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To add Scheduled Work entries to the Daily Log using the Procore app on an Android mobile device.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- To create entries:
- 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Site Diary tool.
- To create pending entries as a collaborator:
- Additional Information:
- Entries made by collaborators are marked as 'pending' until approved by an administrator.
- There are additional workforce labour categories that can be added to the Daily Construction Report in the Site Diary: (e.g. Women, Veteran, Minority, First-Year Apprentice, Local (City) and Local (County)). In order to track hours for these additional workforce labour types, these fields must first be configured in the Site Diary section of the Company Admin tool and then applied to one or more projects. See How do I enable additional workforce labour types for the Site Diary?
Note: After configured and applied, a 'Workforce Hours' column will be available with a link to 'Add Hours' link will appear in the Daily Construction Report section.
- You can configure what items are created with the quick create
icon, see Configure Quick Create Settings.
This action can be performed in offline mode. Tasks performed in offline mode sync with Procore once a network connection is reestablished.
- Open the Procore app on an Android mobile device and select a project.
Note: This loads the Tools screen for the project.
- Tap the quick create
icon and select Scheduled Work.
Tap the Daily Log tool. Tap the create
icon, then tap Work Entry.
- Tap into the following fields to enter the relevant information:
Resource: Tap the Resource field. Enter the name of the resource associated with the programmed work.
Showed: The Showed field is set to 'No' by default. Tap the 'Yes' to indicate that the workers did show up on the worksite for the selected resource.
Reimbursable: The Reimbursable field is set to 'No' by default. Tap 'Yes' to indicate that the work is reimbursable for the selected resource.
Workers: Tap the Workers field to enter the amount of workers from that resource on site that day.
Hours: Tap the Hours field to enter the amount of hours the workers were on site that day for the selected resource.
Rate: Tap the Rate field to enter the monetary rate at which the workers on site are working.
Comments: Enter any comments that may be needed to further describe the entry.
- Tap Save.