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Changes by Tool

This page highlights recent notable changes to the Procore web application at:

Company Level

Admin (Company Level)

Settings for Connection Manager Tool (21/02/2024)

The Connection Manager is a new tool that will allow you to connect your project to another company's project in Procore. Initially, you can set your connection settings and distribution list. See Configure Project Connection SettingsConfigure Advanced Settings: Connection Manager, and What should I know about connecting projects in Procore?


Procore has updated Custom Fields making them easier to find and manage. Load times for custom fields have improved and small changes have been added to make managing custom fields faster and more intuitive. Additionally, when using multi or single select field types, you can easily search and manage the available options. See Create New Custom Fields and Edit Custom Fields.

Update Your Settings to REceive Tender Invitations Through the Procore Construction Network (04/12/2023)

Paying Procore Accounts can now receive tender invitations through the Procore Construction Network. To update your company’s settings to receive tender invitations, see How can my company receive tender invitations through the Procore Construction Network?

Updated Estimating Settings (14/11/2023)

Cost codes and cost types can now be configured at company level with the same settings that are available when sending an estimate to the budget in the project's Estimating tool. These settings are applied by default to all projects to provide more consistency. You can still override budget codes as needed in the project's Estimating tab. See Configure Default Estimating Settings.

Make Bulk Edits to Items in Action Plan Templates (28/08/2023)

When creating or editing an action plan template, you can make bulk changes to items within your plan. Mark the checkboxes for the items you want edit, then choose how you want to update the item. Read the Announcement to learn more and see Create and Edit a Project Level Action Plan Template and Create a Company Level Action Plan Template.

New Setting for Disabling Overdue Item Email Notifications During Weekends (06/04/2023)

In order to help reduce email interruptions during non-working days, Procore has added a new setting that allows Company Admins to prevent overdue email notifications from being sent to users during the weekend. See Can I prevent emails from being sent on the weekend? and Configure Your Company Settings.

Create Custom Fields for Site Diary equipment Register (06/03/2023)

Procore has added the ability to create custom fields in the Company level Admin tool for the Equipment Register in a project's Site Diary tool. These custom fields function like other fields in Procore and can be included in reports in the Company and Project level Reports tools. See Create New Custom Fields.

Custom Field Types and Sections for Inspections (08/02/2023)

When creating new Custom Fields for Inspections, you can use new field types such as Project Users, Company, Location and Date and Time. Additionally, Procore has added the ability to organise Custom Fields on Inspections. Users can create Sections in their Configurable Fieldsets and add Custom Fields to those sections. Custom Fields show within the designated section on the Inspections for projects using that Fieldset. See Create New Custom Fields and What are custom sections and which Procore tools support them?

Orange Lock Icon Added to 'Super Private' Correspondence Types (24/01/2023)

Procore has added a new orange lock icon to 'Super Private' correspondence types in the list of correspondence types in the Company level Admin tool.

Tender Board (Company Level)

Cost Catalogueue (Company Level)


Unit of measure options are now available for cataitem types in the Estimating tool. Previously, 'each' was the only measurement option. Cost Catalogue Excel templates have also been updated. See Add Items to a Cost Catalogue

'taxable' field NOW available for cost catalogue items (15/02/2023) 

A 'Taxable' field is now available when adding or editing a cost catalogue item in the Cost Catalogue tool. See Add Items to the Cost Catalogue. Previously, the material tax was applied by default and could only be changed in the Estimating tool. The 'Taxable' field has also been extended to XLS files for bulk updates to cost catalogue items. See Import Cost Catalogue Items.

'Labor' Type Now Supported for Assemblies (05/05/2022)

The 'Labor' cost catalogue type can now be selected for assemblies in the Cost Catalogue. Previously, the ability to account for labour in the Cost Catalogue and Estimating tools was limited. This release provides more flexibility and helps to ensure that estimates are accurately represented. See Create Assemblies for a Cost Catalogue.

'Weeks' and 'Months' Now Available for Labour Cost Catalogue Item Type (02/02/2022)

In addition to Minutes, Hours and Days, you can now use Weeks and Months to measure labour. See Add Items to a Cost Catalogue.

New 'EPD URL' Field for Catalaog Item Details (31/01/2022)

A 'EPD url' field has been added to the Catalog Details section of a cost catalogue item. See Add Items to a Cost Catalogue. 'EPD' is used for environmental declarations that are published online.

Directory (Company Level)

Save Companies from the Procore Construction Network to your Directory (14/05/2024)

When adding companies to your Company Directory, you can save businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network instead of creating them manually. By saving these connected companies, we are making it easier for you to connect with businesses already in Procore so you can use new collaboration features as they become available. See Add a Company to the Company Directory.

Save Companies from the Procore Construction Network to your Directory (08/04/2024)

When adding companies to your Company Directory, you can save businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network instead of creating them manually. By saving these connected companies, we are making it easier for you to connect with businesses already in Procore so you can use new collaboration features as they become available. See Add a Company to the Company Directory.


When people create a Procore account, they can request to join their company if it already has an account in Procore. Company Admins for the company receive an email notification. They can log in to Procore and accept or decline the request. See Accept or Deny a User's Request to Join Your Company.

Manage Tender Contacts for a Connected Company (05/03/2024)

You can add tender contacts from your Directory to a connected company. See Set Tenderer Information at the Company Level.

Retry or Cancel when Merging Companies (15/02/2024)

Users merging companies can now cancel the merge, or retry the merge if they get an error. See Merge Companies.

New 'Additional Insured' Field for Companies (14/02/2024)

When adding insurance information for companies in your Directory, a new 'Additional Insured' field is available. Add a free-text entry about any additional insured entities for the Certificate of Insurance (COI). See Add Insurance to a Company Record in the Company Directory.

Refresh Tender Contacts for Connected Companies (04/12/2023)

You can now refresh tender contacts for connected companies in the Company Directory. This allows you to see the current tender contacts as set by the connected company. See Refresh Tender Contacts for Connected Companies in the Company Directory.

Inactivate Connected Users (18/10/2023)

You can now inactivate users and tender contacts from a connected company in your company's Directory. This also allows you to inactivate a connected company. See Inactivate a User in the Company Directory and Inactivate a Company in the Company Directory.

Configurable Employee Field When Creating New Users (10/18/2023)

When creating a new user, you can update the 'Is Employee' field to indicate if the user is an employee of your company. By default, users are not marked as employees, making it easy to add collaborators. If you do not want to show this field, you can create or edit the configurable fieldset for the Directory to hide the field. Hiding the field also removes it from the user's detail page. Read the Announcement for more details.

New Fields when Creating a User (02/10/2023)

New fields have been added when creating a user in the Project and Company level Directories. You now need to select whether the user is an employee of your company, and select the company the user belongs to. This will ensure better data accuracy in your directory. See Add a User Account to the Project Directory and Add a User Account to the Company Directory.

Merge Connected Companies (19/07/2023)

It is now possible to merge connected companies that are added from the Procore Construction Network and companies created locally in your Company level Directory. See Merge Companies and How are duplicate companies handled between the Directory tool and Procore Construction Network?

Assignable Default Project Permissions Templates (11/07/2023)

Assignable default project permissions templates are now available in the Company level Directory. This allows users with granular permission to 'Create and Edit Users (Based on Assignable Permissions Templates)' in the Company level Directory to assign other users selected Default Project Permissions Templates when adding or editing users. Previously only Directory Admins could do this task. Read more in the Announcement and see tutorials to Add User Accounts to the Company Directory and Edit Default Project Permissions in the Company Directory.

Assignable Company Permissions Templates (13/06/2023)

Assignable permissions templates are now available for the Company level Directory, allowing users with granular permission to 'Create and Edit Users' in the Company level Directory to assign other users an assignable Company level permission template and grant access to Company level tools. Read more in the Announcement and see tutorials to Assign a Company Permissions Template to a User in the Company Directory and Change a User's Permissions to Company Tools in the Company Directory.

New Views and Filters when Managing Projects for a User (23/05/2023)

When editing a user's projects, you can configure the projects table show specific fields, rearrange and pin columns, or apply a filter to only show the user's assigned projects. To learn how, see View User Details in the Company Directory, Add an Existing User to Projects, and Remove an Existing User from Projects.

Easily Manage Users Access to Projects (06/04/2023)

Directory Admins and users with granular permissions to Create and Edit Users can now easily edit which projects a user belongs to. Read the Announcement or Add an Existing User to Projects in Your Company's Procore Account to learn more.

Documents (Company Level)

No recent notable changes.

ERP Integrations (Company Level)

Direct Export for Commitments, Commitment Change Orders, and Subcontractor Progress Claims (21/07/2023)

Procore's ERP integrations now offer the ability to bypass the accounting approver step when exporting certain items to your ERP system. This feature, referred to as 'Direct Export', offers increased flexibility and can help you streamline approval processes. To learn more, see ERP Integrations: Direct Export Feature.

Standard item numbering upon export for commitments, Variations and progress claims  (10/04/2023)

Procore's Company level ERP Integrations tool previously provided the option to change an item's number upon export to an integrated ERP system. The removal of this field eliminates the possibility for an item's number in Procore to differ from that item's number in an integrated ERP system, offering an improved auditing and reconciliation experience for accounting teams.  

When a Procore project's subcontractor progress claims are synced with a supported ERP Integration, a link is created between the records stored in each system. Sometimes, users will inadvertently export a subcontractor progress claim from Procore and then discover that the subcontractor progress claim's data was entered incorrectly. When this occurs, the link between the systems will first need to be deleted manually using the new Unlink button. Prior to this update, a user with 'Admin' level permission was required to send a email request to reset the subcontractor progress claim then users had to wait for the request to be processed. Now, a user with the appropriate permissions can perform that step on their own.

For more information on a specific ERP integration see:

Inspections (Company Level)


You can now do the following with inspection line items: require a photo and/or observation based on selected responses, add references such as attachments on company level templates and lastly, you can now add signatures to an inspection line item. These updates to the Inspections tool focus on enhancing flexibility, granularity and accountability. See Create a Company Level Inspection Template.

Permissions (Company Level)

change history now available for permission templates (03/18/2024) 

Procore has released the ability to view the change history of Project and Company level permission templates. This change history will show changes that occurred both before release of this feature, as well as future changes. To learn more, see View the Change History of a Permission Template.

Planroom (Company Level)

No recent notable changes.

Portfolio (Company Level)

No recent notable changes.

Prequalification Portal (Company Level)

No notable changes.

Prequalifications (Company Level)

No recent notable changes.

Programs (Company Level)

No notable changes.

Reports (Company Level)

Enhanced Reporting for Workforce Management (10/04/2023)

Procore has released various enhancements to the Company level and Project level Reports tools for reporting on Workforce Management tools. You can now report on your workforce, production and Daywork data alongside your financial information in enhanced reporting to gain insights such as labour utilization and date range production.

Enhanced Reporting allows users to create reports with data from multiple and related Procore tools on both active and inactive projects with a modern, intuitive interface.

Users with Company Admin permission can edit and delete any report to which they have been granted access or have the URL (13/03/2023)

This update will give Company Admins more control over their accounts by allowing them to edit or delete any report which has been shared with them or to which they have the report's URL. This means they will have the ability to stop and delete if needed, any recurring reports created by other users, even if those users have been removed from the account.

Program (Company Level)

Timecard (Company Level)

No notable changes.

Timesheets (Company Level)

Weekly Summary for Company Timesheets (03/09/2024) 

When reviewing timesheets, you can see a detailed view of the time entered for employees, as well as daily and weekly hours for the employee across all projects in the new weekly summarised view. The new weekly summary view helps you more easily review timesheets, identify missing or duplicate records and approve timesheets. See View Timecard Summaries in Company Level Timesheets.

Intuitive Start & Stop Times for Split Time Entry (07/11/2023)

When you split a time entry in the Company level Timesheets tool, an additional timecard entry is automatically created with the remaining hours of the original timecard. You can continue to add entries to match the work performed as long as the Total Time of the original timecard entry remains the same. See Reallocate Timecard Entry Hours for an Employee.

Employee ID Column and Filter (10/10/2023)

Procore has added an Employee ID column and filter to Company level Timesheets. You can choose to show or hide the column. With the Employee ID field, you can more easily select the correct employee if there are employees with the same name. Additionally, you can filter by 'Employee ID' and select 'None' to identify if there are employees that need an employee ID added to match your payroll solution. See Customize the Column Display in the Company Level Timesheets Tool.

Improved Export for QuickBooks® 2022 and After (28/04/2023)

Procore has updated the export files for QuickBooks® Desktop to improve the experience for customers importing their time entries into an upgraded version of QuickBooks® Desktop. Configure your Company Timesheets Payroll Settings based on your QuickBooks® Desktop version. After you Export Timecard Entries from Procore, you can seamlessly Import Procore Time Entries into QuickBooks® Desktop.

Default Cost Types for Timecards and New Defaults for ERP Synced Projects (20/03/2023)

Procore has updated the default cost type for time entries so that time entries more seamlessly connect with your projects' work breakdown structure so that they can display in your budget.

Additionally, Procore is introducing a new setting so that you can define what ERP synced cost types to apply to timecards on your ERP integrated projects so that they can seamlessly integrate with your ERP system. Learn more in this Announcement.

Workforce Planning (Company Level)

New Layout for the Project List (05/09/2024)

The Project List page has an updated layout. The new layout is faster and requires fewer clicks to take action. See the 'Manage Projects' section in Workforce Planning User Guide.

Create a Labour Plan (11/07/2024)

Creating a labour plan helps to visualise you labour and forecasting needs and allows you to simplify project setup by bulk creating workforce requests. You can create a labour plan from the Project Details and Assignments Gantt. After you have created your labour plan and filled your workforce requests, you can make adjustments to your plan by shifting your project or using the Assignments Gantt. See Create a Labour Plan.

Support for Tags from System of Record (05/06/2024)

Tags for people and projects are supported when passing data from your system of record to Workforce Planning. See Workforce Planning Data Mapping.

Read Receipts for Messages sent in Workforce Planning (03/06/2024)

Read receipts are available for messages sent to an individual in Workforce Planning. To be marked as 'Read', the message needs to be opened by the recipient either on the Procore web app, or LabourChart mobile app. See View Read Receipts for Messages.

Faster Project Sync for Workforce Planning(30/05/2024)

For companies that have Workforce Planning as the system of record for project data, data syncing to the Portfolio tool is now immediate. When you make updates in the Project List in the Workforce Planning tool, data will sync immediately to the company's Portfolio tool. On average, syncs will take less than one minute. Previously, data synced once every hour. See What is Data Syncing in Workforce Planning?

Faster People Sync for workforce Planning (28/05/2024)

When you make updates in the People List in the Workforce Planning tool, data will sync immediately to the company's Directory tool. On average, syncs will take less than one minute. Previously, data synced once every hour. See What is Data Syncing in Workforce Planning?

New Layout for Time Off List (06/05/2024)

The Time Off List has a new layout. The new layout is faster, requires fewer clicks to take action and includes improved sorting and filtering. See the 'Time Off' section in Workforce Planning User Guide.

New Side-by-Side Layout on the Assignment Boards (30/04/2024)

You can now configure your Assignment Boards to show projects in two columns, increasing the number of projects you can see on the page. See View the Assignment Boards.

Custom Fields on the Totals Page (04/04/2024)

You can now filter by custom fields on for people on the Totals Dashboard. This change gives you greater flexibility when viewing your assignments and requests on the Totals Dashboard. See Search and Filter the Totals Dashboard.

View Synced People and Projects (28/02/2024)

On the People and Project List, you can now add a column to see what people and projects are synced to Procore. The 'Linked to Project Directory' or 'Linked to Procore Project' are visible when configuring your column view for those pages. See View the People List and Configure View for the Projects List.

Shift Project Dates for a Future Project (01/02/2024)

Workforce Planning gives you the ability to edit future active or pending projects that are delayed or will begin sooner than planned. When using the Shift Project option, you can enter the new start date and any associated assignments and requests are shifted by the same duration and in the same direction in time. See Shift Project Dates for a Future Project.

Filter the Totals Dashboard by Job Title (30/11/2023)

The Job Title filter has been added to the totals page, allowing you to see totals by job title. See Search and Filter the Totals Dashboard.

View Time Off in the Totals Dashboard (28/11/2023)

You can now view Time Off in the Totals Dashboard in the 1-8 week views. See View the Totals Dashboard.

Project Role Dynamic Tokens for Default Assignment Alerts (09/26/2023)

Procore has added dynamic tokens for project roles in assignment alerts. Dynamic tokens are place holders that are filled with information from the project's details. When creating default assignment alerts, you can include information about the people with roles on the project including their name, role, email address and phone number. See Configure Default Assignment Alerts for Workforce Planning.

 Start and End Filters on Time Off List (09/12/2023)

Procore has added new start and end date filters to the Time Off List. See Search, Sort, and Filter the Time Off List.

Resource Bench Automatically Refreshes on Assignment Boards (09/06/2023)

When making an assignment Assignment Boards page, the resource bench now automatically refreshes when you click Save or Save and Alert. See Create a Workforce Assignment.

New Filters on the Time Off List (09/05/2023)

The Time Off List now only shows current or future time off for active users. You can use the new 'Past Time Off' filter to see time off that has already taken place, and the new Person Status filter to see time off for inactive users. See Search, Sort, and Filter the Time Off List.

If data syncing is enabled between Procore Core tools and Workforce Planning, there is now a link between the person's profile in Workforce Planning and the Company directory. When you click the link in Workforce Planning, you will be taken to the person's profile in the Company level Directory. See View People Details in Workforce Planning.

View Time Off In Line with Assignments on the Gantt View (29/08/2023)

When viewing projects on the Assignments Gantt, you can see time off in line with assignments. When a user has multiple assignments on the Gantt Project view, time off will display across all the user's assignments. PDF exports, both portrait and landscape, now show time off when exporting from the Gantt Project view. See View the Assignments Gantt and Export the Assignments Gantt.

Project-specific Assignment Board and Gantt Views (25/08/2023)

You can now navigate to a project-specific Assignment Board or Gantt view when viewing the project details. See View the Assignments Boards and View the Assignments Gantt.

Sort Assignments List by Any Column (21/08/2023)

You can now sort the Assignments List by any column. See Sort and Filter the Workforce Assignments List.

New Employee Information on Look Ahead Report (08/08/2023)

State/Province information is now available in the Look Ahead Report, helping you better understand the location of your employees. See Export the Availability Look Ahead Report.

New Information on Assignments Gantt (25/07/2023) 

When viewing the Assignments Gantt page, you can now see project information, such as daily start and end times, project tags, and wage override information. Additionally, you can configure your Gantt page settings to display job titles and filter for job title as well. See View the Assignments Gantt and Search and Filter the Assignments Gantt.

Project Level

Action Plans (Project Level)

references update to action plans (03/09/2024)

When creating an Action Plan, the references section now has two action buttons: "Add Document" and "Add Procore Item." This update will help improve the organisation of Action Plan references while also allowing increased documentation storage. See Create an Action Plan

New Templates for action plans (29/01/2024)

When creating an action plan, you can simplify your processes by using Procore's new action plan templates. These templates enable you to act without the administrative hassle of starting from scratch. Read the Announcement to learn more.

Updates to Requested Record File Selector (16/01/2024)

When adding requested attachments for action plan items, you can now add attachments from the following Procore tools: Photos, Drawings, and Forms. Additionally, when photos are requested, you can now add photos directly from Procore's Photos tool. These updates provide additional flexibility to add attachments and photos directly from Procore. See Add Records to Action Plan Items.

Make Bulk Edits to Items in Action Plan Templates (28/08/2023)

When creating or editing an action plan template, you can make bulk changes to items within your plan. Mark the checkboxes for the items you want edit, then choose how you want to update the item. Read the Announcement to learn more and see Create and Edit a Project Level Action Plan Template and Create a Company Level Action Plan Template.


Users can now configure fields in the General Information section of Action Plans. Additionally, you can create Custom Fields for Action Plans, such as Company, Location, and Date and Time. Lastly, Procore has added the ability to organise Custom Fields into sections on Action Plans.  See Create New Custom Fields, Which fields in the Action Plans tool can be configured as required, optional, or hidden? and What are custom sections and which Procore tools support them?

Bulk Edit Items within Action Plans (22/05/2023)

When creating or editing an action plan, you can make bulk changes to items within your plan. For example, you can bulk edit due dates, item statuses, and acceptance criteria. You can also replace assignees. To learn more, read the Announcement and tutorials to Create an Action Plan and Edit an Action Plan.

Add Observations as References and Records (08/05/2023)

Procore has added the ability to add observations as references and records when creating action plans. Now, reviewing and providing observations is a seamless part of the quality review process for Action Plans. Read the Announcement and tutorials to Create an Action Plan and Perform an Action Plan.

Add Meetings as a Reference (01/05/2023)

Procore has added the ability to provide meetings as a reference when creating action plans. Read the Announcement and tutorial to Create an Action Plan.

Add Forms as References and Records (26/04/2023)

Procore has added the ability to provide forms as a reference when creating action plans. Additionally, you can request completed forms as records as a part of an item’s completion. Read the Announcement and tutorials to Create an Action Plan and Perform an Action Plan.

Add Meetings as Records (04/06/2023)

Procore has added the ability to request and add a Meeting as a record when creating and performing Action Plans, ensuring quality within your workflow. Read the Announcement and tutorials to Create an Action Plan and Perform an Action Plan.

Progress Bar for Plan Items (04/06/2023)

Procore has added a progress bar to Action Plans so that you can easily see each plan's overall progress. Read the Announcement and tutorials to View an Action Plan and Perform an Action Plan.

Filter Action Plan Items (03/08/2023)

Procore has added the ability to filter Plan Items within an individual Action Plan. Filter by record and reference types, due date, assignee, verification method or record type. To learn how, see Search and Filter Action Plan Items.

Action Plan Items Now show in 'My Open Items' (17/02/2023)

Procore has updated the Company level Portfolio tool and the Project level Home page so that the 'My Open Items' area now displays Action Plan information. This information comes from the Project level Action Plans tool. New Action Plan Items will automatically appear in 'My Open Items' and existing Items will appear by re-publishing the plan or updating the individual Item. See Announcement.

Item Level Status (02/13/2023)

Procore has added statuses to individual Action Plan items, making it easy to track their progress and the overall progress of the Action Plan. See Action Plans: Item Level Status.

Add Records Not Originally Requested (02/13/2023)

Procore has added the ability to add and fulfill records requests on Action Plans that are already in progress, even if those records were not originally requested. See Action Plans: Add Records Not Originally Requested.

Copy Action Plan Sections and Items (01/02/2023)

Procore has added the option to copy sections and individual items on Action Plans and Action Plan Templates. This allows Procore users to work more efficiently by filling out Action Plans without needing to re-enter repeated information more than once. See Action Plans: Copy Sections and Items in an Action Plan or Template.

ADD Submittals AS REFERENCES AND RECORDS (01/02/2023)

Procore has added the ability to add Submittals as references and records when creating action plans. Now, Submittals are a seamless part of the quality review process for Action Plans. See Announcement.

Admin (Project Level)

NEW locations experience (01/08/2024) 

A new Locations experience is now in phased release and will gradually become available to all accounts over the coming weeks. This new experience is designed to leverage the latest AI technology to automatically create a tiered list of locations based on your project's architectural drawings. To learn more about the new Locations experience, see About Locations.

Tendering (Project Level)

Invite Canadian Businesses on the Procore Construction Network to Tender (31/07/2024)

Users can invite Canadian businesses to tender on their projects using the Tendering tool. See Add Tenderers from the Procore Construction Network to a Tender Form.

Tender Form Name Auto Suggestion (31/05/2024)

When creating or editing tender forms, you will be given name suggestions based on your company's configured trades and cost codes. If trades have not been configured for your company, a list of industry standard trades will be generated instead. Clicking on the suggested name will add it to the text field automatically. You may also choose to ignore name suggestions and use your own name. See Create a Tender Form.

blind Tendering Controls (15/05/2024)

You can now assign a Blind Tendering Manager to a tender package with blind tendering enabled. The Blind Tendering Manager will have the option to show and hide submitted tenders inside of a tender package. They will also receive an email notification upon the creation of a tender package. Actions associated with blind tendering are also recorded in the change history of the tender package. These include: Blind tendering being turned on or off and blind tendering managers being assigned, removed or replaced. See Show or Hide Blind Tenders on a Tender Package.

Import Sections on Tender Forms (22/03/2024)

You can now import sections when importing tender forms to Procore. Sections are also useful if you want to send one tender form out to a company that covers multiple trades, since you can add each trade name as its own section with the relevant line items. See Import Tender Forms to the Tendering Tool.

Copy a tender Package (18/03/2024)

After you create a new tender package, you can copy tender forms from previous tender packages to the new one. You can choose which tender forms to copy and if you want to copy both tenderers and line items to the new tender package. See Copy Tender Forms from a Previous Tender Package.

Note: This feature is only available for tender packages created after this date. 

Trade Filter (14/03/2024)

Two new filters are available for you to filter tender forms. You can now filter tender forms by 'Bid Form' and 'Directory Trade'. See Search for and Filter Companies to Add to a Tender Form.

Tender Form Sections (01/02/2024)

In projects using Tender Management Enhanced Experience, you can now add sections to tender forms. See Create a Tender Form

Sections provide greater flexibility and better organisation for line items. Sections are also useful if you want to send one tender form out to a company that covers multiple trades, since you can add each trade name as its own section with the relevant line items. 

Note: This feature is only available for tender packages created after this date. 

Search Tenderers on a Tender Package (16/01/2024)

For projects using Tender Management Enhanced Experience, a search bar has been added to the Tendering tab of tender packages so that you can quickly find specific tenderers on your tender list. You can search by company name or tender recipient name and partial searches are supported. See Filter and Sort Tendering Information

Invite Paying Procore Customers to Tender Using the Procore Construction Network (04/12/2023)

In projects using the new Tender Management experience, you can now invite paying Procore companies to tender, giving you access to even broader collaborator network. See Add Tenderers from the Procore Construction Network to a Tender Form.

Flexible Response types for Tender Forms (09/10/2023)

Instead of being restricted to one accounting method for an entire tender package, you now have the flexibility to choose an accounting method for each line item in the new 'Field Response Type' column on tender forms. See Create a Tender Form

As part of this release, new projects using Tender Management Enhanced Experience no longer have separate accounting method settings for tender packages. See How do I set the accounting method for tenders?

General Items and CSV Import Features now available for ERP Integrated Accounts (13/09/2023)

Users in accounts that are ERP integrated can now add general items to tender forms and create tender forms from CSV imports. See Import Tender Forms to the Tendering ToolCreate a Tender Form, and Do I need to use cost codes on a tender form? 

Create Tender Forms from a csv import (03/08/2023)

You can now create multiple tender forms at once by filling out and uploading a CSV file template. See Import Tender Forms to the Tendering Tool. You can choose to download a template with cost codes or a blank template without cost codes. 

Add General Items to a Tender Form (22/06/2023)

You can now add general items without cost codes by using the new 'Plain Text' option for line items. See Create a Tender Form and Do I need to use cost codes on a tender form? This allows more flexibility for defining and controlling tender scope. 

Tender Management Enhanced Experience (27/03/2023)

Procore has officially released Tender Management Enhanced Experience, a streamlined experience for managing tenders in the Tendering tool. See About Tender Management Enhanced Experience. This experience includes features such as tender forms, tender levelling and an integration with the Procore Construction Network.

Budget (Project Level)

View Labour Productivity Tracking with Flexible Work Breakdown Structure (17/06/2024)

You can leverage flexible Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) when budgeting the resource hours and associated cost as well as a production plan based on units to install for production quantities. Flexible WBS allows your team to budget, track time and units installed in Timesheets and report at the right level of granularity, for an enhanced real time labour productivity cost Budget View. See Field Productivity and Project Financials: Setup Guide.

New Configuration Setting for Automatic Change Event Creation (13/05/2024)

A configuration setting has been added to the Budget tool that will allow users the choice to turn off the automatic creation of new change events when budget changes are required to have change event association. When the new setting is turned on, budget change adjustments without a manually selected change event line item association will trigger the automatic creation of a new change event when saved. When it is turned off, budget changes cannot be saved without associating a change event line item to each adjustment.

Change Events (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Variations (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Commitments (Project Level)


Subcontractor progress claims have a new warning banner that will appear when retention is released. The banner will appear from the Schedule of Values (SOV) card once retention amount is entered and released. See Set or Release Retention on a Subcontractor Progress Claim.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Extended The Legacy Subcontractor Progress Claim Experience Date (26/01/2023) 

The option to switch between the beta and legacy subcontractor progress claim experience has been extended to September 2023. The previously announced end date for using the legacy experience was February 2023. Now, in September 2023, the ability to exit the beta experience will be removed and the legacy experience will no longer be available in Procore. To learn more about each experience, see Financial Management: New Admin & Collaborator Views for Subcontractor Invoicing.

Custom Fields now visible in commitments List view (05/01/2023) 

Users can now see custom fields in the commitments list view table. Users can now view, filter and sort by custom fields in the list view. 

Co-ordination Issues (Project Level)

Co-ordination Issues Available In The Documents Plugin for Autodesk® (07/05/2024)

You can now view and manage co-ordination issues in Revit® when using the Documents Plugin for Autodesk®. Some of the actions you can perform include opening co-ordination issues in Revit®, making updates, adding comments and clicking issues to see their locations within the model. See Getting Started Guide: Documents Plugin for Autodesk®

Import co-ordination issues from a bcf file (17/01/2024) 

Procore has added a new import feature to the Co-ordination Issues tool that allows you to create co-ordination issues directly from a BCF file. See Import Co-ordination Issues from a BCF File. If you use the Models tool on the project, you can choose to associate the issues with a specific model for easy reference. 

Correspondence (Project Level)

new Correspondence notification options for removing users and Editing ITEMs  (12/09/2024)

To improve transparency and data integrity, the Correspondence tool has two new notification options: 1) "Item Updated" sends a notification to the user roles enabled in the Correspondence email matrix when an "Open" Correspondence item is edited and 2) "User Removed" sends a notification to the user removed from a correspondence item's "Assignee", "Distribution" or "Received From" fields if the particular user role associated to those fields has this notification enabled in the Correspondence email matrix. These features are available for all accounts via a project's Configure Settings. For email notification details, see Who receives correspondence item emails and push notifications?

Improvements to Item Layout, Loading icon and close date (05/09/2024)

The Correspondence tool has the following three improvements when viewing an item:

  • Fieldset layout: Correspondence items now display in a four-column layout instead of a three-column layout.  This provides a consistent experience across Procore tools.

  • Loading spinner: Previously, when clicking either the ‘Save as Draft’ or ‘Create & Issue’ button, both of the buttons displayed a loading spinner, but now only the button that was clicked shows a loading spinner. 

  • Item close date: When a Correspondence item is closed, the date now appears next to the ‘Status’ field on the item view page. 

enhancements to custom statuses in Correspondence (25/06/2024)

Procore users have two new custom status mapping options for correspondence items: ‘Closed - Unsuccessful’ and ‘Closed - Successful’. Both options close an item, but 'Closed - Successful' results in a green status and 'Closed - Unsuccessful' in red to show that the issue was not approved or completed. Two separate categories for closed items allows for more detailed reporting.

In addition, users utilising the Workflows tool can now associate a Correspondence custom status to a workflow step’s Item Status. For example, custom statuses mapped to ‘Closed - Successful’ will be available for successful End Steps and custom statuses mapped to ‘Closed - Unsuccessful’ will be available for unsuccessful End Steps.  This improves progress tracking by allowing more accuracy in associating statuses with workflow steps. 

custom statuses used in Correspondence items and workflows cannot be deleted (25/06/2024)

To preserve data integrity, custom statuses that are used in a correspondence item or a correspondence workflow cannot be deleted. See Manage Custom Statuses for Correspondence Types.

Linking Items is Now separate from Correspondence Fieldset (17/06/2024)

The Correspondence tool has a new way of linking an origin correspondence and origin RFI to a correspondence item. Instead of of adding them while creating an item, Procore's new Link button helps users select the correct origin items. The origin items then show up in the Links section of the correspondence item. This centralises all linking and improves the user experience. See Link an Origin Correspondence Item or Origin RFI to an Existing Correspondence Item

Creating and linking new correspondence, RFI or change events to a correspondence item still works the same and can also be accessed via the new Link button.  See Create and Link an RFI, Change Event or a Different Correspondence Item to an Existing Correspondence Item.

'Closed' status prevents responses (03/05/2024)

Procore users can no longer add responses to correspondence items with a 'Closed' status or a custom status that is mapped to 'Closed'. This reduces the possibility of missed information. 

Correspondence Tool included in Procore starter packs (22/04/2024)

The Correspondence tool is now part of Procore's Starter packs for new and existing customers! Correspondence starter pack customers can create 10 correspondence types from our pre-built templates. See Create a New Correspondence Type and reach out to your Procore point of contact to learn more. 

Visual Updates to Correspondence Item Pages (10/08/2023)

Procore users now see a modernised design when viewing and editing correspondence items in the project's Correspondence tool. These updates enhance the appearance and layout of fields in the General, Related Items, Emails, Change History and Permissions tabs. Additional updates to the Related Items and Emails tabs simplify the processes of adding related items and forwarding summary information about a correspondence item via email. See Correspondence: Visual Updates to Item Pages to learn more.

Orange Lock Icon Added to 'Super Private' Items in Correspondence List (24/01/2023)

Procore has added a new orange lock icon to items that were created using 'Super Private' correspondence types to the List and Archive tabs in the project's Correspondence tool.

Site teams (Project Level)

No notable changes.

Site Diary (Project Level)

Improved Time Inputs in the Procore Web Application (20/06/2024)

Procore has added the ability to input time entries on logs in precise hour and minute increments in the web application. Previously, input for time entries on items could only be entered in five (5) minute increments.  

New Granular Permission for Collaborators (17/10/2023)

Procore has added a new granular permission for the Site Diary tool that allows collaborators to see site diary entries made by other collaborators at their same company. Learn more by reading the announcement or see What granular permissions are available for the project's Site Diary tool?


Direct Costs (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Directory (Project Level)

Save Companies from the Procore Construction Network to your Directory (14/05/2024)

When adding companies to your Project Directory, you can save businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network instead of creating them manually. By saving these connected companies, we are making it easier for you to connect with businesses already in Procore so you can use new collaboration features as they become available. See Add a Company to the Project Directory.

Save Companies from the Procore Construction Network to your Directory (08/04/2024)

When adding companies to your Project Directory, you can save businesses listed on the Procore Construction Network instead of creating them manually. By saving these connected companies, we are making it easier for you to connect with businesses already in Procore so you can use new collaboration features as they become available. See Add a Company to the Project Directory.

SEarch the Company Directory When Adding a Company (27/03/2024)

When adding companies to your Project Directory, you can first search the Company Directory to find businesses your company is already working with. See Add a Company to the Project Directory.

New 'Additional Insured' Field for Companies (14/02/2024)

When adding insurance information for companies in your Directory, a new 'Additional Insured' field is available. Add a free-text entry about any additional insured entities for the Certificate of Insurance (COI). See Add Project Insurance to a Company Record in the Project Directory.

Configurable Employee Field When Creating New Users (10/18/2023)

When creating a new user, you can update the 'Is Employee' field to indicate if the user is an employee of your company. By default, users are not marked as employees, making it easy to add collaborators. If you do not want to show this field, you can create or edit the configurable fieldset for the Directory to hide the field. Hiding the field also removes it from the user's detail page. Read the Announcement for more details.

New Fields when Creating a User (02/10/2023)

New fields have been added when creating a user in the Project and Company level Directories. You now need to select whether the user is an employee of your company, and select the company the user belongs to. This will ensure better data accuracy in your directory. See Add a User Account to the Project Directory and Add a User Account to the Company Directory.

Documents (Project Level)

Automatic Processing of 3D Model Files for Procore BIM Customers (20/02/2024)

3D Model files in the Documents tool are now processed automatically in Procore accounts that have the BIM product. See View and Download 3D Models in the Documents Tool.

Support for 3d DWG Model Files (12/12/2023) 

Procore now supports the ability to upload, process, and view 3D DWG files in the Documents tool. See View and Download 3D Models in the Documents Tool.

Support for IFC Model Files (10/04/2023) 

Procore has added support for viewing and downloading Industry Foundation Class (.ifc) model files in the Documents tool. See View and Download 3D Models in the Documents Tool.

Export OBject Data From a Model (13/03/2023) 

Procore has added a feature that allows you to export object data from a model file in the project's Documents tool. See Export Object Data from a Model File. After the export is complete, you will receive an email with a CSV file that contains the data.

Drawings (Project Level)

Generate and Print QR Codes for Drawings (20/05/2024)

You can generate QR codes for your project's drawings and print them to post them at a worksite. Users can scan the QR Code with the Procore Mobile app and view the drawing on their mobile device. See Generate and Print QR Codes for DrawingsScan a QR Code (Android), and Scan a QR Code (iOS).

More Precise Measurements on Drawing Markups (07/10/2023)

Measurement markups added to drawings will now show fractions of measurements within a precision of 1/32. See Add Measurements to a Drawing. These measurements can be viewed on all Procore applications (Web, iOS, and Android), and on drawings that have been downloaded as PDFs with markup. See Download Drawings.

Note: This change does not affect existing drawing measurement markups created before July 10, 2023.

Advanced Option for Detecting Revisions After Underscores in Drawing Numbers (08/05/2023)

Procore has updated an advanced option in the Upload Drawings modal to allow revisions to be pulled from drawing numbers with underscores (_). See Upload Drawing Revisions. The 'Contains Revision' checkbox has been changed to a 'Drawing No. Contains Revision' drop-down menu, where you can now select if drawing numbers contain revisions or not and if the revisions are after the last decimal or the last underscore.

Note: As part of this update, the 'Drawing Revision' field under Advanced Options was renamed to 'Default Revision'.

Emails (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Estimating (Project Level)

Unit of measure restriction removed from cost catalogue (19/04/2023)

Unit of measure options are now available for cataitem types in the Estimating tool. Previously, 'each' was the only measurement option. Cost Catalogue Excel templates have also been updated. See Add Items to a Cost Catalogue

add 3D takeoffs (04/04/2023)

Procore has released a 3D takeoff feature that allows you to add takeoffs directly on Revit® files. See Add 3D Model Takeoffs. As you might have both drawings and models on a project, this feature allows you to use both sources of information within the Estimating tool to perform takeoffs and create estimates more efficiently based on your workflow.

Group by requested tender items (15/03/2023)

This Estimating tool feature is only available for tenders sent with tender forms as part of the new Tender Management Enhanced Experience. Grouping by Requested Tender Item allows you to organise tender items by scope of work. See Add an Estimate.

Unit of Measurement Drop-Down Menu added For takeoffs(15/03/2023)

A drop-down menu with unit of measurement options is now available when creating takeoffs within the Estimating tool. See Add Takeoffs.

ability to import bill of materials(06/03/2023)

This feature can be used to import external bill of materials information from a previous source into a new project. Previously, only pricing information of existing projects could be updated and imported within the Estimating tab. See Add an Estimate.

ability to merge estimates (19/01/2023)

If you have multiple estimates and variations that you would like to merge into one estimate, you can now use the merge feature. This allows you to combine the group items of multiple estimates and variations into one single estimate without deleting the original estimate. See Merge Estimates.

New 'cost code' column on the estimating tab(17/01/2023)

Procore has added a new 'Cost Code' column to the Estimating tab to allow you to quickly select a cost code for a line item. Previously, cost codes could only be selected through the Edit Item menu. See Edit an Estimate.

Automated area Takeoff for Roofing plans (20/10/2022)

The Automated Area Takeoff feature now includes Roofing as an option, which will allow you to run automated area detection for roofing plans. See Run Automated Area Takeoffs.

Edit and Replace Parts in Assemblies (13/10/2022)

You can now edit and replace cost catalogue item assembly parts in the Estimating tool, which helps to ensure that you can assign proper prices, description, cost codes to material parts. This is especially beneficial for "virtual" parts created under takeoffs (paint, surface area, weight, etc.) that don't have a material assigned. See Edit an Estimate.

Surface Area Parameter Added for Area / Volume TakeOffs (11/10/2022)

You can now select 'Surface Area' as an additional parameter for Area or Volume takeoffs. See Add Area or Volume Takeoffs. When Surface Area is selected, you can choose to include all sides, the top or bottom. The Surface Area information for the takeoff will be reflected on the relevant estimate in the Estimating tab.

Automated area Takeoff for concrete plans (15/08/2022)

As a follow-up to Procore's recent Automated Area Takeoff release for floor plans, you can now run automated area detection for concrete. See Run Automated Area Takeoffs.

Automated area Takeoff for Floor plans (03/06/2022)

Procore has added a new Automated Area Takeoff feature for the Takeoff tab in the Estimating tool. See Run Automated Area Takeoffs (or see this tutorial for the standalone Procore Estimating application).

Instead of needing to manually trace outlines of each room while adding a takeoff on a floor plan, you can now click one button to have Procore run a room detection across one or multiple drawings. After the detection is complete, you can select all the detected areas for a drawing at once or select specific rooms individually. This feature significantly helps to save time and improve efficiency during the takeoff and estimating process.

New Circle Mode for area Takeoffs (01/06/2022)

Procore has added a new 'Circle mode' that can be used on area takeoffs in the Estimating tool. With the Circle tool, you can quickly and easily add circular takeoffs as needed. See Add Area or Volume Takeoffs.

Global Estimating Settings Moved to the Company Level Admin Tool (01/04/2022)

To be more consistent with how default tool settings are managed for projects in Procore, the global settings for Estimating projects have been moved to the Company level Admin tool. See Configure Default Estimating Settings. The measurement unit can still be changed in a project's Estimating tool as needed. See Configure Settings: Estimating.

New 'Bid' Tab in the Estimating Tool (15/02/2022)

A new 'Bid' tab has been added to the Estimating tool in Procore. This is the same tender page that would load after clicking 'Show Tender'. See Generate Tender Estimates.

Copy or Move Groups to Other Estimates (03/02/2022)

You can now copy or move groups from the Estimating or Takeoff tabs to other estimates in the project. See Copy or Move a Group to Another Estimate.

'Weeks' and 'Months' Now Available for Labour Cost Catalogue Item Type (02/02/2022)

In addition to Minutes, Hours and Days, you can now use Weeks and Months to measure labour. See Add Items to a Cost Catalogue.

New 'EPD URL' Field for Catalaog Item Details (31/01/2022)

A 'EPD url' field has been added to the Catalog Details section of a cost catalogue item. See Add Items to a Cost Catalogue. 'EPD' is used for environmental declarations that are published online.

Forms (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Home (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Incidents (Project Level)

No notable changes.

Inspections (Project Level)

Inspections field accountability value release (15/07/2024)

You can now do the following with inspection line items: require a photo and/or observation based on selected responses, add references such as drawings, photos, forms and more and lastly, you can now add signatures to an inspection line item. These updates to the Inspections tool focus on enhancing flexibility, granularity and accountability.

inspections alphanumeric numbering (23/02/2024)

You can now add letters and special characters to inspection numbers when creating or editing an inspection. This will enhance your ability to efficiently find and identify inspections. See Create a Project Level Inspection for details. 

Instructions (Project Level)

Invoicing (Project Level)

Beta Automated Movement of Stored Materials on Progress Claims (12/08/2024)

Procore implemented a configuration that, when enabled, automatically moves Stored Materials balances to the Work Completed from Previous Application column on the next progress claim created. This configuration applied to both Owner and Subcontractor Progress Claims. To access the new stored materials functionality, teams must join the Closed Beta program for Automated Movement of Stored Materials. For information, contact your Procore point of contact. To learn more, see About Stored Materials.

Beta Bill for stored materials on unit/quantity-based Contracts (15/08/2024)

Teams participating in the Owner Progress Claim and Subcontractor Progress Claim Beta programs can now bill for stored materials using the ‘Unit/Quantity-Based’ accounting method. Billing for stored materials on progress claims helps contractors recover costs and ensures accurate documentation by differentiating between installed and stored materials. To access the new stored materials functionality, teams must join the Closed Beta program for Unit/Quantity-Based contracts for each progress claim type. For information, contact your Procore point of contact. To learn how to use the functionality, see About Stored Materials on Progress Claims.

Include Procore Pay Lien Waivers in Subcontractor Progress Claim Backups (12/08/2024)

Procore has updated the Project level Invoicing tool for payors using Procore Pay. Now, when compiling a subcontractor progress claim backup, the system includes any first- and sub-tier lien waivers in the downloadable PDF backup file. This enhancement streamlines documentation, providing comprehensive proof of payment and supporting documents need to efficiently resolve non-payment disputes. See Compile Subcontractor Progress Claim Backups with the Invoicing Tool

Improved File Names for Subcontractor Progress Claim Backup PDFs (12/08/2024)

Whenever a user compiles a subcontractor progress claim backup, Procore sends the user an email when the file is ready to download. Before this update, Procore always named the backup file "subcontractor_invoice_backup.pdf". To improve clarity and ease of identification, Procore now automatically appends the project name, project number, date and time of the compile in the file name. For an example, see Compile Subcontractor Progress Claim Backups with the Invoicing Tool

Improved Sorting in Subcontractor Progress Claim Backup PDFs (06/08/2024)

When compiling subcontractor progress claim backups, Procore now sorts progress claims by 'Contract #' in ascending order. It also applies a secondary sort by 'Invoice Position' number. This improves the clarity and organisation of the progress claims included in the downloadable backup file. To learn more, see Compile Subcontractor Progress Claim Backups with the Invoicing Tool

Variation Titles Now Display on Owner Progress Claim PDFs (25/07/2024)

Now, when you export owner progress claim PDFs, you will see the complete titles of your variations, not just the numbers, bringing clarity and ease to your invoicing process. Before exporting, simply apply the Head Contract VariationPotential Variation, or Variation Request options to the Schedule of Values using the 'Select Groups to Display' menu for both the 'Industry Standard' and 'Custom Configuration' column views. To learn more, see Export Head Contract Progress Claim.

Improved Subtotals Display on Owner Progress Claim PDFs (22/07/2024)

To enhance the consistency and clarity of continuation sheets on exported owner progress claim PDFs, Procore updated group subtotals to appear at the bottom of each group, instead of at the top within the row group heading. Additionally, any extra groupings were also displayed at the bottom, aligning with industry expectations for a cleaner, more organised presentation. To learn how to export an owner progress claim, see Export Head Contract Progress Claim.

Beta Prefill Owner Progress Claim Retention Amounts on Head Contract Progress Claim (16/07/2024)

For users participating in the Owner Progress Claim Beta program, you can now automatically populate retention amounts from subcontractor progress claims. The owner progress claim prefill feature reduces manual entry and ensures accurate entry of held and released retention amounts. To learn more, see How does Procore automatically complete amounts on an owner progress claim? (Beta) and Create Head Contract Progress Claim (Beta).

Updated Export > PDF with Attachments Option for Subcontractor Progress Claims (24/05/2024)

Procore has updated the Export > PDF with Attachments menu option to download the compiled PDF file with attachments directly to your computer. Before the update, Procore send the PDF to you by email when the progress claim and attachments were ready. To learn more, see Export a Subcontractor Progress Claim.


When you create a new owner progress claim, the row groups on the new progress claim's Schedule of Values now mirror the user's most recent groupings from the previous progress claim. This consistency makes data entry easier, especially when users create new progress claims for progress payments. To learn how to create a progress claim, see Create Head Contract Progress Claim


For users on the modernised owner progress claim experience, Procore has updated its progress claim numbering system. Users can now create a customised numbering scheme that automatically increments to the next number in the sequence when creating future progress claims. To learn more, see Can I customise the numbering system for financial objects in Procore?

Budget Changes on Owner Invoicing (13/05/2024)

Budget Changes is now available on owner invoicing. The highly-anticipated feature allows clients to directly include approved budget changes in head contract progress claim, improving transparency with the use of contingency funds. Users can simplify their billing process and reduce the need for separate Head Contract Variations. This feature is only available for clients that are opted into the Modernised Owner Progress Claim Experience and are migrated to the new Budget Changes tool. To learn more, see About Budget Changes on Head Contract Progress Claim.

improved navigation for schedule of values (19/04/2024)

When modifying a cell in the Schedule of Values table, users can now input content and easily move to the next cell after completing updates. 

Head Contract Progress Claim added to Workflows Open Beta (13/03/2024)

Head Contract Progress Claim has been added to the list of tools supported by the self-serve workflows open beta. See Best Practices for Creating an Owner Progress Claim Workflow.


Subcontractor progress claims have a new warning banner that will appear when retention is released. The banner will appear from the Schedule of Values (SOV) card once retention amount is entered and released. See Set or Release Retention on a Subcontractor Progress Claim.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Extended The Legacy Subcontractor Progress Claim Experience Date (26/01/2023) 

The option to switch between the beta and legacy subcontractor progress claim experience has been extended to September 2023. The previously announced end date for using the legacy experience was February 2023. Now, in September 2023, the ability to exit the beta experience will be removed and the legacy experience will no longer be available in Procore. To learn more about each experience, see Financial Management: New Admin & Collaborator Views for Subcontractor Invoicing.

Meetings (Project Level)


Procore's Meetings tool now allows you to filter the 'List' view of your meetings by the template field. See Search and Filter Meetings to learn more. 

Models (Project Level)

Point to Point Measurement for Models on the Procore iOS App (20/02/2024)

A new 'Point to Point' option has been added to the Measure tool for models on the Procore iOS app. See Measure Distances on a Model (iOS).

Note: This feature is available on the Procore iOS version 2024.0212 and later.

New ‘Isolate in Section Box’ Option in the Model Viewer (23/10/2023)

You can now isolate an object in a section box within the model viewer on Procore’s web application. See Use the Section Tool on a Model.  

Create Co-ordination Issues from a Model in the Web Viewer (17/07/2023)

You can now create an issue directly from the Issues side panel in the model viewer on Procore's web application without needing to navigate to the Co-ordination Issues tool. See Create a Co-ordination Issue in the Model Viewer. This allows you to quickly create issues in the context of the model. 

New Section Box Tool in the Web Viewer (17/07/2023)

A sectioning feature has been added to the model viewer in Procore's web application. See Use the Section Tool on a Model. The Section Box tool allows you to visualise and analyse the internal structure of a building (such as the placement of pipes, ducts, and electrical systems). This helps to identify potential clashes or conflicts between different systems before construction begins.

Object Search Enhancements (17/07/2023)

You can now search for a specific object name to automatically apply it as a filter to see all results for the object in the model. See View a Model. All objects beneath the filtered object are automatically included, but you can choose to hide or show objects as necessary.

Edit the Status of a Co-ordination Issue in the side Panel (01/05/2023)

The Co-ordination Issues side panel in the model viewer on Procore's web application now allows you to edit the status of a co-ordination issue. See Edit a Co-ordination Issue in the Model Viewer

Observations (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Photos (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Head Contracts (Project Level)

improved navigation for schedule of values (19/04/2024)

When modifying a cell in the Schedule of Values table, users can now input content and easily move to the next cell after completing updates. 

Head Contract Progress Claim added to Workflows Open Beta (13/03/2024)

Head Contract Progress Claim has been added to the list of tools supported by the self-serve workflows open beta. See Best Practices for Creating an Owner Progress Claim Workflow.

Custom Fields now visible in Head Contract List view (05/01/2023) 

Users can now see custom fields within the head contract list view table. Users can now view, filter, and sort by custom fields in the list view.

Defect List (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Reports (Project Level)

Enhanced Reporting for Workforce Management (10/04/2023)

Procore has released various enhancements to the Company level and Project level Reports tools for reporting on Workforce Management tools. You can now report on your workforce, production and Daywork data alongside your financial information in enhanced reporting to gain insights such as labour utilization and date range production.

Enhanced Reporting allows users to create reports with data from multiple and related Procore tools on both active and inactive projects with a modern, intuitive interface.


This update will give Company Admins more control over their accounts by allowing them to edit or delete any report which has been shared with them or to which they have the report's URL. This means they will have the ability to stop and delete if needed, any recurring reports created by other users, even if those users have been removed from the account.

RFIs (Project Level)

Modernised RFI configuration settings view (22/08/2024)

The RFIs Tool Configure Settings pages have been updated with a modernised, more intuitive layout. There is no change in behaviours or capabilities.


Procore has released design and performance updates to the change history page for individual RFIs. Page navigation has been added to improve the navigation experience for RFIs with many changes.These updates provide users with a more consistent and optimised experience in Procore.

Modernised RFI Experience (22/05/2023)  

Procore has released several design and performance updates to the RFIs tool. These updates provide users with a more consistent and optimised experience when creating and viewing RFIs in Procore. Updates include changes to the RFI creation and edit screens, related items and emails tabs. See RFIs: Modernised RFIs Experience.

Program (Project Level)

New lookahead program Options (08/01/2024)

Procore has updated the project level Program tool to now give you the option to create a follow-up lookahead that only pulls tasks from your program while ignoring the previous lookahead information. Previously, Procore pulled in tasks and changes from the previous lookahead as well. See Create a Lookahead Program.

Specifications (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.

Submittals (Project Level)

Reject workflow feature: Admin users can resume paused workflows (16/09/2024)

For projects with the Reject Workflow setting enabled, Submittals tool Admins now have the ability to resume a workflow that was paused due to a rejection. Previously, only Submittal Managers could resume a paused workflow. See Enable Reject Workflows for details.

Granular Permission to Apply Workflow Template (13/08/2024)

A new granular permission for Submittals to “Apply submittal workflow templates” is available in Project Permission Templates. This new granular permission provides customers with the flexibility to allow specific users to apply workflow templates without providing Admin level access to the Submittals tool. See What granular permissions are available for the project’s Submittals tool? for details.


Company Admins can now inactivate or remove default submittal types, providing greater flexibility in managing submittals. This update helps reduce confusion and improve the accuracy of submittal categorization and reporting.

Submittals settings: Number Submittals by Spec Section (26/06/2024)

Users now have the option to enable the setting that allows Submittal numbers to be automatically appended with their respective spec section number. Previously, this feature could only be enabled by contacting Procore. Once enabled and after submittals are created for a project, we do not recommend disabling the setting as it could result in duplicate submittal numbers. See Configure Settings: Submittals Tool for details.

Submittals Workflow configuration option for 'enable reject workflows' (13/05/2024) 

Procore has released a submittals workflows configuration option called 'Enable Reject Workflows'. This feature detects when a workflow participant responds with a 'Rejected', 'Revise and Resubmit' or equivalent custom status and then automatically sets the Ball in Court to the Submittal Manager for intervention. The Submittal Manager can then resume the workflow, set ball in court back to a previous step or close and distribute (and optionally trigger a revision). When enabled, this feature impacts both active, in-progress workflows and workflows that have not yet started. See Enable Reject Workflows for details.

Submittals settings: Replace a single workflow user (15/04/2024)

Users now have the option to replace a single workflow user (Approver or Submitter). See Replace a Workflow User for details.

Calculate workflow step due dates from 'Submit by' date (15/04/2024)

When bulk applying a workflow, users now have the option to calculate the workflow step due dates from each submittals's 'Submit By' date. Previously, workflow step due dates could only be calculated from today's date.

Bulk Add and Remove Distribution List Members Across multiple Submittals (15/04/2024)

You can now add users to or remove them from, distribution lists across multiple submittals at once using bulk actions.

Submittals Workflow Table Enhancements (11/12/2023) 

Procore has updated the Submittals workflow table with multiple enhancements to improve the user interface and functionality. Ellipsis buttons have been removed and the 'Edit Response' and 'Set Ball in Court' buttons are now located under the new 'Actions' column at the right side of the workflow table. Additionally, attachments located within a submittal workflow are now able to be opened as clickable links for quicker access and viewing. 

SUBMITTALS simplified close and distribute process (14/11/2023) 

Procore has updated the steps when you close and distribute a submittal to simplify your workflow and give you additional flexibility with the information you distribute. When you click the button to 'Close and Distribute' you will complete a single form where the distribution list is automatically added to the CC field, you can choose to create a revision upon distribution, and you can select which responses, comments, and attachments to include. See Distribute a Submittal.

SUBMITTALS TOOL MODERNISED Change History (02/11/2023) 

Procore has released design and performance updates to the change history page for individual submittals. Page navigation has been added to improve the navigation experience for Submittals with many changes. These updates provide users with a more consistent and optimised experience in Procore. See View the Change History of a Submittal.

Tasks (Project Level)

Assign Tasks to Multiple Users (11/09/2024)

The Tasks tool now allows multiple users to be listed in the Assignee field for a Task. This provides more flexibility in how users collaborate on Task items to ensure items are completed on time.

MODERNISED Tasks Experience (11/07/2024)   

Procore has released several design and performance updates to the Tasks tool. These updates provide users with a more consistent and optimised experience when searching, navigating and creating Tasks, as well as when updating settings, making comments or changing the status of a task. 

Timesheets (Project Level)

Timesheet Summary (14/05/2024)

When creating or editing a timesheet, users can now see a summary of the time entered for the timesheet, as well as daily and weekly hours for the employee across all projects. This gives teams on-site visibility into total hours logged for employees, mitigating downstream impacts during the review and approval process. See About Project Timesheets and Create a Timesheet.

Configurable Break Tracking (07/19/2023)

Procore has added new lunch break tracking options to Project level Timesheets, allowing more flexibility to align with internal processes and meet local regulations. Configure your project’s lunch break settings to not track breaks or to track total break time or start and stop times. Read the Announcement and tutorials to Create Timesheets on Web, iOS and Android.

Daywork Sheets (Project Level)

No notable changes.

Transmittals (Project Level)

No recent notable changes.



Procore Analytics

Procore Data Extract

Project Financials + Acumatica Cloud ERP Connector

Project Financials + MRI Platform X® Connector

Project Financials + Sage Intacct® Connector

Project Financials + Yardi Voyager® Connector

Project Financials + CMiC Connector

Project Financials + Xero™ Connector

Project Financials + NetSuite® Connector

QuickBooks® Desktop

QuickBooks® Online

Sage 100 Contractor®

Sage 300 CRE®

Integration by Procore: Viewpoint® Spectrum®

Integration by Ryvit: Viewpoint® Vista™



New password reset flow from my profile settings (12/03/2024)

Procore has changed the way you can reset your password from 'My Profile Settings'. All passwords must now be reset via email. If you log in to Procore using Single Sign-On (SSO), this change will not impact how you log in or manage your password within your Identity Provider system (e.g., Microsoft Azure).

New IMAGE Presentation in PDF exports (01/06/2023)

Due to changes by our third-party PDF vendor, only the first 300 images that are attached to a single Procore item will display with thumbnail images in an exported PDF. Any additional images display as hyperlinks in the PDF. 

Procore Search

No recent notable changes.