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Create a Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV)

 For Procore Customers in the United States

flag-us.png  When your company applies the 'Owners English' or 'Specialty Contractors English' point-of-view dictionary, you'll see different tool names and term changes in the user interface. Learn how to apply the dictionary options. 

  • To learn the differences: Show/Hide      
    • This table shows the differences in tool names (bold) and terms across the point-of-view dictionaries for Project Financials. These dictionaries are available in US English only. The default dictionary is designed for general contractors, which means that you will need to work with your Procore Administrator at your company and your Procore point of contact to access the other dictionary options. 

      Head Contractors

      English (United States) - Default


      English (Owner Terminology V2)


      English (Speciality Contractor Terminology)

      Progress Claiming Progress Claiming Progress Billings
      Owner-developer Funding Owner-developer
      Owner/Client Owner/Client HC/Client
      Head Contract Variation Funding Variation Client Contract Variation
      Head Contracts Funding Client Contracts
      Revenue Funding Revenue
      Subcontract Contract Subcontract
      Subcontractor Contractor Subcontractor
      Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV) Contractor Schedule of Values (CSOV) Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV)


To create a Subcontractor Schedule of Values (SSOV) on a commitment.


In the same way that you can invite an progress claim contact to submit a subcontractor progress claim for review, you can also invite a progress claim contact to provide a more detailed breakdown of line items on the 'Schedule of Values' tab by enabling the 'Subcontractor SOV' tab on a commitment.

  • On the general 'Schedule of Values' tab for a commitment, each line item is assigned to a specific cost code and cost type. 
  • On the 'Subcontractor SOV' tab on a commitment, you may be asked to provide a more detailed breakdown of a line item on the 'Schedule of Values' tab. This may be required to provide a more full explanation about the amounts to obtain approval on a progress claim. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions
  • Additional Information:
    • On the purchase order's or subcontract's General tab, you must select your collaborator's user name in the 'Private' and 'Invoice Contact' fields before your collaborator can see the SOV.
      • Only the detail line items added on the Subcontractor SOV tab will carry over to the progress claim.
      • For companies using the ERP Integrations tool, the Subcontractor SOV line items that you create do NOT sync with your integrated ERP system. 
Are you creating a Subcontractor SOV for your downstream collaborator to update later? If so, your company must provide the collaborator with a Procore user account in your Company Directory. In addition, that user must be granted the appropriate permissions for a progress claim contact. To learn more, see What is a progress claim contact?



Create a Commitment

Complete the steps in Create a Commitment

Update the Schedule of Values

  1. Navigate to the project's Invoicing tool.
  2. Click the Subcontractor tab. 
  3. Locate the commitment in the list and click the Contract link to open it.
  4. In the General tab, click Edit
  5. Click the Schedule of Values tab. 
  6. Click Add Line.
    • The 'Schedule of Values' tab is a general SOV that details each scope of work associated with the commitment. 
    • The 'Subcontractor SOV' tab is the more specific area where collaborators are invited to provide a detailed line-item breakdown for each line item on the commitment's general 'Schedule of Values' tab.
  7. Add all related line items to the general 'Schedule of Values' tab:
    • Change Event Line Item
      If you have change events enabled, you can select a change event line item if you want to link the commitment to a specific change event. 
    • Head Contract Line Item
      If you do not have change events enabled, select the related line item from your head contract. If the item is not accounted for in the head contract, select the 'Non Budgeted' option.
    • Budget Code
      Select a budget code from the list or click Create Budget Code to create a new one. See What is a budget code in Procore's WBS? 
    • Description
      Enter a brief description of the line item.
    • Tax Code
      Select a tax code to use for this line item. This field only appears if you have enabled the tax codes feature. See How can I use tax codes on a project?
    • Amount
      Specify the cost of the line item.
  8. Click Add Line Item to add additional line items, as necessary.
  9. Once you are done adding line items, do one of the following:
    If you have already saved the progress claim, the Create button is labelled Save and the Create & Email button is labelled Save & Email.
    • To add subcontractor SOV line items on behalf of your subcontractor, click Create or Save.
    • To invite your progress claim contacts to create the Subcontractor SOV line items, click Create & Email or Save & Email.
      When does Procore send email notifications to progress claim administrators, progress claim contacts and members of a progress claim's distribution list? To learn more, see When does Procore send email notifications to progress claim contacts?
  10. Continue with the next step. 

Update the Subcontractor Schedule of Values

If you are a progress claim administrator (or a progress claim contact who has been invited to update a Subcontractor SOV), you can perform these steps on the commitment.

  1. Click the Subcontractor SOV tab.
    If you do NOT see a 'Subcontractor SOV' tab on the commitment contract, a user with 'Admin' level permissions on the Commitments tool must enable it. See Add a Subcontractor SOV to a Commitment and Enable or Disable the Subcontractor SOV Tab on the Commitments Tool.
  2. Click Edit
  3. Enter a detailed line-item breakdown in the Subcontractor SOV tab as follows:
    • Click the +Add Line Item link.
    • In the Description box add a detailed description of the work to complete. 
    • In the Amount box, add the specific amount for that work. 
    • Continue this step until the 'Remaining to Allocate' amount for that budget code and description reads $0.00.
  4. When you have allocated all of the amounts in the Subcontractor SOV tab, click the Submit button. 
    • The Submit button is dimmed and unavailable until the Remaining to Allocate fields in the Subcontractor SOV all read $0.00.
    • After you click the button, Procore changes the status of the Subcontractor SOV to Under Review
    • You will NOT be able to edit your submission unless the progress claim administrator changes the status of the Subcontractor SOV to Revise & Resubmit