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Add a New Catalog to the Cost Catalogue


To add a new catalog to the Cost Catalogue tool in Procore.


The Cost Catalogue tool in Procore is where all material information and values, ranging from individual parts to assembled items, are stored. Procore offers a gallery of predefined materials that you can use and you can also add and customise parts or assembly. Materials in the catalog can be quickly accessed during takeoff. When adding items to the Cost Catalogues in Procore, you can also choose to create a new catalog to organise items under. See What is the difference between a catalog, category and item in the Cost Catalogues in the Cost Catalogue? for more information.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions to the Company level Cost Catalogue tool.


  1. Navigate to the Cost Catalogue tool in Procore.
  2. Click Add Catalog
  3. Enter a name for the catalog.
  4. Click Add
    The new catalog is automatically added to the Catalogs panel.