Estimating - User Permissions
Action | None | Read Only | Standard | Admin | Notes |
Add 3D Model Takeoffs |
Users also need 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the project's Models tool. | ||||
Add 3D Model Takeoffs Using Auto-Mapping |
Users also need 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the project's Models tool. | ||||
Add an Estimate |
Add and Manage Internal Notes in a Tender Board Project |
Add and Manage Tasks in a Tender Board Project |
Add Inclusions and Exclusions |
Add Items to a Cost Catalogue |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the Company level Cost Catalog tool. | ||||
Add a Variation for an Estimate |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the Project level Change Events tool. | ||||
Assign a Budget Code from an Estimate |
Configure Estimating Tool Settings |
Users with Admin level permissions to the company's Admin tool manage additional settings in the company's Admin tool. | ||||
Configure Settings for an Estimate in the Estimating Tab |
Copy a Group to Another Project |
Copy or Move a Group to Another Estimate |
Copy a Takeoff Group |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Copy Takeoff Layers |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Create a Head Contract from an Estimate |
Users also need 'Admin' level permissions or higher to the Project level Budget tool. | ||||
Create a Purchase Order from an Estimate |
Users also need 'Admin' level permissions or higher to the Project level Budget tool. | ||||
Delete Documents from a Tender Board Project |
Delete a Takeoff Group |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Delete Takeoff Layers |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Download Documents from a Tender Board Project |
Edit a Tender Proposal with the Proposal Builder |
Edit an Estimate |
Edit Custom Fields for a Tender Board Project |
Edit Customer Information for a Tender Board Project |
Edit the Estimate Overview for a Tender Board Project |
Expand or Collapse Takeoff Groups |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Export a Tender |
Export an Estimate |
Generate a Tender Proposal |
Lock and Unlock Takeoff Layers |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Manage Inclusion and Exclusion Libraries |
Merge Estimates |
Move Takeoff Layers to a New Group |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Rename a Takeoff Group |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Respond to a Tender Invitation |
Run Automated Area Takeoffs |
Users also need 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the project's Models tool. | ||||
Search for Model Objects in Estimating |
Users also need 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the project's Models tool. | ||||
Send a Variation to the Change Events Tool |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the Project level Change Events tool. | ||||
Send an Estimate to the Budget |
Users also need 'Admin' level permissions or higher to the Project level Budget tool. | ||||
Set the Drawing Scale for Takeoffs |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Show or Hide Takeoff Layers |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Split Takeoff Layers |
Users also need 'Standard' level permissions or higher to the project's Drawings tool. | ||||
Upload Documents from a Tender Board Project |
View 3D Models in Estimating |
Users also need 'Read Only' level permissions or higher to the project's Models tool. | ||||
View an Estimate |