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Configure Settings: Tender Board


To configure settings for the Tender Board or Portfolio Planning tools.


You can configure the default profit accounting model, measurement system, currency symbol, cost codes, cost types, and cover pages to use in the Tender Board or Portfolio Planning tool across your projects.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the Tender Board or Portfolio Planning tool.
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon.
  3. See the sections below for details on the settings that you can configure for projects:
  4. When you are done making changes, click Save.


  • Select your accounting model and profit structure:
    • Profit Margin: Sales minus the cost of goods sold.
      • To use Minimum Margin Profit, click the toggle icon-blue-toggle-on-esticom.pngto the ON position.
      • Enter the 'Minimum Material Margin Percentage' and 'Minimum Labour Margin Percentage.

        If a 'Minimum Margin Profit' is set, users creating estimates cannot set a markup or margin in an estimate that is lower than the value configured here, unless they have 'Admin' level permissions to the tool.

    • Profit Markup: The amount by which the cost is increased on a product to arrive at the selling price.
      • To use Minimum Markup Profit, click the toggle icon-blue-toggle-on-esticom.pngto the ON position.
      • Enter the Minimum Markup Margin Percentage and Minimum Labour Markup Percentage
        If a 'Minimum Markup Profit' is set, users creating estimates cannot set a markup or margin in an estimate that is lower than the value configured here, unless they have 'Admin' level permissions to the tool.
  • If you want to enable Unit Cost pricing for labour, click the toggle icon-blue-toggle-on-esticom.pngto the ON position.


Default Measurement System

  • Select Imperial or Metric as the default measurement system for all projects. 
    Note: The measurement system can be changed for an individual project if needed. See Configure Settings: Estimating.

Currency Symbol

  • If you want to change the currency symbol shown on estimates across all projects, type the symbol in the field (for example, $, € or AUD).
    Note: The symbol cannot be more than 3 characters long.

Cost Codes and Types

  • These settings are applied when estimates are sent to your budget and are set in either the Estimating settings in the company's Admin tool or when configuring settings in the company's Tender Board tool. If the settings are updated in one tool, they will be updated for both tools.
  • It is recommended that you break down cost codes and cost types further for standard price adjustments such as Profit, Overhead, Discount, Tax, and Others (such as Bonding). Configuring cost codes and cost types for one or more of these categories will help to ensure costs are appropriately outlined on your project's budget.
  • If needed, these settings can be overridden before the estimate is sent to a project's budget.
  • If you are integrated with QuickBooks®, click the toggle icon-blue-toggle-on-esticom.png to the ON position to Use QuickBooks® Friendly Codes Only.
    This setting is only intended for projects integrated with QuickBooks®. Enabling this setting will remove cost types and automatically set all cost codes to 'Other' so that estimates can be pushed to the budget in Procore. Note: This setting is not retroactive, so any estimates using other cost types will push to the budget with the previously assigned cost types. You will need to create a new estimate to have the cost codes on the budget without custom cost types.
  • Select what you want to send to the budget:
    • Send Costs Only
    • Send Entire estimate Including Additional Adjustments
      • For standard price adjustments such as Profit, Overhead, Discount, Taxes, and Others:
        • Click the toggle icon-blue-toggle-on-esticom.pngto the ON position to map each to individual cost types and cost codes.
        • Click the toggle icon-toggle-off-android.png to the OFF position to apply the same settings to all.
        • Select how you want to distribute below the line adjustments to your budget:
          • Spread across estimate items.
          • Summarise into specific budget codes.
            • Click Select or the current selection to configure the cost code and cost type for each. 
            • Click Save Changes.

Cover Pages

You can choose to add PDF cover and appendix pages that can be used in tender exports.

  • To add cover pages to use for estimates:
    1. Click Add Cover.
    2. Select a file to upload.
    3. Click Upload.
      The file is added automatically.
  • To delete a cover page:
    1. Click the rubbish bin icon-delete-esticom.png icon next to the file.
    2. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Project Stages

Project stages appear as tabs on the Tender Board.

  • Enter the name of the Project Stage and select a corresponding colour.
  • To hide empty project states, click the toggle icon-blue-toggle-on-esticom.png to the ON position.
  • To reset the default settings, click the vertical ellipsis icon-ellipsis-vertical.png and select Reset to Defaults.

Custom Fields

  • To display custom fields, click the toggle icon-blue-toggle-on-esticom.png to the ON position.

Estimate Views

Create and manage configurable column view templates.

Create a New Estimate View Template
  1. Click the icon-plus.png icon to begin creating a new estimate view template.
  2. Fill out the following fields:
    • View Name
    • Description
  3. Click the toggle icon-toggle-on-ios.png  to the ON position next to columns you want to be visible in the estimate view.
    Click the toggle icon-toggle-off-pfcp.png to the OFF position next to columns you want to be hidden in the estimate view.
  4. Click Save Changes to finish creating the estimate view.
Edit an Estimate View

To make changes to an existing estimate view.

  1. Click the name of the estimate view you want to edit.
    Click the vertical ellipsis icon-ellipsis-vertical.png then Edit Item icon-edit2.png next to the estimate view you want to edit.
  2. Edit the following fields:
    • View Name
    • Description
  3. Click the toggle icon-toggle-on-ios.png  to the ON position next to columns you want to be visible in the estimate view.
    Click the toggle icon-toggle-off-pfcp.png to the OFF position next to columns you want to be hidden in the estimate view.
  4. Click Save Changes to finish editing the estimate view.
Set a Default Estimate View

To set a specific estimate view as the default for estimates.

  1. Click the vertical ellipsis icon-ellipsis-vertical.png next to the estimate view you want to set as the default.
  2. Click Set As Default.
Delete an Estimate View

To set a specific estimate view as the default for estimates.

  1. Click the vertical ellipsis icon-ellipsis-vertical.png next to the estimate view you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete icon-delete-trash-android.svg.
    Note: Default estimate views cannot be deleted.