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(Beta) View a Head Contract's Variations


To view the variations associated with a head contract


To navigate to the variations associated with a head contract, click the 'Variations' tab in the contract. The number of sections in this tab corresponds to the number of variation tiers configured for the project's Head Contracts tool. See What are the different variation tier settings in Project Financials?

Available Sections in the Variations Tab

This table shows which variation sections are available in the Variations tab of a head contract.

Variation Tier Head Contract Variations
Variation Requests
Potential Variations
Head PVs
One (1) Tier icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-delete-x.png icon-delete-x.png
Two (2) Tiers icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-delete-x.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Three (3) Tiers icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
These are the available columns in each section's table Number, Revision, Title, Status, Amount, Date Initiated, Due Date, Review Date, Designated Reviewer, PVs Number, Revision, Title, Status, Amount, Date Initiated, Due Date Review Date, Designated Reviewer, PVs Number, Revision, Title, Status, Amount, Program Impact, Date Initiated, Change Reason, VR, HCV, Change Events, Change Event Type

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • Private Contracts:
      • 'Admin' level permission on the Head Contracts tool. 
      • 'Standard' level permissions on the Head Contracts tool can see variations they have created.
  • Additional Information:
    • The number of sections in this tab depends on the number of variation tiers configured in the Head Contracts tool. 


Depending on the number of variation tiers configured in your environment, you will need to create one (1) or more of the following items for your head contract, in order for Procore to list in the available section. 


  1. Navigate to the project's Head Contracts tool. 
  2. In the contracts table, locate the head contract. 
  3. Click the contract's Number link to open it. 
  4. In the contract, click the Variations tab.

    Depending on the number of variation tiers configured in your environment, the 'Variations' tab includes one (1) to three (3) different sections. See Configure the Number of Head Contract Variation Tiers.


  5. Choose from these options:
    • To open a variation, click one of the hyperlinks in the table in the variation section. 
    • To export a list of the variations, click the PDF or CSV button at the top of the table.