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Self-Serve Workflows User Guide

Getting Started



This user guide provides Procore users with information about how to use Procore's self-service Workflows tool to build and employ custom workflows from start to finish. See About the Workflows Beta Program.

Some of the things you'll learn in this guide include:

  • What are custom workflows? custom workflow is a process that defines a unique approval path for an item on your projects. For example, a workflow allows you to create steps to 'Approve' an item (such as a subcontractor progress claim or contract) in Procore. A custom workflow would define the responsible roles, groups and conditions for routing an item through that approval process—and that process is tailored to suit the unique needs and specific requirements of your company's business environment. 
  • How to migrate from legacy to self-service workflows. Self-service workflows are replacing legacy custom workflows built by Procore's Custom Solutions team. If you have previously used legacy workflows, your company will need to update each tool using self-service workflows before new workflows can be built by your company.
  • How to create and manage custom workflows. Learn how to build and manage your own custom workflows in the company Workflows tool.
  • How to assign workflows to projects. After creating custom workflows at the company level, assign them to individual projects so they can be put to use.
  • How to configure workflows for use at the project level. The final step before a workflow is applied to an item. Configure roles, responsibilities and notifications for your workflow.
  • How to view and respond to a workflow. Use your own custom-built workflow to facilitate the approval process for your item(s).
  • Frequently Asked Questions. Learn more by reading common questions.

What are Custom Workflows?

custom workflow is a process that defines a unique approval path for an item on your projects. For example, a workflow allows you to create steps to 'Approve' an item (such as a subcontractor progress claim or contract) in Procore. A custom workflow would define the responsible roles, groups and conditions for routing an item through that approval process—and that process is tailored to suit the unique needs and specific requirements of your company's business environment. 

The approved status of an item using a custom workflow is tied to the unique steps built within the workflow. Each workflow requires specified users to respond to steps within the workflow for the item to reach its desired status. An item created with a workflow in place is restricted from having its status changed without the use of the workflow.

What are the minimum eligibility requirements for participating in the beta program?

The minimum eligibility requirements for the beta program include:

  • Your company must be using these Procore tools:
    • Project level Commitments tool to create purchase orders and subcontracts.
    • Project level Invoicing tool to manage subcontractor progress claims.
  • Your company's Procore account must be:
  • Your company can only use one version of Workflows (legacy or self-service) for each tool. For example, if you have legacy workflows enabled for subcontracts and purchase orders, you cannot use self-service workflows on those items. However, you could use self-service workflows on other items, such as subcontractor progress claims. In addition, if you are using legacy workflows on other Procore tools- such as Variations or Head Contracts- self-service workflows can still be used on the Commitments tool. 

The expected goal for the new Workflows tool is to provide Procore users with the capability to build self-service, custom workflows for Procore tools used to create items that require an approval process. Procore's anticipated plan is to conduct research and usability tests with beta program participants.

For this beta, the Company level Workflows tool will only be available to participants who meet the eligibility requirements above and who want to create a custom workflow to manage the approval process for the tool listed below. 

Supported Tools

The Company level Workflows tool allows you to create and manage one (1) or multiple custom workflows for use with these Procore project tools:

Procore Tool Workflow Item(s) To learn more...
Commitments 1 Subcontractor Progress Claims 2 Create a Custom Workflow for Subcontractor Progress Claims
Commitments  Subcontracts/Purchase Orders Create a Custom Workflow for a Commitment
Head Contracts 1 Head Contract Create a Custom Workflow Template for Head Contracts

This tool is only available when your company is licenced for Procore's Project Financials tools.  

This item is only available when your company is using the Collaborator and Admin views for subcontractor invoicing.  



  1. Navigate to the Company level Workflows tool.
  2. Read the Beta Participant Agreement.
  3. Click Accept

Setup & Configuration

The transition from the legacy workflow engine to the self-service engine is not complete until the update is activated through the Workflows configure settings page. However, the self-serve Workflows beta allows users to set up and configure their own custom workflow templates before fully updating their workflow version. Workflow templates are not able to be applied to items (contracts and progress claims) until updating the workflow version in the Workflows configure settings.

See the steps in the 'Enable Self-Service Workflows' section when you are ready to update.

Create Custom Workflow Templates

You are now ready to begin creating custom workflows for your company. Custom workflows can be created, edited, and deleted from the company level Workflows tool. The instructions below will guide you through the steps of creating a workflow. For best results, it is recommended that you plan your custom workflow before creation. 


To create a custom workflow template in the Company level Workflows tool. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To view, create or edit a custom workflow at the company level:
      • 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Workflows tool. 
      • 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the Company level Workflows tool with the 'View Custom Workflows' and 'Create and Edit Workflow Templates' granular permission enabled on your permissions template. 


Add a Custom Workflow 

  1. Navigate to the Company level Workflows tool. 
  2. Click the Create button. 
  3. In the 'Add a Workflow' dialogue box, do the following:
    • Name *. Enter a name for your new workflow. 
    • Tool *. Select the tool and item for which you are creating the new workflowclipboard_e721b0e88fb6135835d3abf368c7514a3.png.
      • Subcontractor Progress Claim
      • Correspondence/Custom Tools
         Note: If you select Correspondence/Custom Tools, you will also be required to choose a Type before continuing to the next step.
      • Head Contract
      • Subcontract
      • Purchase Order
      • Budget Change
      • Owner Progress Claim
      • Head Contract Variation - Single Tier
      • Head Contract Variation - Two or Three Tier
      • Commitment Variation - Single Tier
      • Commitment Variation - Two or Three Tier
      • Head Potential Variation
      • Commitment Potential Variation
      • Document Management
  4. Click Create.
    Procore automatically opens the workflow builder and creates an 'Untitled' first step for you. 

Update the First Step in the Custom Workflow 

  1. Begin by selecting the type of step (Response Step, Condition Step) you will use at the start of the workflow. 
  2. Follow the instructions for the selected step type:

Add a Response Step to a Custom Workflow  

  1. Enter the following information in the General Information section:
    • Step Name. Enter a name for the step.
    • Type. Select Response Step.
    • Item Status. Enter the item status that will be associated with this workflow step.
    • Days to Complete. Enter the number of days the 'Responsible Group' has to complete the workflow step. Then select Calendar Days or Business Days from the drop-down list. Once the set number of days passes, Procore sends a reminder email until the step is complete.
    • Optional: Notification Recipients. Select the groups or roles that should receive an automated notification when the workflow step is NOT completed within the number of days specified under Days to Complete. The recipients named here will also receive an email when the workflow step is completed. The default groups include:
      • Workflow Manager. A workflow manager is a Procore user who must be designated on a project.
      • Item Creator. An item creator is a Procore user who created the item on a project.
      • Distribution Group. After you publish this workflow and assign it to a project, you can define different group members when configuring the custom workflow in the Project level commitments tools.
  2. Enter the following information in the Assignees section:
    • Assignee Role. Select the role of the user assigned to this step.
      • Optional: Click Create Template Role to create a unique role for this custom workflow.
    • Decision Type. Select the type of decision being made for this step:
      • First responder decides. There can be multiple assignees but only one response is required to progress to the next step in the workflow.
      • Multiple responders decide. There can be multiple assignees and multiple responses. You can determine the next step when all responders (not assignees) select the same response. You can also choose the next step when all responders are not in agreement.
  3. Enter the following information in the Responses section:
    • If Response is OR If All Responders Decide. Select a response from the list.
    • Go to Step. Select another workflow step to become the current step if the response above is chosen.
      • Optional: Click Add Step if you want the workflow to progress to a step that has not yet been created. You will be prompted to choose a type and name for the new step.
    • Otherwise. If the decision type is set to Multiple responders decide, select or create the next step in the workflow if the responses are NOT unanimous.
  4. Repeat the previous step to continue adding responses to this workflow step.
  5. Choose from these options:
    • Cancel. Click this button to discard any changes you have made.
    • Save as Draft. Click this button to save a numbered 'Draft' version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are still working on creating your custom workflow. 
    • Save and Publish. Click this button to create a newly published version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are ready to assign your workflow to a project.

Add a Condition Step to a Custom Workflow 

Condition steps allow a workflow path to be routed differently depending on whether the conditions of the step are met. To create a condition step, follow the instructions below. 

  1. Enter the following information in the General Information section:
    • Step Name. Enter a name for the step.
    • Type. Select Condition Step.
    • When. Select the first part of the hypothesis in the conditional statement. Different conditional statements exist for each tool. See Conditional Statements By Tool
      • Greater than. If your organisation requires additional signatures for amounts greater than or equal to a specified amount, you will want to choose this option and enter an amount in the field to the right.
      • Less than. If you want the step to function when the hypothesis is less than a specified number.
      • Is. If you want the step to function when a certain field is selected for a custom field.
      • Is Checked. If you want the step to function when a custom field checkbox is checked.
      • Contains any of. If you want the step to function when one or more multi-select options are chosen for a custom field.
    • Then. Select a step from the drop-down list or create a new one by clicking the Add Step button. 
    • Otherwise. Select a step from the drop-down list or create a new one by clicking the Add Step button. This is the step that will be next in the workflow if the current step's conditions are NOT met.
  2. Choose from these options:
    • Cancel. Click this button to discard any changes you have made.
    • Save as Draft. Click this button to save a numbered 'Draft' version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are still working on creating your custom workflow. 
    • Save and Publish. Click this button to create a newly published version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are ready to assign your workflow to a project.

Conditional Statements by Tool

Budget Changes... Show/Hide  

Condition Definition
Budget Change Amount The grand total of the all 'To' and 'From' Budget Change adjustment line item values.
Adjustment Amount The sum of the adjustment line item's positive amounts OR the absolute value of the adjustment line item's negative amounts. The greatest absolute value will be used to determine the outcome of the condition step.

Commitments... Show/Hide  

Condition Definition Example
Original Contract Amount The total SOV amount of the contract being approved.

A workflow needs to follow different approval paths depending on the amount of the contract being approved.

Total Amount of Approved Cost Objects

The total SOV amount of the 'Approved' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs on the project. The SOV amount of the workflow item is included in the total.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved Commitments + Approved CVs + Approved Direct Costs = Total Amount of Approved Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow when the total amount of other approved contracts, variations and direct costs are over or under a specified amount.

Total Amount of All Cost Objects

The total SOV amount of all 'Approved' and 'Pending' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs on the project. The SOV amount of the workflow item is included in the total.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved and Pending Commitments + Approved and Pending CVs + Approved and Pending Direct Costs = Total Amount of All Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow when the total amount of other pending or approved contracts, variations and direct costs of any status are over or under a specified amount 

Amount Over budget on Approved Cost Objects

The project's total budget amount subtracted from the combined total amount of all 'Approved' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved Commitments + Approved CVs + Approved Direct Costs - Total Budget Amount = Amount Over Budget on Approved Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other already approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific amount.* 

Amount Over Budget on All Cost Objects

The project's total budget amount subtracted from the combined total amount of all 'Approved' and 'Pending' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved and Pending Commitments + Approved and Pending CVs + Approved and Pending Direct Costs - Total Budget Amount = Amount Over Budget on All Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other pending or approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific amount.* 

% of Budget Allocated to Approved Cost Objects

The percentage of the project's total budget amount used by the combined total amount of 'Approved' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

(Approved Commitments + Approved CVs + Approved Direct Costs) ÷ Total Budget Amount = % of Budget Allocated to Approved Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other already approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific percentage. *

% of Budget Allocated to All Cost Objects

The percentage of the project's total budget amount used by the combined total amount of all 'Approved' and 'Pending' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

(Approved and Pending Commitments + Approved and Pending CVs + Approved and Pending Direct Costs) ÷ Total Budget Amount = % of Budget Allocated to All Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other pending or approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific percentage.* 

fieldsets (Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Checkbox)
Note: Single-Select and Multi-Select fields must be marked Required in the. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.
Move the workflow based on the value of the custom field as set up within the workflow template builder. Route the approval path of the workflow based on a custom field of "Contract Type" or "Building #". If the "Building #" is 2, route the workflow to John. If the "Building #" is 1, route the workflow to Susan.

Commitment Variations... Show/Hide   

Condition Definition Example
Amount The total SOV amount of the variation being approved.

A workflow needs to follow different approval paths depending on the amount of the contract being approved.

Total Amount of Approved Cost Objects

The total SOV amount of the 'Approved' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs on the project. The SOV amount of the workflow item is included in the total.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved Commitments + Approved CVs + Approved Direct Costs = Total Amount of Approved Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow when the total amount of other approved contracts, variations and direct costs is over or under a specified amount.

Total Amount of All Cost Objects

The total SOV amount of all 'Approved' and 'Pending' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs on the project. The SOV amount of the workflow item is included in the total.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved and Pending Commitments + Approved and Pending CVs + Approved and Pending Direct Costs = Total Amount of All Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow when the total amount of other pending or approved contracts, variations and direct costs of any status are over or under a specified amount 

Amount Over budget on Approved Cost Objects

The project's total budget amount subtracted from the combined total amount of all 'Approved' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved Commitments + Approved CVs + Approved Direct Costs - Total Budget Amount = Amount Over Budget on Approved Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other already approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific amount.* 

Amount Over Budget on All Cost Objects

The project's total budget amount subtracted from the combined total amount of all 'Approved' and 'Pending' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

Approved and Pending Commitments + Approved and Pending CVs + Approved and Pending Direct Costs - Total Budget Amount = Amount Over Budget on All Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other pending or approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific amount.* 

% of Budget Allocated to Approved Cost Objects

The percentage of the project's total budget amount used by the combined total amount of 'Approved' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

(Approved Commitments + Approved CVs + Approved Direct Costs) ÷ Total Budget Amount = % of Budget Allocated to Approved Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other already approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific percentage. *

% of Budget Allocated to All Cost Objects

The percentage of the project's total budget amount used by the combined total amount of all 'Approved' and 'Pending' Commitments, Commitment Variations and Direct Costs.

Formula... Show/Hide  

(Approved and Pending Commitments + Approved and Pending CVs + Approved and Pending Direct Costs) ÷ Total Budget Amount = % of Budget Allocated to All Cost Objects

Route the approval path of the workflow if the contract being approved and other pending or approved contracts, variations and direct costs are going to take your project over budget by a specific percentage.* 

fieldsets (Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Checkbox)
Note: Single-Select and Multi-Select fields must be marked Required in the fieldset. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.
Move the workflow based on the value of the custom field as set up within the workflow template builder. Route the approval path of the workflow based on a custom field of "Contract Type" or "Building #". If the "Building #" is 2, route the workflow to John. If the "Building #" is 1, route the workflow to Susan.

Correspondence/Custom Tools... Show/Hide  

Condition Definition
Cost Impact Value The amount entered in the 'Cost Impact' field on the correspondence item.
fieldsets (Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Checkbox)
Note: Single-Select and Multi-Select fields must be marked Required in the fieldset. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.
Move the workflow based on the value of the custom field as set up within the workflow template builder.

Head Contract Progress Claim... Show/Hide  

Condition Definition
Net Amount Billed This Period The amount billed before taxes. 
Gross Amount Bill This Period The amount billed after taxes.

Head Contracts... Show/Hide  

Condition Definition Example
Original Contract Amount The total SOV amount of the contract being approved. A workflow needs to follow different approval paths depending on the amount of the contract being approved.
fieldsets (Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Checkbox)
Note: Single-Select and Multi-Select fields must be marked Required in the fieldset. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.
Move the workflow based on the value of the custom field as set up within the workflow template builder. Route the approval path of the workflow based on a custom field of "Contract Type" or "Building #". If the "Building #" is 2, route the workflow to John. If the "Building #" is 1, route the workflow to Susan.

Head Contract Variations... Show/Hide  

Condition Definition Example
Amount The total SOV amount of the variation being approved. A workflow needs to follow different approval paths depending on the amount of the contract being approved.
fieldsets (Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Checkbox)
Note: Single-Select and Multi-Select fields must be marked Required in the fieldset. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.
Move the workflow based on the value of the custom field as set up within the workflow template builder. Route the approval path of the workflow based on a custom field of "Contract Type" or "Building #". If the "Building #" is 2, route the workflow to John. If the "Building #" is 1, route the workflow to Susan.

Subcontractor Progress Claims... Show/Hide  

Condition Definition
Net Amount The amount being billed on the progress claim with retention applied.
Original Commitment Value The original SOV amount commitment associated with the progress claim.
fieldsets (Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Checkbox)
Note: Single-Select and Multi-Select fields must be marked Required in the fieldset. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.
Move the workflow based on the value of the custom field as set up within the workflow template builder.

*Conditional statements linked to the project’s budget are based on the total amount of the budget column selected on the Custom Reporting Budget View located in the company level Admin tool. See Set Up a Budget View for Custom Reporting.


Add an End Step (Successful) to a Custom Workflow 

A finish step defines the end of a workflow. A finish step indicates the custom workflow is complete. 

  1. Click the icon-blue-plus-pfcp.png icon attached to an existing step in the workflow builder and choose End Step (Successful).  
  2. Enter the following information in the General Information section:
    • Step Name. Enter a name for the step.
    • Item Status. Select the appropriate status that indicates successful completion. Status options vary by tool.
    • Optional: Notification Recipients. Select the groups or roles that should receive an automated notification when the workflow step is completed. The default groups include: 
      • Workflow Manager. A workflow manager is a Procore user who must be designated on a project.
      • Item Creator. An item creator is a Procore user who created the item on a project.
      • Distribution Group. After you publish this workflow and assign it to a project, you can define different group members when configuring the custom workflow in the Project level commitments tools.
  3. Choose from these options:
    • Cancel. Click this button to discard any changes you have made.
    • Save as Draft. Click this button to save a numbered 'Draft' version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are still working on creating your custom workflow. 
    • Save and Publish. Click this button to create a newly published version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are ready to assign your workflow to a project.

Add an End Step (Unsuccessful) to a Custom Workflow 

  1. Click the icon-blue-plus-pfcp.png icon attached to an existing step in the workflow builder and choose End Step (Unsuccessful).
  2. Enter the following information in the General Information section:
    • Step Name. Enter a name for the step.
    • Item Status. Select the appropriate status that indicates unsuccessful completion. Status options vary by tool.
    • Optional: Notification Recipients. Select the groups or roles that should receive an automated notification when the workflow step is completed. The default groups include: 
      • Workflow Manager. A workflow manager is a Procore user who must be designated on a project.
      • Item Creator. An item creator is a Procore user who created the item on a project.
      • Distribution Group. After you publish this workflow and assign it to a project, you can define different group members when configuring the custom workflow in the Project level commitments tools.
  3. Choose from these options:
    • Cancel. Click this button to discard any changes you have made.
    • Save as Draft. Click this button to save a numbered 'Draft' version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are still working on creating your custom workflow. 
    • Save and Publish. Click this button to create a newly published version of the workflow. Choose this option when you are ready to assign your workflow to a project.


Assign Workflow Templates to Projects

Once your workflows are published, the next step is to assign them to a project so they can be configured. The following steps will show you how to assign workflows to projects in the company-level Workflows tool. 

  1. Navigate to the Company level Workflows tool. 
  2. In the 'Workflows' table, locate the version that you want to publish. 
    You can only assign published versions of a custom workflow to a project. To learn how to tell a draft from a published version, see How are version numbers updated in the Company level Workflows tool?
  3. Click the hyperlink in the 'Assigned Projects' column.  

  4. In the 'Assign Projects' dialogue box, do the following:
    • To select all of the active projects in your company's account, place a mark in the Select All check box. 
    • To search for individual projects, start typing the project name in the Search box. Then place a mark in the checkbox(es) that corresponds to the desired project(s). 
  5. Click Update

Assign a Workflow Template to New Projects

A workflow template can be assigned automatically to all new projects. This is to prevent having to assign the same template to each new project you create. 

  1. Navigate to the Company level Workflows tool.
  2. In the 'Workflows' table, locate the version that you want to assign to all new projects.
  3. Hover over the space in the 'Assign to New Projects' column.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. A checkmark will appear showing that it has been assigned to all new projects
  6. Optional: If you want to unassign a template from all new projects, click the checkmark again. 


Configure Workflow Templates on a Project

Once workflow templates are assigned to projects, they need to be configured. This is the process where workflow steps are assigned to specific users and the amount of days they have to respond is set. A default workflow will also need to be set for the tool it is associated with before it can be applied to an item.


To configure a custom workflow for use on a Procore project. 


After a custom workflow template is published, the next step is to assign that workflow to a project. Once the workflow is assigned to a project, you can update its configuration settings for your specific project. This includes assigning a person to act as the 'Workflow Manager' and assigning the appropriate distribution group(s) and assignees to your workflow for Procore's automated notifications. 

This article covers the project level configurations for custom workflows across all available tools.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Directory tool. 
    • Users with the 'Configure Workflow Templates' commitment workflows granular permission for the respective tool on their permissions template.
      'Admin' level permissions on the tool where the workflow is being configured


Assign a Project Workflow Manager & Distribution Group to a Custom Workflow

  1. Navigate to the Project level tool where the workflow is being configured.
    • Subcontractor Progress Claim (Invoicing)
    • Correspondence/Custom Tools 
    • Head Contracts
    • Subcontract (Commitments)
    • Purchase Order (Commitments)
    • Budget Change (Budget)
    • Head Contract Variation (Head Contracts)
    • Commitment Variation (Commitments)
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon.
    Note: For the Correspondence tool, select the configure settings for the specific type set on the workflow.
  3. Click on 'Workflow Settings' in the right pane.
    Note: The Invoicing and Correspondence tools do not have a separate 'Workflow Settings' page. Scroll to the bottom of the Invoicing configure settings to find workflow configurations.
  4. Click the Configure button next to the workflow being configured to open the workflow viewer.
  5. At the top of the workflow, do the following:
    • Assign Workflow Manager. Select the project user who is assigned to this role in the drop-down list at the top of the page. 
    • Assign Distribution Group. Select a distribution group from this list. These users are the individuals who will receive notification emails from Procore when actions are triggered by your workflow steps. 
  6. Click Save in the bottom right corner of the Workflows tool. 

Customise the Standard Steps in a Custom Workflow

  1. Navigate to the Project level tool where the workflow is being configured.
    • Subcontractor Progress Claim (Commitments)
    • Correspondence/Custom Tools 
    • Head Contracts
    • Subcontract (Commitments)
    • Purchase Order (Commitments)
    • Budget Change (Budget)
    • Head Contract Variation (Head Contracts)
    • Commitment Variation (Commitments)
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon.
    Note: For the Correspondence tool, select the configure settings for the specific type of the workflow.
  3. Click on 'Workflow Settings' in the side pane.
    Note: The Invoicing tool does not have a separate 'Workflow Settings' page. Scroll to the bottom of the Invoicing configure settings to find workflow configurations
  4. Locate the workflow to update in the 'Workflow Settings' table and click Configure.
  5. Click a standard step in the custom workflow to open the right pane for that step. 
  6. Do the following:
    • Assignee(s). Select one (1) or more Procore user names from this drop-down list. To appear in this list, the individual must be added to the project's Directory tool. Note: If 'Item Creator' was selected for the assignee role of a step in the company level workflow builder, another specific assignee cannot be chosen.
    • Days to Complete*. Enter a number in the first box. Then select Calendar Days or Business Days from the drop-down list. This defines the number of days the 'Assignee(s)' have to complete the workflow step. If the 'Assignees' do not complete these steps, Procore sends an automated notification to the assignee(s) as a reminder.
  7. Repeat the steps above for every standard step in the workflow
  8. Click SaveNote: If there are any required fields remaining to be filled, a banner will appear at the top of the workflow viewer. Click Show Details to see which step and field needs to be addressed. 

Set a Default Workflow

A default workflow must be configured and set before a workflow can be started on an item.

  1. Hover over the 'Default Workflow' column in the 'Workflow Settings' table.
  2. Click Set as Default in the row of the workflow you want to be the default. Note: If a default workflow has already been set, the same action will remove the default selection. 
  3. Once the default workflow is set, a checkmark will appear in the 'Default Workflow' column next to that template.


Start a Workflow

If you have enabled the self-service Workflows engine in the Workflows tool configure settings, you are now ready to use your workflows on project-level items. After creating and configuring a template on a project, the next step is to create an item that needs a workflow (contract or progress claim). Workflows on subcontractor progress claims start automatically, but workflows on contracts need to be manually started. The instructions below will show you how to start a workflow.



After creating a new commitment, head contract or budget change on a project, the next step will be to start the workflow so its members can respond.

Things to Consider


  • A default workflow must be set for the tool you are working in.
  • If the item is a contract it must be in Draft status


  1. Navigate to the tool and item containing the workflow.
  2. Click Start Workflow at the top right corner of the contract.

Respond to a Custom Workflow



To respond to a custom workflow on a project level item. 


After a workflow has been initiated on a project level item, responses can be added to the workflow by the designated assignees.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To respond to a workflow on a commitment or commitment variation:
      • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Commitments or Head Contracts tool.
      • Must have permission to view the item containing the workflow. If the item is marked ‘Private’, the responder must have ‘Admin’ level permissions or be added to the ‘Access for Non-Admin Users’ list in the item’s privacy settings. 
      • Must be the assignee of the contract's current workflow step.
    • To respond to a workflow on a head contract or head contract variation:
      • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Commitments or Head Contracts tool.
      • Must have permission to view the item containing the workflow. If the item is marked ‘Private’, the responder must have ‘Admin’ level permissions or be added to the ‘Access for Non-Admin Users’ list in the item’s privacy settings. 
      • Must be the assignee of the contract's current workflow step.
    • To respond to a workflow on a subcontractor progress claim:
      • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Commitments tool.
      • Must be the assignee of the progress claim's current workflow step.
      • The progress claim must be associated with an open billing period.
      • Must have permission to view the item containing the workflow. If the item is marked ‘Private’, the responder must have ‘Admin’ level permissions or be added to the ‘Access for Non-Admin Users’ list in the item’s privacy settings. 
    • To respond to a workflow on a budget change:
      • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Budget tool.
      • Must be the assignee of the current workflow step on the budget change.
    • To respond to a workflow on a correspondence item:
      • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Correspondence type.
      • Must be the assignee of the correspondence item's current workflow step.


  1. Navigate to the Project level item containing the workflow. 

    You can navigate to the item in Procore by clicking the 'Take Action in Procore' button in the workflow notification email.

  2. In the right pane of the item, review the 'Current' step in the workflow. 
    Note: Click 'Show Workflow' if the side panel is collapsed.
  3. Select your response for the workflow at the bottom of the right pane. 
    Note: You will have an opportunity to cancel your response in the next step.
  4. Optional: Upload or attach files to the workflow. 
  5. Optional: Enter a reason for your response.
  6. Click Submit to finalise your response or Back to return to change your response.


Workflows Tool - Tutorials

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