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Edit Head Contract Progress Claim (Beta)

 In Beta
This page details the modernised owner progress claim experience.


To edit an owner progress claim for a head contract.


After creating an owner progress claim, you can open it using the Project level Head Contracts or Invoicing tool to edit as needed. The steps below show you how to edit an owner progress claim using the Head Contracts tool. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Head Contracts tool.
  • Additional Information:


Open a Progress Claim

  1. Navigate to the project's Head Contracts tool.
  2. In the table, locate the contract to edit.
    • Looking for a specific progress claim? To quickly find a match in a long list of progress claims, start typing in the Search box. Procore narrows the list to show only the progress claims that match your keywords. 
    • Want to organise the progress claims in the Owner list? To organise the progress claim table, use the options in the Add Group and Add Filter menus. To learn more, see Search, Filter and Group Progress Claims.
  3. Click the contract's Number link to open it. 
  4. Click the Progress Claims tab. 
  5. Locate the progress claim in the Progress Claims (Payment Applications) tab. 
  6. Click the Progress Claim Position or Progress Claim # link to open it. 

Procore opens the progress claim. You have different editing options on each card in the progress claim. 

Update the General Information

To update the progress claim's general information:

  1. Scroll to General Information
  2. Click Edit
  3. Update these fields as needed:
    An asterisk (*) below indicates the field is required. 
    • Status
      Choose a status from the drop-down list. The default status of a new progress claim is Draft. See What are the default statuses for Procore progress claims?
    • Progress Claim No. 
      Change the progress claim number, if appropriate. 
    • Billing Period.* 
      Procore automatically populates the drop-down menu with the project's open billing period. If there isn't an open billing period, Procore selects the most recent billing period.
      Not seeing a menu option for the current billing period? To learn how to create a billing period, see Create Billing Periods.
    • Period Start
      Procore automatically shows the start date of the selected billing period.
    • Period End
      Procore automatically shows the end date of the selected billing period.
  4. Click Save

View a Summary Preview

To preview the progress claim in its finished layout:

  1. Scroll to the Summary Preview section. 
  2. Click the arrow to expand it.

Click here to view an example of the Summary Preview.  

Summary Preview: Upstream Progress Claim

The Summary Preview lets you view the finished layout of your upstream progress claim


Below is an example of an owner progress claim created with the Head Contracts tool. You'll notice slight field labelling differences, if you are viewing an upstream progress claim created with one of these Project Tools:

The layout of a Summary Preview always matches the example below.


Summary Preview - General Information

The table below details each field in the General Information area of an owner progress claim. 

Field Description Project Tool Source Field(s)
To Owner/Client or HC/Client Shows the name of the Owner/Client or HC/Client as specified in the contract or funding.  Directory, Head Contracts Owner/Client or HC/Client
Project Shows the name of the project as specified in the Project Number field in the Project Information area of the Project Details page. Portfolio Project Number
Application No. Shows the progress claim number specified on the progress claim. Progress Claiming Progress Claim No.
Period Shows the billing period for the progress claim.  Progress Claiming Billing Period
Project Nos. Show the Procore project numbers.  Portfolio  
From Contractor Shows the name of the primary contractor managing the project Head Contracts Contractor
Via Architect/Engineer Shows the name of the Architect/Engineer as specified on the contract.  Head Contracts Architect/Engineer
Contract Date Shows the effective date of the contract. This is the date the contract went into force. Head Contracts  
Contract For Shows the name of the project as specified in the Project Number field in the Project Information area of the Project Details page. Head Contracts  

Summary Preview -  Contractor's Application for Payment

The table below provides details about each field in the Contractor's Application for Payment area of an owner progress claim. 

Line  Field Description Project Tool Source Field(s)
1 Original Contract Sum Show the amount recorded in the 'Original Contract Amount' field in the contract.  Head Contracts Original Contract Amount
2 Net Change by Variations Shows the total amount of any variations in the Approved status that impact this progress claim.  Head Contracts, Variations  
3 Contract Sum to Date (Line 1 ± 2) Shows the sum or difference of the Original Contract Sum (line 1) combined with the Net Change by Variations amount (line 2). This shows the positive or negative cost resulting from any approved variations. See the Summary Preview - Variation Summary Head Contracts, Variations  
4 Total Completed and Stored to Date (Column G on Detail Sheet) Procore adds the Work Completed and Materials Presently Stored values to show the cumulative sum of the cost for each line item on the progress claim.  Progress Claiming  
5 Retention Shows the percentage of the payment is being withheld until the job is complete. This value is specified in the contract. Typically, the value is between 5% and 10% for each progress payment. 

Because some regions require variable retention, the 'Retention' amount may only be reduced once a certain percentage of the contract is complete. 
Head Contracts  
5a % of Completed Work Shows the percentage of work completed from previous payment applications plus the work completed for this billing period.  Progress Claiming  
5b % of Stored Materials Shows the percentage of materials being stored on-site. This reflects the value of the materials that were purchased for, but not used on, the project up to the end of the progress claim's billing period.  Progress Claiming  
- Total Retention (Line 5a + 5b or Total in Column I on Detail Sheet) Shows the variable retention rate. A variable retention rate can represent one of two rates: (1) The amount of retention that is reduced after a certain percentage of work is complete or (2) the amount of retention that retention applies only to labour and NOT to materials. 

Note: If you are withholding a fixed percentage throughout the entire project, you will not use this field. 
Progress Claiming  
6 Total Earned Less Retention (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) Shows the Work Completed and Materials Stored Amount Progress Claiming  
7 Less Previous Certifications for Payment (Line 6 from Prior Certificate) Shows all previous payments for the contract. On the first progress claim, this number is zero (0). On subsequent progress claims, the amount matches line 6 on the previous progress claim.  Progress Claiming Total Earned Less Retention (from previous progress claim)
8 Current Payment Due Shows the current payment due for the progress claim's billing period. This calculation takes the 'Total Completed and Stored to Date' value in the progress claim minus 'Retention' and any completed payments from past progress claims.  Progress Claiming Calculated
9 Balance to Finish, Including Retention Shows the amount remaining to be paid on the contract, including the 'Retention' amount.  Progress Claiming Calculated

Summary Preview -  Variation Summary

The table below provides details about each field in the Variation Summary area of an owner progress claim. 

Field Description Project Tool Source Field(s)
Total Changes Approved in Previous Months by Owner/Client Shows the total amount of any variations that were Approved during previous billing periods.  Head Contracts, Client Contracts, Funding, Variations, Invoicing, Progress Billings Calculated
Total Approved this Month Shows the total amount of any variations that were Approved during the current billing period.  Head Contracts, Client Contracts, Funding, Variations, Invoicing, Progress Billings Calculated
Totals Shows the total amount of all Approved variations.  Progress Claiming Calculated
Net Changes by Variation Shows the net change to the total amount for this progress claim. Head Contracts, Client Contracts, Funding, Variations Calculated

Review & Add Approved Changes

If your team approves new budget changes or head contract variations after an owner progress claim is created, a notification banner appears at the top of the progress claim's Schedule of Values.

If you want to add any newly approved changes to the most recent owner progress claim, follow these steps:

  1. At the top of the Schedule of Values, click Review & Add the notification banner. 
    • Don't see a notification banner?  Either (1) there are no approved changes to add to the progress claim, or (2) the required 'Budget Changes' settings aren't configured. See Configure Settings: Budget
    • Can't click the Review & Add button? Approved changes can only be added to a head contract's most recent progress claim. If you are editing an older progress claim, you can't click the Review & Add button.
    • Are approved changes added to new head contract progress claim automatically? Yes. Approved changes are automatically added to the Schedule of Values on a new progress claim. You do not need to add approved changes to new head contract progress claim. 
  2. In the Review & Add Approved Changes window, review the adjustment details.
  3. Mark the check boxes next to the changes to add.  
    Adding approved changes is a permanent action. Once added, they cannot be removed. 

  4. Choose from the options:
    • To add the selected changes, mark the checkboxes that correspond to the change and then, click Add
      A GREEN banner appears when the change is successfully added.
    • To skip adding the changes, click Cancel

Update the Schedule of Values

Before updating the line items, it's helpful to understand the available editing methods. It's also important to know that the accounting method set on the head contract impacts which columns are available for data entry on the Schedule of Values. 

To update a schedule of values:

View the Schedule of Values in Full Screen

You can view the Schedule of Values in full screen and close it when you finish your updates. 


To open or close the fullscreen view of the Schedule of Values:

  • Click the Open Fullscreen link in the top-right corner of the Schedule of Values. 
  • Click the Close Fullscreen button to return to the card view.  

Set the Column View for PDF Exports

You can configure the SOV's column view before you Export Head Contract Progress Claim.


Choose an option from the drop-down list:

  • Industry Standard. This exports Procore's default column layout, which is compatible with most industry-standard forms. 
  • Current Configuration. This exports your SOV's current column view. 

Search for Matching Line Items

You can search for the matching line items to edit.  

About the Search Scope

The scope of a search includes:

  • Budget Code
  • Description of Work
Search for Line Items

To search for matching line items:

  1. In the Search field, type a keyword or phrase. 
  2. Press the TAB key or click the magnifying glass icon. 

Manage Custom Groups

You can create, edit or delete custom grouping options. Once you've created your groups, you can apply them using the drop-down menu to the left of the 'Manage Custom Groups' button.

Add, Edit or Delete Custom Groups
  1. In the Schedule of Values, click Edit.
  2. Click Manage Custom Groups.
  3. In the 'Manage Custom Groups' pane, click Add New Group
  4. In the Group Name box, type a name for the group.
  5. Optional. Choose from these options: 
    • To add additional groups, click Add New Group. You can create one or more groups.
    • To add a subgroup, type a name in the subgroup's Enter Name box. You must create at least one (1) subgroup for each group. 
    • To change the name of a group or subgroup, type over the existing name as needed. 
    • To delete a group or subgroup, click the Delete icon. 
  6. Click Save.
Assign Line Items to Custom Groups
  1. In the Schedule of Values, click Edit.
  2. Select the check boxes that correspond to the line items to add to a custom group. 
  3. Click Assign to Custom Groups
    This open the Assign to Custom Groups panel on the right side of the page. 
  4. Select the desired subgroup from the Group drop-down list. 
Apply Custom Groups

Apply the groups to the table using the drop-down menu to the left of the 'Manage Custom Groups' button. You have these options:

  • To apply a group to the table, select it in the drop-down menu. 
  • To move an active group, click and hold the double-ellipsis and use a drag-and-drop motion to move it into the position you want. 
  • To remove an active group, click the X to the right. Deleting a group also deletes any subgroups in it. You can not recover a deleted group, you must re-create it. 
  • To remove any customizations from the table, click Reset to Default.

Manage Table Settings

You can change the row height for the Schedule of Values. You can also show or hide the columns that appear. 

Set Row Height
  1. Click the Table Settings button.
    This opens the Table Settings pane. 
  2. Under Row Height, click one (1) option: 
    • Small 
    • Medium
    • Large
Configure Columns
  1. Click the Table Settings button. 
    This opens the Table Settings pane. 
  2. Under Configure Columns, choose from these options:
    • To show a column, move the toggle to the right. 
    • To hide a column, move the toggle to the left. 
    • To show all columns, click Show All. This is the default setting. 

Choose Your Editing Method

It's helpful to understand the differences between the two (2) available data entry methods for contracts. See How do I set the accounting method for a contract? Once you know the accounting method in place, click the Edit button to place the Schedule of Values in editing mode. You can only edit the most recent progress claim. If there is a more recent progress claim, an informational message appears at the top of the Schedule of Values. 

  • To edit individual line items inline  Show/Hide  
    • Edit line items inline by typing in the text boxes that appear in the editable cells.


  • To edit line items in bulk Show/Hide  
    • To edit SOV line items in bulk:

      1. Click Edit in the top right corner of the SOV card. 
        This places the SOV into editing mode.
      2. Place checkmarks in the boxes to the left of each line item. You have these options:
        • To select all of the SOV line items, mark the box in the Item Number column (see 1).
        • To select all of the line items in a group, mark the box in a line item group (see 2).
        • To select individual line items, mark the desired boxes next to each line item (see 3).

      3. Click the Edit Values button (see 4). 
      4. In the Edit Values pane on the right (see 5), enter percentage values as needed.
        The data entry fields in the Edit Value pane on the progress claim's SOV are different, depending on whether the contract was configured to use the amount-based or unit-based accounting method. To learn more, see How do I set the accounting method for a contract?
      5. Click Apply (see 6).

Update the Line Items Using the Contract's Accounting Method

The data entry requirements for line items on a Schedule of Values are determined by the accounting method set on the progress claim's head contract. In Procore, a head contract can be configured to use one (1) of two (2) accounting methods: Amount-Based or Unit/Quantity Based. The accounting method set on the head contract impacts which columns are available for data entry on the Schedule of Values. Once line items are created on a contract, all progress claims for that contract use the same accounting method. To learn more, see How do I set the accounting method for a contract or funding?


How do you know which accounting method is being used? An Amount-Based contract includes columns for entering dollar and percentage amounts. A Unit/Quantity Based contract includes columns for entering a quantity and percentage amounts. Simply compare the columns in your progress claim's Schedule of Values to the ones in the examples below.

  • To update line items with the Amount-Based accounting method Show/Hide  
    • To update the line items on an owner progress claim's Schedule of Values (SOV) when the head contract is using the Amount-Based accounting method:

      1. Scroll to the Schedule of Values
        Each line item on an owner progress claim's SOV corresponds to a contract line item. 
      2. Click Edit.
        This places the Schedule of Values into edit mode. 
      3. Enter values in these fields as needed:
        The columns in your SOV may be different. To show and hide columns, click the Table Settings icon-ag-grid-table-filter.png icon. To learn more, see Manage Table Settings.
        • Work Completed This Period (%)
          Enter a percentage to represent the monetary value of work completed for this billing period. 
          Note: If the user who created the progress claim marked the 'Populate the Schedule of Values with Costs from the Selected Billing Period' checkbox, Procore automatically populates the entry in the hidden 'Work Completed This Period ($)' column with values from subcontractor progress claims, direct costs and commitment variations.
        • Total Work Completed (%)
          Enter a percentage to represent the work completed to date through this billing period. Procore uses this entry to display the '% of Completed Work' (line 5a) in the Summary Preview. 
          Note: This number represents the cumulative amount of work completed from the first progress claim on the contract through the current billing period for this progress claim.
        • Work Retention This Period (%)
          Enter a percentage to represent the work retention to release this billing period. 
          Note: An entry in this cell lets Procore automatically calculate the currency value in the 'Work Retention This Period ($)' column of the Schedule of Values. 
        • Materials Retention (%)
          Enter a percentage to represent the material retention for this billing period. 
          Note:  An entry in this cell lets Procore automatically calculate the currency value in the 'Materials Retention This Period ($)' column. 
        • Work Retention Released (%)
          Enter a percentage to represent the material retention that you are requesting to be released for work completed this billing period. 
  • To update line items with the Unit/Quantity Based accounting method Show/Hide  
    • To update the line items on an owner progress claim's Schedule of Values when the head contract is using the Unit/Quantity Based accounting method:

      1. Scroll to the Schedule of Values
        Each line item in the progress claim's Schedule of Values corresponds to a line item on the progress claim's head contract. 
      2. Click Edit.
        This places the Schedule of Values into edit mode. 
      3. Enter values in these cells as needed:
        • Work Completed: This Period (Qty)
          Enter a quantity amount to represent the work completed for this billing period. This automatically updates the amount in the 'Work Completed: This Period (%)' cell. 
        • Work Completed: This Period (%)
          This cell updates automatically when you enter a value in the 'Work Completed: This Period (Qty)' cell. You can type over this value to change the other entries for this row. 
        • Total Completed & Stored To Date: Total to Date (%)
          This updates automatically when you enter a value in the 'Work Completed: This Period (Qty)' or 'Work Completed: This Period (%)' cells. You can type over this value to change the other entries for this row.

Upload Attachments

When creating a progress claim, users have the option to place a mark in the Include backup from direct costs and progress claims in the selected billing period box. The experience you see will depend on whether the setting is turned ON or OFF. 

include backup from direct costs and progress claims in the Selected Billing Period

If the Include backup from direct costs and progress claims in the selected billing period setting is turned ON. 

  1. Scroll to Attachments
  2. Click Edit
    Scroll to the Attachments card. 
    When the Include backup from direct costs and progress claims in the selected billing period setting is turned ON, the Attachments card contains these sections: Uploaded Attachments, Attachments from Subcontractor Progress Claims, and Attachments from Direct Costs. 

  3. In the Uploaded Attachments section, click the Upload Attachments button. 
  4. Upload the desired attachments. 

Upload Attachments

If the Include backup from direct costs and progress claims in the selected billing period setting is turned OFF in the progress claim. 

  1. Scroll to Attachments
  2. Click Upload Attachments.

  3. Upload the desired attachments. 

See Also