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Create a Project Level Inspection Template


To create an inspection template at the Project level for use in a project's Inspections tool.


Creating inspection templates at the Project level allows you to easily use the same or similar templates in your project without having to remake them each time. Templates created at the Project level will not sync to the Company level. If you want to use a template on more than one project, create the template at the Company level. You can also modify an existing Company level template to fit your project's unique needs.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Inspections tool.
  • Additional Information:



  1. Navigate to the Project level Inspections tool.
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Click + Create.
  5. Under General Information, enter the following:
    • Name: Title your inspection. This will show up on your inspections register page and will help you differentiate between your inspections within your project. This is a required field.
    • Type: Choose from the list of inspection types added to the company (for example, Safety).
      Note: If you have not added inspection types to your project, see Configure Advanced Settings: Company Level Inspections. You will need to have 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Inspections tool.
    • Trade: Give your inspection a trade (for example, electrical, plumbing).
      Note: Your company's trade list can be managed at your Company level Admin tool under Trade Configuration.
    • Description: Include any relevant details about the inspection.
    • Attachments. Attach any relevant files to the templates by clicking Attach Files. 
      Note: If you try to create an inspection template without a name or with a name that already exists, there will be an error message that details the reason. You can create an inspection with the same name as one in the Recycle Bin, but once you name it, you cannot restore a template in the Recycle Bin without first editing an inspection template to change the name.
  6. Add sections and items to your inspection as follows:
    • + Add section
    • + Add item
    • + Quick Add: See What is Inspection Template Item Quick Add?
      Note: You can reorder individual items within a section of your template by dragging your item with the reorder icon-reorder-grip.png icon. To reorder an entire section, click the toggle on icon-toggle-on-android.png icon next to Reorder Sections and drag the sections of your choice. Turn off Reorder Sections to continue creating your template. 
  7. Select a response type for individual items from the Response Type menu.
    Select a response type for multiple items by following these steps:
    1. Mark the checkboxes next to the items to update.
      Mark the checkbox next to the icon to update all sections.
    2. Click Edit Response Type.
    3. Select the response type from the Response Type menu.
    4. Click Apply.
  8. Click Create.