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Project Documents - Videos


To browse and search all Procore training videos, visit our video library.


Upload Documents
Upload Tender Documents
View Documents
View Documents - Subcontractor as Collaborator
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Permissions


Configure Document Settings


Subcontractor - View Documents


Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Manage Documents


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Manage Documents


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Procore Drive


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Procore Drive


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Documents


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Manage Permissions
Upload Documents
View Documents
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Documents Information and Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Upload Documents
Upload Tender Documents
View Documents
View Documents - Subcontractor as Collaborator
Manage Document Information and Settings
File and Folder Structure
Organise Files and Folders
Manage File Versions
Procore Drive


Upload and View Documents (Mobile) - Field Worker

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Manage Permissions


Configure Document Settings


Subcontractor - View Documents


Site Worker - Upload and View Documents (Mobile)


Manage Documents


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Manage Documents


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Procore Drive


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Procore Drive


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Documents


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.