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Delete Owner Progress Claims in the Head Contracts Tool (Beta)

 In Beta
This page details the modernised owner progress claim experience.


To delete an owner progress claim from the Head Contracts tool. 


You can delete a progress claim only when it's in the Draft, Under Review, or Revise and Resubmit status. You cannot delete a progress claim when it's in the Approved status. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the Head Contracts tool. 
  • Additional Information:


  1. Navigate to the project's Head Contracts tool. 
  2. Locate the contract with the progress claim to delete. Click the Number link to open the contract. 
  3. In the contract, click the Progress Claims tab. 
  4. In the Progress Claims (Payment Applications) table, locate the progress claim to delete.
    Did you know you can also navigate to head contract progress claim using the Invoicing tool? To learn how, see Delete Head Contract Progress Claim
  5. Click the Progress Claim # link to open the progress claim. 
  6. In the progress claim, click the invoice-overflow-icon.png Overflow icon and choose the Delete option. 

See Also