What is an progress claim contact?

 For Procore Customers in the United States

flag-us.png  When your company applies the 'Owners English' or 'Specialty Contractors English' point-of-view dictionary, you'll see different tool names and term changes in the user interface. Learn how to apply the dictionary options. 

  • To learn the differences: Show/Hide      
    • This table shows the differences in tool names (bold) and terms across the point-of-view dictionaries for Project Financials. These dictionaries are available in US English only. The default dictionary is designed for head contractors, which means that you will need to work with your Procore Administrator at your company and your Procore point of contact to access the other dictionary options. 

      Head Contractors

      English (United States) - Default


      English (Owner Terminology V2)


      English (Speciality Contractor Terminology)

      Progress Claiming Progress Claiming Progress Billings
      Owner-developer Funding Owner-developer
      Owner/Client Owner/Client HC/Client
      Head Contract Variation Funding Variation Client Contract Variation
      Head Contracts Funding Client Contracts
      Revenue Funding Revenue
      Subcontract Contract Subcontract
      Subcontractor Contractor Subcontractor
      Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV) Contractor Schedule of Values (CSOV) Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV)


An Progress Claim Contact is a person who ensures that a progress claim is submitted to an upstream contractor for payment. In Procore, a progress claim contact is always an employee of the designated 'Contract Company' on a purchase order or subcontract. The contract company is the party responsible for performing work and/or supplying materials for a project. For customers in the United States using Procore's Progress Billings tool, this term is synonymous with progress billing contact.

What permissions do progress claim contacts need to create & submit subcontractor progress claims in Procore? 

This table details the permissions that progress claim contacts need to create subcontractor progress claims in Procore. 

  Permissions Level on Commitments
Action None Read Only Standard Admin
Accept or Decline an 'Invite to Bill' as a Progress Claim Contact :minus: :check_mark: icon-inactive-checkmark-pfcp.png 1 :minus:
Submit a New Progress Claim as an 'Invoice Contact'  :minus: :check_mark: icon-inactive-checkmark-pfcp.png 1 :minus:
Create a New Subcontractor Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact :minus: :check_mark: icon-inactive-checkmark-pfcp.png 1 :minus:

Some Procore clients choose to provide progress claim contacts with 'Standard' level permissions on the Commitments tool. It is important to note that providing external collaborators with permissions higher than 'Read Only' level permissions is NOT recommended by Procore.

Do progress claim contacts need to be granted special access permissions to Procore?

No. When designated as a progress claim contact on a commitment, Procore automatically adds the contact to the 'Private' list for that commitment. A progress claim contact can then view the commitment and its progress claims in Procore.

On a subcontractor progress claim, the contact's name appears in the 'Invoice' section of the 'Advanced Settings' tab in the 'Invoice Contacts' area.

How do I add progress claim contacts to Procore?

To add a progress claim contact, an authorised user for the company managing the commitment in the Procore project must:

  1. Add the subcontracting company to the Company Directory. The subcontracting company corresponds to the 'Contract Company' on a commitment. See Add a Company to the Company Directory. The user who will be the progress claim contact must be added to the company. See Add Users to the Company.
  2. Grant the progress claim contact's user account 'Read Only' level permissions on the Project level Commitments tool. Procore recommends managing progress claim contact permissions with a project permissions template. See Manage Project Permissions Templates.
  3. Add the 'Contract Company' and 'Invoice Contact' to the commitment. See Add Progress Claim Contacts to a Purchase Order or Subcontract
  4. Optional. Configure optional email notifications for the progress claim contact: 

Unsure about your progress claim contact status or missing an 'Invite to Bill'?

When does Procore send an 'Invite to Bill'? 

When an progress claim administrator for the Procore company account creates a new billing period, that user has the option to send out an automated billing invite to anyone who is either (1) named on the 'Private' list for the progress claim or (2) a member of the Commitment tool's default 'Invoice Contact' list. See Add Progress Claim Contacts to a Purchase Order or Subcontract.

Does a progress claim contact need an 'Invite to Bill' to create a progress claim?

No. A progress claim contact has several options for creating a progress claim. 

There are two ways to respond to an 'Invite to Bill' as a progress claim contact: (1) from the 'Invite to Bill' email or (2) from the upstream collaborator's Project level Commitments tool. Use the second option when you know you have progress claim contact permissions but the 'Invite to Bill' is missing or lost.

When responding to an invite, you can accept or decline it as follows:

  • To respond to an 'Invite to Bill' email: Show/Hide      
      1. Open your email Inbox. 
      2. Look for the email message with the subject line, " "Project Name: User Name has invited you to bill." 
      3. Open the 'Invite to Bill'. 

      4. Review the Progress Claim Details:
        • Commitment. Shows the commitment number and name. 
        • Progress Claim Type. Shows the progress claim type. See Configure Settings: Invoicing
        • Billing Period. The date range for the Open billing period. 
        • Invited By. The first and last name of the sender. Typically, this is the progress claim administrator. 
        • Due Date. The date your progress claim is due. Progress Claim contacts cannot create or submit a progress claim in the Procore project after this date.  
      5. Click one of these buttons to respond to the Do you want to bill this period? prompt:
        • Yes. Accept the invite and submit a progress claim. This changes the progress claim status to Accepted. Continue with the steps in Submit a New Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact.
        • No. Decline the invite if you don't want to submit a progress claim for the Open billing period. This changes the progress claim status to Declined.  
  • To respond to an 'Invite to Bill' in the Commitments tool: Show/Hide      
    1. Navigate to the project's Commitments tool. 
    2. Locate the commitment to which you were added as a progress claim contact. 
    3. Under Do you Want to Bill this Period?, indicate your intent to submit a progress claim by clicking the Yes button. 
    4. Click the Post Response button. 

Can't find your 'Invite to Bill' or uncertain if one was sent?  A progress claim contact always has sufficient permissions to create a new progress claim for an open billing period in the upstream collaborator's Procore project. See Create a New Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact.

What can progress claim contacts add or update in Procore?

You can only perform tasks in Procore when you are added as a progress claim contact on a commitment in the upstream collaborator's Procore project. What you can do and how you do it depends on the options used by the upstream collaborator. 

Progress Claim contacts can... To learn more...
Accept or Decline an 'Invite to Bill' from the email sent by a progress claim administrator. See Send an 'Invite to Bill' to a Progress Claim Contact Accept or Decline an 'Invite to Bill' as a Progress Claim Contact
Respond to an 'Invite to Bill' sent by a progress claim administrator. See Send an 'Invite to Bill' to a Progress Claim Contact Submit a New Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact
Create a progress claim in the Commitments tool without an 'Invite to Bill' from a progress claim administrator. You must grant the recipient progress claim contact permissions.  Create a New Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact
Update a Subcontractor Schedule of Values. This feature must be enabled on the project. See Enable or Disable the Subcontractor SOV Tab on the Commitments Tool Update a Subcontractor Schedule of Values as a Progress Claim Contact
Revise and resubmit any progress claim line items that are rejected by a progress claim administrator. Revise & Resubmit a Subcontractor Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact

Do progress claim contacts receive emails from Procore?

Yes.  Procore sends email notifications to progress claim contacts when these actions occur:

Actions Details & Learn More Next Step
When a commitment with a designated progress claim contact is created. The email is sent when the upstream collaborator clicks 'Create & Email' or 'Save & Email' on the General tab of the commitment. See Send an 'Invite to Bill' to a Progress Claim Contact from the Invoicing Tool.
If a progress claim administrator sets the 'Remind Subcontractors to Bill' option.   If a progress claim contact accepts an 'Invite to Bill,' a reminder is sent at the specified interval until the 'Draft' progress claim is submitted. Reminders are no longer sent once the progress claim's status changes to 'Under Review'. 
When the Subcontractor Schedule of Values is 'Rejected.' See What is a Subcontractor Schedule of Values? An email is sent when the upstream collaborator changes the status of a Subcontractor Schedule of Values to 'Revise & Resubmit.' See Review a Subcontractor Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Administrator.
If the upstream collaborator configured the Send Expiration Notification setting for insurance in the Company level Directory tool.  An email is sent when the insurance is within two (2) weeks of its expiration date. See Add Insurance to a Company Record in the Company Directory.
If the upstream collaborator configured the Notify Subcontractors when Progress Claims are Approved setting in the Project level Invoicing tool.  An email is sent when the upstream collaborator changes the progress claim status to 'Approved.' See Configure Settings: Invoicing and Bulk Edit the Status of Subcontractor Progress Claims. -


See Also