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Edit a Billing Period for Progress Billing

 Limited Release
flag-us.png flag-canada.png The Progress Billings tool is only available to Procore customers in the United States and Canada who have implemented the Procore for Speciality Contractors point-of-view dictionary. To learn more, see (Limited Release) Owners & Speciality Contractors Point-of-View Dictionary Options


To edit a billing period with the Progress Billings tool.  


Before you or your subcontractors can begin creating subcontractor progress claims in Procore and submitting them for payment,  you must first create a billing period for the progress claim. Creating a billing period is a required step.  It defines the opening date, closing date and the due date for the progress claim. You have these options to create billing periods in the project's Invoicing tool:

  • Manually. Choose this option when you need to create billing periods for your subcontractor progress claims and your billing periods are not on a consistent program. To learn more, see Create Manual Billing Periods.
  • Automatically. Use this method when your billing periods have a consistent start, end and due date. For example, weekly or monthly. To learn more, see Create Automatic Billing Periods.

 After creating a billing period, you can use the steps below to edit a billing period.  

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Commitments tool.
      • Access permissions to the Invoicing & Progress Billings tools are governed by the permissions set on the Commitments and/or Client Contracts, Funding or Head Contracts tool. Procore tool names vary, depending on the point-of-view dictionary configured in Procore. See What tool names and terms are different in Procore for head contractors, owners and speciality contractors?
      • If you are a collaborator (for example, an progress claim contact employed by a company performing work on a project managed in Procore, your ability to perform invoice-related tasks is determined by the Procore company account holder. Settings that the account holder may choose to provide to you include:
        • A Procore User account.
        • Access permissions to the project's Commitments and/or Client Contracts, Funding or Head Contracts tool.
        • Membership on the 'Private' list of a specific contract or funding
        • Designated as an 'Invoice Contact' on the contract or funding.
  • Additional Information:
    • You can only have one (1) billing period with a status of 'Open' at a time. 
    • You cannot create two billing periods with identical date ranges.
    • In order to create an progress claim, the progress claim must correspond to the billing period in the 'Open' status.
    • To successfully Compile Progress Billing Backups, the billing period(s) that correspond to the selected progress billings must exist. Procore recommends that you only delete billing periods when they are NOT associated with any progress billings. To learn more, see Create Automatic Billing Periods and Create Manual Billing Periods.


  1. Navigate to the project's Progress Billings tool.
  2. Click the Billing Periods tab.
  3. Use the calendar controls to select dates for your billing period:
    • From. Indicates the start date for the billing period. 
    • To. Indicates the end date for the billing period. 
    • Due Date. Indicates the date by which the progress claim contact must submit their progress claim to the contractor.  See Add Progress Claim Contacts to a Purchase Order or Subcontract.
      • To create a new subcontractor progress claim after the 'Due Date' passes, your Procore user account must be granted 'Admin' permissions on the Commitments tool. 
      • After the due date passes, a Progress Claim Contact can no longer create a new subcontractor progress claim. However, you may edit an existing subcontractor progress claim and submit that progress claim for payment if the progress claim is in the 'Draft' or 'Revise & Resubmit' status. For details, see Submit a New Progress Claim as a Progress Claim Contact.
  4. Select Open or Closed from the Status list. 
    Note: Only one (1) billing period can be assigned the status of 'Open' at any given time. 
  5. Click Done or click out of the field to save your changes. 


    What's the next step? After creating a billing period, users with the required user permissions can Create a Subcontractor Progress Claim.