Edit the Prequalification Form
To edit your Prequalification form.
The Prequalification form will start off as a standard template that comes with preset sections. You can then modify what questions are shown in the sections at any time.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' on the company's Prequalifications tool.
- Additional Information:
- There is only one Prequalification form for your company.
- Any edits will create a new version of the single Prequalification form and will update any existing forms sent to users.
- You will not be able to Publish from the Edit page.
- Navigate to the company's Prequalifications tool.
- Click the Form tab.
- Click the Edit
- Click the title field to change the name of the prequalification form.
- Navigate to each section (General Information, Safety, Insurance and Bonding, Financials) and click the caret > to expand the subsection.
- Next to each question, click the toggle to blue to enable the question on your form or gray to disable the question from your form.
- Mark the tickbox next to 'Required' for each question you want a user to answer.
Note: Marking a field as required means a company cannot submit their Prequalification form until those required fields are filled out. Please use this option with caution. - Click Save.