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Complete Subcontractor Progress Claims with DocuSign®

 For Procore Customers in the United States

flag-us.png  When your company applies the 'Owners English' or 'Specialty Contractors English' point-of-view dictionary, you'll see different tool names and term changes in the user interface. Learn how to apply the dictionary options. 

  • To learn the differences: Show/Hide      
    • This table shows the differences in tool names (bold) and terms across the point-of-view dictionaries for Project Financials. These dictionaries are available in US English only. The default dictionary is designed for head contractors, which means that you will need to work with your Procore Administrator at your company and your Procore point of contact to access the other dictionary options. 

      Head Contractors

      English (United States) - Default


      English (Owner Terminology V2)


      English (Speciality Contractor Terminology)

      Progress Claiming Progress Claiming Progress Billings
      Owner-developer Funding Owner-developer
      Owner/Client Owner/Client HC/Client
      Head Contract Variation Funding Variation Client Contract Variation
      Head Contracts Funding Client Contracts
      Revenue Funding Revenue
      Subcontract Contract Subcontract
      Subcontractor Contractor Subcontractor
      Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV) Contractor Schedule of Values (CSOV) Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV)


To complete the electronic signature process for a subcontractor progress claim using the Procore + DocuSign® integration.


After a project team member or your downstream collaborator creates a subcontractor progress claim for a commitment, Procore users with a DocuSign® account can prepare a DocuSign® envelope for the progress claim to send to the appropriate recipient(s) to request a signature.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions
  •  Additional Information:
    • Once you log into your DocuSign® account from Procore, you will NOT need to sign in again until the login token expires. Once expired, the 'Re-Authentication Required' banner appears in Procore. To learn more, see What do the different DocuSign® banners in Procore mean?
    • To complete the steps below, the progress claim must be in Approved, Approved as Noted or Pending Owner Approval status.



Send a Subcontractor Progress Claim to DocuSign®

This step shows you how to open a subcontractor progress claim in Procore. 

  1. Navigate to the project's Commitments tool.
  2. Under the Contracts tab, do the following:
    • In the 'Contracts' table, locate the subcontract that contains the progress claim to sign.
    • Click the Number link to open the subcontract.
  3. In the subcontract, click the Progress Claims tab.
    To send a subcontractor progress claim to DocuSign®, it must be in one (1) of these statuses: Approved, Approved as Noted or Pending Owner Approval
  4. In the Progress Claims (Commitment progress claims) table, locate the progress claim and click View.
  5. Review the progress claim and make any edits as needed.
  6. When you are ready to send the progress claim to DocuSign©:
    • BETA If you are using the beta subcontractor progress claim experience, click Send with DocuSign at the top of the page. 
    • LEGACY If you are using the legacy subcontractor progress claim experience, click Update & Set Up DocuSign at the bottom of the page. 


Bulk Send Subcontractor Progress Claims to DocuSign®

If you have 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Commitments tool, you can also use the project's Invoicing tool to send progress claims to DocuSign® in bulk.

  1. Navigate to the project's Invoicing tool.
  2. Click the Subcontractor tab.
  3. Mark the checkboxes next to the progress claims to bulk send to DocuSign®
    To send a subcontractor progress claim to DocuSign®, it must be in one (1) of these statuses: ApprovedApproved as Noted, or Pending Owner Approval. See What are the default statuses for Procore progress claims?
  4. Click Send to DocuSign®
    If the Send to DocuSign® button is greyed out and unavailable, hover your mouse cursor over the button. A tooltip appears to inform you of the reason. Typically, it is because the purchase order or subcontract does not have an 'Invoice Contact' assigned to it. See Add Progress Claim Contacts to a Purchase Order or Subcontract.


    Procore sends the selected progress claims to DocuSign®. A GREEN success banner appears at the top of the page when complete.
    • When sending progress claims in bulk, the DocuSign®  integration only sends progress claims to the individuals listed as 'Invoice Contact(s)' on the contract in Procore.
    • Some DocuSign®  features are NOT available when using the bulk send option. For example, adding or removing documents, adding recipients and so on.
    • To use the unavailable DocuSign®  features, follow the steps in Complete Subcontractor Progress Claims with DocuSign®.


Log in to DocuSign®

Prepare the DocuSign® Envelope

Once you are logged into the DocuSign®, the 'Upload a Document and Add Envelope Recipient' page appears. Complete these steps:

Add Documents to the Envelope

The following Procore information automatically populates the DocuSign® envelope:

  • A PDF copy of the progress claim is automatically added to the 'Add Documents to Envelope' section. 
  • The required signature boxes for each 'Role' on the progress claim. For example, the Head Contractor or Subcontractor whose contract is affected by the progress claim. This includes each users 'Name' and 'Email Address.'  See Add Recipients to the Envelope below. 

You have the option to add other documents as follows:

  1. Optional: If you want to add additional documents to the envelope, choose one of the available options under the 'Add Documents to the Envelope' section:

    The available options in the 'Add Documents to the Envelope' section are developed and maintained by DocuSign®. To learn how to use DocuSign®, Procore recommends reviewing the content on
    1. Upload
    2. Use a Template
    3. Get From Cloud

Add Recipients to the Envelope

To add recipients to the envelope:

  1. Under 'Add Recipients to the Envelope', keep the default recipient blocks, their names and their email addresses. This data is added to the envelope automatically by the Procore+DocuSign® integration. If the data was specified in Procore, the values in the 'Name' and 'Email Address' fields of the recipient blocks correspond to these fields in Procore:
    • Subcontractor. This is the individual designated in the 'Architect/Engineer' field of the commitment associated with the subcontractor progress claim. 
    • Head Contractor. This the individual who is designated in the 'Primary Contact' field in the Project Directory for the company designated in the 'Contractor'' field of the commitment associated with the subcontractor progress claim. 


Add a Message to All Recipients

Preview the Signature Fields & Send the Envelope

The next step is to preview the signature fields on the PDF. The signature fields correspond to the roles in Procore. For example, the Head Contractor and Subcontractor who are parties to the contract with the progress claim.  These fields are automatically added to the DocuSign® envelope by the Procore + DocuSign® integration. 

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the progress claim PDF to view the signature fields. An example is pictured below. 

  2. Keep the existing signature fields. These fields are automatically populated by Procore and keeping them in their default positions ensures the signature workflow for the Procore application functions as expected. 
  3. Optional: Add any 'Standard Fields' to the form as desired.
    The options in the 'Standard Fields' area are developed and maintained by DocuSign®. To learn how to use DocuSign®, Procore recommends reviewing the content on
  4. When you are ready to collect the specified signatures, click Send
    DocuSign® sends the envelope to the specified recipients. Recipients can then continue with the Next Step. 
    Are you manually changing the status to 'Out for Signature' after sending it to DocuSign®? If you decide to change the progress claim's status to 'Out for Signature' in Procore after sending the progress claim to DocuSign® (remember, you can only send progress claims to DocuSign if they are in the Approved, Approved as Noted or Pending Owner Approval status), you will need to manually change the progress claim status in Procore back to the appropriate approved status after the DocuSign® signature process is complete. 

See Also