customizing the value description, code and whether it is an active value on projects. You can also choose which of the 20+ default attributes you want to mark optional or required for your project to ensure compliance and consistency across your portfolio of projects.

Assign Document Permission Group from Directory (13/01/2023)

You can now assign a Document Management Permission Group to new and existing users from the Directory Tool when adding new users. See Set a Document Management Permission Group for a New User.

Attribute Change History (09/01/2023)

You can now view a document’s history of attribute changes within the Document Viewer’s Information Panel. See View Change History for Documents in the Document Management Tool.

Conditional Upload Requirements (04/01/2023)

You can now require conditional document attributes to be required based on the document type at the time of upload. You can also choose to use the configured naming standard or no naming standard for different document types. See Edit Upload Requirements for the Document Management Tool.

Previous Changes