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Add an Existing Submittal to a Submittal Package


To add an existing submittal to a submittal package


submittal package is a container that stores one or more submittals. Typically, a head contractor creates submittal packages that list all of the individual submittals specific to a particular trade or subcontractor. For example, one might create a submittal package to contain all of the plumbing-related submittals in a commercial building project.

If you have existing submittals that have not yet been added to a package, you can add one (1) of more of those submittal's to a package using the steps below. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permission:
    • 'Admin' level permissions to the project's Submittals tool.
  • Prerequisite:
  • Limitation:
    • A submittal can only be added to one (1) submittal package. However, you can move a submittal from one package to another when editing the submittal. 
  • Additional Information:
    • After a submittal package is created, a user with 'Admin' level permission to the Submittals tool can use the Create Revision button to revise the submittal package. 


  1. Navigate to the project's Submittals tool. 
  2. Click the Packages tab. 
  3. Locate the desired submittal package and click Edit.
    Note: The Edit button is only available if your project has individual submittals that can be added to a package. 
  4. Click Add Existing Submittals to this Package
  5. If you want to narrow down the number of submittals in the list, apply a filter from the Filter List by Spec Section menu. 
  6. Place a mark in the checkbox(es) that correspond to the existing submittal(s) that you want to add. 
  7. Click Add Submittals to Package.