Below are the notable changes to the project's Incidents tool in 2020.
Increased Custom Field Limit for the Incidents Tool (9/10/2020)
Procore has increased the custom field limit for each component of the Incidents tool from 10 to 15. This includes increased limits for Incident General Information, Injury Illness Records, Property Damage Records, Environmental Records, Near Miss Records, Witness Statements and Actions. See Create New Custom Fields.
New Body Parts Diagram in 'Body Parts Affected' Menu (30/6/2020)
Procore has added a body parts diagram feature to the 'Body Parts Affected' section of the Injury/Illness Record in the Incidents tool. You can use the body parts diagram to select which part of the body is affected when recording an injury or illness incident. The body diagram distinguishes between upper and lower body parts, front and back and internal organs such as the heart and lungs. See Add an Injury/Illness Record to an Incident.
Create Custom Fields for Incidents Tool (29/5/2020)
Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now create fieldsets and add them to configurable fieldsets for the Incidents tool. See Create New fieldsets.
New Options in 'Body Parts Affected' Menu (20/5/2020)
Procore has added new options in the 'Body Parts Affected' selection menu in Injury/Illness record in the project's Incidents tool. These new options include selections accounting for which side of the body is affected, including 'Right Hand', 'Left Leg,' and more. The options in the 'Body Parts Affected' selection menu are also now grouped and organised based on the location of the body parts affected. See Add an Injury/Illness Record to an Incident.
New Configurable Fieldsets for Incident Environmental Records (30/3/2020)
Users 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now configure fieldsets for the Incidents tool's environmental records. See Which fields in the Incidents tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
New Configurable Fieldsets for Incident Records and Witness Statements (23/3/2020)
Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can now configure fieldsets for the Incidents tool's property damage records, near miss records and witness statements. See Which fields in the Incidents tool can be configured as required, optional or hidden?
Record Witness Statements on Procore's iOS and Android Apps (2/3/2020)
Users can now take audio recordings of witnesses stating their first-hand accounts of incidents, using the Incidents tool Procore iOS and Android apps. Playback for the recordings can be accessed within an incident's witness statement section on either of the mobile apps and on the Procore web app. See Add a Witness Statement to an Incident (iOS) and Add a Witness Statement to an Incident (Android).
Configurable Alerts and Severity for Incident Injury/Illness Records (27/1/2020)
Procore has added two new tabs to the Incidents Tool Settings in the Company level Admin tool called 'Alerts' and 'Severity'. Users with Admin level permissions on the Company level Admin tool can configure a colour-coded scale for the severity of injury/illness records based on the records' filing types. Alerts in the form of email or push notifications sent to specified recipient groups can also be configured based on the injury/illness records' severity. See Configure Alerts and Severity for Incidents.