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Below are the notable changes to the Project level Timesheets tool in 2022.

Copy Previous Timesheet from Any Day (08/01/2022)

Procore has updated Project level Timesheets, allowing you to copy a Timesheet from any previously submitted Timesheet that you have access to. A new display, and filters when using the mobile experience provide context, makes it easy to find the Timesheet you're looking for. Lastly, when creating Timesheets for previous days, Timesheets are now created on the specific day that you navigated to. See Copy Previous TimesheetCopy Previous Timesheet (iOS), and Copy Previous Timesheet (Android).

Intuitive Time Entry and Project Defaults (31/05/2022)

Procore has updated Project level settings for Timesheets, allowing you to set your project's default Start Time, Stop Time and Lunch Time to reflect your working hours. Default values will be displayed when entering time in Timesheets and My Time. Additionally, when adding a new line in Timesheets and My Time, the new line's Start Time will account for time already entered. See Timesheets: Intuitive Time Entry and Project Defaults.