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Edit a Daywork Sheet

 Coming Soon
This page details a feature that will be available in a future Procore update. To learn more, see Daywork Sheets: (Coming Soon!) New 'Subcontractor' Section for Recording Sub-Tier Subcontractors on Sheets

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To edit a Daywork Sheet.


If you need to update a Daywork Sheet, most users can update the sheets they created. If your user account has been granted 'Admin' level permissions, you can update any sheet on the project. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To edit a Daywork Sheet you created, 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the Daywork Sheets tool.
    • To edit all Daywork sheets, 'Admin' level permissions on the Daywork Sheets tool.


  1. Navigate to the Daywork Sheets tool.
  2. Locate the sheet to modify. Then click the Edit button. 
    • If a sheet is in the 'Approved' status, Procore displays a caution message. If you want to continue, click the Edit button.
    • Keep in mind that if you edit entries in the Labour, Materials or Equipment sections on an approved sheet, Procore removes all approval signatures and you will need to request new signatures. See Request a Signature on a Daywork Sheet.
  3. Under General Information, you can edit these fields:
    • Ordered By: Select the user who made the request from the drop-down list. You can select one (1) name from the list. To appear in the list, the person must have a user account in the project's Directory tool. See Add a User Account to the Project Directory.
    • Location: Select the location where the work associated with the Daywork Sheet will be performed. Users granted the appropriate permissions will have the option to click Create New Location button. See Add Tiered Locations to a Project.
    • Reference #: Enter a reference number (such as a variation number) to associate with the Daywork Sheet.
    • Performed On*: This field defaults to the current day. Click on the field and select a date from the calendar to change it.
    • Status: Daywork Sheets are automatically set to the 'In Progress' status when created, but will update to the 'Ready for Review' status when the sheet has been signed by the Company Signee. When the Customer Signee has signed and verified the sheet, the status will update to 'Field Verified'.
    • Change Events: Associated Change Events can be removed from Daywork Sheets. See Remove a Change Event Associated with a Daywork Sheet
    • Description of Work*: Enter a short description of the work for the Daywork Sheet.
  4. In the 'Labor' section, click the following fields to enter information as needed:
  5. Click Add
  6. In the 'Materials' section, click the following fields to enter information as needed:
    • Material*: Enter the type of material used. 
    • Description: Enter a description of the material or the progress claim number for material delivery.
    • Unit*: Select a unit of measurement from the dropdown menu.
    • Quantity*: Enter the number of materials needed.
  7. Click Add.
  8. In the 'Equipment' section, click the following fields to enter information as needed:
    • Equipment*: Select the equipment used from the dropdown menu.
      NoteUsers with 'Standard' or higher permissions to the Daywork Sheets tool can add additional equipment.
    • Description: Type any relevant information about the equipment item such as the type, equipment ID number or delivery ID number.
    • Quantity*: Enter the number of hours the equipment was used.
  9. COMING SOON In the 'Subcontractors' section, click the following fields to enter information as needed:|

    • Company*. Select the name of the company performing the work. To appear as a selection in this drop-down list, the company must have a record in the Project Directory. See Add a Company to the Project Directory
    • Description. Enter a description of the work performed. 
  10. Click Update.
    The system updates the sheet. If you edited entries in the Labour, Materials and Equipment section, the sheet's status changes to 'In Progress' and you will need to request new approval signatures. See Request a Signature on a Daywork Sheet.