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Defect List

The Defect List tool is used at the end of a project to keep track of remaining items to complete, assign responsibility, and maintain due dates.

  • Create, manage, attach drawings/photos, and assign defect list items to users from a mobile device or computer
  • Set a due date, distribute defect list tasks, and automatically send overdue email notifications to responsible parties
  • Give assignees the ability to view, respond to, and complete defect list items from a mobile device in the field
  • Monitor and track defect list items by status (i.e., open, closed, or pending) and maintain a real-time history of all actions

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See Procore Imports for additional videos related to the Defect List.

To browse and search all Procore training videos, visit our video library.


Configure Defect List Settings


Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
View a Defect List Item (Mobile) - Subcontractor as Collaborator
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Resolve a Defect List Item (Mobile) - Subcontractor as Collaborator

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Configure Defect List Settings


Import Defect Items


Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Review and Close Defect List Items


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Subcontractor - Resolve a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Subcontractor - View a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Configure Defect List


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Admin - Import Defect Items into the Project Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as a Client - Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Create Defect List Items from the Drawing Tool (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Configure the Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Configure the Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Configure Defect List Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Create a Defect List Item


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Accept and Close a Defect List Item


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Import Defect Items

Admin - Import Defect Items into the Project Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Import Defect Items

Admin - Import Defect Items into the Project Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.


Configure Defect List Settings


Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Import Defect Items

Review and Close Defect List Items


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Admin - Import Defect Items into the Project Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Import Defect Items

Admin - Import Defect Items into the Project Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Configure Defect List Settings


Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)
View a Defect List Item (Mobile) - Subcontractor as Collaborator
Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)
Resolve a Defect List Item (Mobile) - Subcontractor as Collaborator

OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications

Configure Defect List Settings


Import Defect Items


Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Review and Close Defect List Items


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Subcontractor - Resolve a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Subcontractor - View a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Configure Defect List


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Admin - Import Defect Items into the Project Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as a Client - Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Create Defect List Items from the Drawing Tool (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Speciality Contractor as Client - Configure the Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Close a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Configure the Defect List Tool


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Respond to a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Owner - Create a Defect List Item (Mobile)


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Configure Defect List Settings


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Create a Defect List Item


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Site manager - Accept and Close a Defect List Item


Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.














Defect List

The following table highlights which user permissions are required to perform the described user action.

icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png: Denotes an action supported in Procore's iOS and/or Android mobile application.

icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ : Indicates that one or more granular permissions are available for the task. See the relevant tutorial or Grant Granular Permissions in a Project Permissions Template for more information.

Task None Read Only Standard Admin
Add Attachments to a Defect List Item       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Add Comments to Defect List Items     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Assign a Defect List Item 2  icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Close Defect List Item 3  icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Configure Advanced Settings: Defect List       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Customise the Column Display in the Defect List Tool   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Create a Project Level Defect Item Template       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Create a Defect List Item 2  icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Create a Defect Item Template Category at the Project Level       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Deactivate a Defect Item Template on a Project       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Delete a Defect Item Template Category at the Project Level       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Delete a Defect Item Template from a Project       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Delete a Defect List Item        icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Edit a Defect List Item 6  icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Edit a Defect Item Template Category at the Project Level       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Export Defect List Register as a PDF   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Export the Defect List Register as a CSV   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Export the Defect List Register as a PDF   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Import Defect List Items 7       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Respond to a Defect List Item 4, 1   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Retrieve Deleted Defect Item from Recycle Bin       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Search and Filter the Defect List  icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
Notify Assignees of Defect List Items  icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View a Defect List Item 5  icon-mindtouch-table-mobile.png   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View Change History of a Single Defect List Item       icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
View Private Defect Items Assigned to User Within the Same Company   icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png

Users with 'Standard' level permissions can perform this action if they are listed as the item's Defect Item Manager, Assignee or Final Approver or if they have been granted the granular permission "Respond to Defect Items Assigned to Users within the Same Company."

While 'Standard' level users can create defect list items, they cannot assign a defect list item unless they have been granted special permission to act as the Defect Item Manager. See Grant a Standard User Permissions to Act as a Defect List Manager.

'Standard' level users can only close defect list items they have created (when the item's status is 'Draft' or 'In Dispute'), or when they have been designated as the item's 'Final Approver' (when the item's status is 'Ready to Close') or designated as the item's 'Defect Item Manager'.

Users with 'Read Only' permissions can perform this action if they have been granted the granular permission “Respond to Defect Items Assigned to Users within the Same Company.”

5 Users with 'Standard' and 'Read Only' permissions can only view non-private defect list items after they have been sent to the Assignee.

Users with 'Standard' permissions can only perform this action for items they created.

This task also requires 'Admin' permissions on the project's Admin tool and 'Standard' permissions on the project's Directory tool.

Below are the notable changes to the project's Defect List tool. 

Recent Changes

No recent notable changes.