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(Beta) View a Head Contract's Head Contract Progress Claim

 In Beta
This content is for participants in the Project Financials: Modernised Experience for Head Contracts beta program. 


To view the head contract progress claim associated with a head contract


To navigate to the head contract progress claim associated with a head contract, click the 'Invoices' tab in the contract. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permission on the Head Contracts tool. 


  1. Navigate to the project's Head Contracts tool. 
  2. In the contracts table, locate the head contract. 
  3. Click the contract's Number link to open it. 
  4. In the contract, click the Progress Claims tab to view the 'Invoices (Payment Applications)' table.
  5. Choose from these options:
    • To review the progress claim line items, scroll to the up/down and left/right.
    • To open a progress claim, click its Number link.