Introduced New Full Page 3 Step Wizard for Creating a CV from a PV (23/11/15). Introduced a new full-page, 3-step wizard for creating CPV/CV from a Head PV/HCV SOV, Change Event or Change Event RFQ. In addition to providing a better user experience, this resolves an issue where attempting to push CVs, created via Change Events, to Sage resulted in an error. See Create a CV from a PV.
Added Workflow and Approval Process To Progress Claims (11/5/15). Users now have a workflow and approval process for Progress Claims.
- Improved Funding Source Table (7/22/15). Improved user experience when adding and editing the name and description field in the Funding Sources Contract Configure page. There is now an individual field to add name and description and entries can be reordered after entry.
- Improved Payment App Formatting (7/21/15). When multiple PV line items are added to a G703, there will now be a "-" between the HCV title and the PV line description.
Added Change Reason Filter (27/5/2015). Added a Change Reason filter under the Head Contract Variations subtab.
Added Variation Reason Column in PV Table (20/5/2015). Added variation "Change Reason" column to the Potential Variation table for contracts on the Head Contract Variations page.
Updated Column Names on Potential Variation Schedule of Values (13/5/2015). Updated the schedule of value variation side columns from "Value" and "To be Committed" to "Commitment Amount" and "Variance."
Added Ability to Manually Re-order SOV Line Items (24/4/2015). In SOV edit page for Head Contract, Commitments and Variations, Admin users can now manually re-order the SOV line items by dragging them.
Added Cost Codes to Progress Claims. Added cost codes to Progress Claims in CSV exports.
- Added a Cost Code Column to G703 for Progress Claims and Progress Claims. Added a cost code column to G703 for Progress Claims and Progress Claims.
- Updated Training Videos. Updated link to show new "Head Contract" training video.