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Configure Advanced Settings: RFIs


To configure the settings and preferences for the project's RFIs tool.


Users with 'Admin' level permission on the project's RFIs tool can set the configuration settings for the project's RFIs tool. The Configure Settings area also allows users to create custom RFI reports and set user permission for the RFIs tool. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool.



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Configure the RFI Settings

  1. Navigate to the project's RFIs tool.
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon. 
  3. Navigate to the RFI Settings page.
  4. Configure one or more of the following settings:
    • RFI Manager. See What is the RFI Manager role?
      • Click the button next to 'If a Standard user creates an RFI, they can select any Admin user as the RFI Manager.'
        Note: Users with 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool with the 'Act as RFI Manager' granular permission enabled on their permissions template can also be selected as an RFI Manager if this option is selected.
      • Click the button next to 'If a Standard user creates an RFI, the RFI Manager will be:' to select a user as the project's default RFI Manager. See Designate the Default RFI Manager for a Project's RFIs
        Note: Selecting the project's default RFI manager only affects new RFIs created after the setting was updated.
    • Default Distribution: Add in members of the project who should be sent notification emails on every or most RFIs generated in your project in Procore.
    • Allow Private RFIs. Mark this checkbox to give users with 'Standard' and 'Admin' level permission to the RFIs tool the ability to set visibility on the RFIs that they create to 'Private' (Note: By default, 'Private' RFIs are only visible to members of the RFI's Distribution list and users with 'Admin' level permission to the RFI tool). 
    • RFIs Private By Default. Place a checkmark in this box to have the system automatically set new RFIs to 'Private'.
      • This checkbox can only be selected when the Allow Private RFIs checkbox is also selected.
      • When a new RFIs is set to 'Private', the setting can only be removed by an 'Admin'. Standard users who have been granted permission to create RFIs do NOT have the ability to remove this privacy setting. 
    • Answers To New RFI Questions Will Be Due. Set how many calendar days after the creation date you would like RFIs to be due.
      Note: The due date respects which days are set as 'working days' for the project. See Set Project Working Days.
    • Enable Email Reminders For Overdue RFIs. Mark this checkbox if you would like for the system to send daily reminder emails to the assignee(s) on the RFI when the RFI is overdue. Email reminders will not be sent once the RFI is 45 days past due. 
    • Label For Custom Field 1 and 2. If you would like to add in any extra fields to the RFI page, you can add them as custom fields. They appear as 'Custom Field 1' and 'Custom Field 2' in the screenshot above.  
      • These fields can be reported on in the Reports tool.
      • There is a maximum 255 character limit on each of Custom Field fields.
    • Only Show Official Response to Standard and Read Only Users. Mark this checkbox to only show responses marked as 'Official' to users with 'Read Only' and 'Standard' level permissions on project's RFIs tool in Procore's automated email notifications and in the tool (including PDFs that are exported from the Procore web application).
      • This setting does not affect PDFs that are exported from RFI emails that were manually forwarded from the project's RFIs tool. See Forward an RFI by Email.
      • This setting excludes an RFI's Assignees and Distribution List members, meaning users with those roles will be able to view all responses on the RFI regardless of their permissions, even if this checkbox is marked.
      • On new projects, this configuration setting is enabled by default. 
    • Assignees' Responses are Required by Default. Place a checkmark in this box to automatically mark users who have been designated as an 'Assignee' as requiring a response. If the checkbox is blank, users will have the option to designated required responders. 
  5. Under the Prefix RFI Numbers by Project Stage area, do the following:

    • The 'Prefix RFI Numbers by Project Stage' setting cannot be turned off after it is enabled for a project.
    • If the setting is enabled for a project with existing RFIs with selected project stages, the RFI numbers will be automatically updated to include their project stage prefix. RFIs without a selected project stage will not have a prefix added upon changing the setting.
    • If you have manually added prefixes to RFI numbers before enabling this setting it could result in two prefixes displaying in an RFI number. See Why do some of our project's RFI numbers have two prefixes?
    • To learn more about this setting, see How do I configure a prefix and starting number for a project's RFIs
  1. To include a selected project stage in the RFI numbers for the project (the stage is selected when the RFI is created), mark the 'Prefix RFI Numbers by Project Stage' checkbox and click Enable in the window.
  2. Mark the 'Prefix Stage Enabled' checkbox next to each stage you would like to make available for numbering RFIs. To add stages to this list, see Add a Custom Project Stage
  3. Enter a unique prefix for each project stage selected. Prefixes can include a combination of alphanumeric characters. 
  4. Click Update at the bottom of the settings page.

rfi-prefix-number-prefix-by-project-stage.png 6. Under RFI Emails, mark or clear the Enable Email checkbox to determine which Email Events will send automatic corresponding email notifications. Mark or clear the checkboxes under each user role to determine who will receive the email notifications for each Email Event.



 7. Click Update

Work with Custom RFI Reports

  1. Navigate to the project's RFIs tool.
    This reveals the RFIs page. 
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon. 
    This reveals the RFI Settings page. 
  3. Click Custom Reports.


    This reveals the Custom Reports and My Reports lists. 
  4. In this page, you have these options:
    • Create Custom Report. Click this button to create a custom report. See Create and View a Custom RFI Report.
    • Edit. Locate a report in one of the lists. Then click this button to place it in edit mode.  
    • View. Locate a report in one of the lists. Then click this button to place it in view mode. You can then export or share the report. See Export RFIs.

Set User Permissions for RFIs

  1. Navigate to the project's RFIs tool.
  2. Click Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png
  3. Click Permissions Table .
  4. Set each user's permission according to your preferences.
    • check.png Access
    • x.png No Access
      As illustrated below, this user has been granted 'Standard' level permissions.

      user permissions rfis.png
